Chapter 14 Leaving Me Lonely

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  I looked up a few seconds after he left, and I saw someone that moved as I looked up. It almost looked like...


I watched, and sure enough, they came back in front of the window. It was Riker, and he looked torn. I smiled at him, than he quietly knocked. I laughed a little, waving my hand for him to come in. He smirked, and opened the door. Nothing was said as he came and sat next to me. I looked out from the corner of my eye and saw him doing the same thing.

After trying to read the stack of papers Sam gave me, and constantly looking over seeing Riker watching me, I had enough. "Okay!" I slammed the paper down, officially making my word count today into the double digits. "Why so shy? I mean, can we be mature about this? Are you uncomfortable or something?"

"No, I just don't know what to say." I was shocked. Really? "I meant to say, I don't want to over step what I say."

I sighed. "Riker, can you please tell me what these papers say since I cant read?" I changed the subject.

Riker took the stack of papers, telling me what each sheet was. I lost focus half way through, I was stuck on his lips. I watched them move to every syllable coming through them. "Amy? Bab-" He cleared his throat getting my attention. "You know, I promised I would be here, but I'm not sure I can do this." He got up and left the room. A tear slipped as he turned around one more time before going out the door and walking away.


Later that evening, I was back at home. So my meeting with Sam was more like an introduction type thing. He more or less told me the rules, explained song requirements, and went over a few song ideas we would start next week. I more or less zoned in and out the whole time. Finally, the same lady from the desk walked in telling him his next appointment was here. We said goodbye and I left.

Now, I am plopped down on the couch, staring at a black television screen. I didn't know what to do with myself. I hadn't been alone at all since I got here, and right now I regretted not meeting anyone besides Riker and his family.

Toward the end of my meeting, Ross had texted me back, telling me to let him know how the meeting went, I figured now was a good of time as any.

A: Hey Ross, sorry I'm just now texting you back. Meeting went good from what I remember through fading in and out.

R: That's great. And why were you fading in and out?

A: Riker!

R: Didn't he come? I told him you still wanted him there.

A: Yeah. Thanks for that by the way. But to answer your question, there was just tension.

R: Now don't take this the wrong but both of you are being childish.

A: Excuse me? Not take it wrong? How am I supposed to take it right?

R: I just meant that I expect it from Riker, but you are more mature than him.

A: Well Ross, I have to go. I need to get ready for bed now. Good night. Tell Riker I said good-bye.

I got up, pissed at Ross now. I just don't get it. I mean, I know that's his brother, but is he neutral, or trying to make me feel to blame. I maybe sort of am to blame, by staring at his lips. Maybe I made him uncomfortable? I just don't think I can work with him.

After taking a shower and fixing a light dinner, I went back on the couch turning on the television this time. Glee was on, and I was the stupid one who decided to watch it. I ended up crying, seeing the love of my life on the screen, and turned the whole television off. I curled up in a ball when my phone vibrated. There were three new text messages.

The first was from Ross. 'I didn't mean anything by it, please don't me mad at me.' I growled, and went to the next.

It was from mom. 'How was your meeting today? Did everything go okay?' I replied: 'Yeah, my meeting with Sam went great. I'm tired, going to bed.' She immediately replied. 'Okay, tell me about it tomorrow. Tell Riker I said good night. Sweet dreams baby girl.' I didn't know what to say back, so I went to the next.

The next one was from Riker himself. 'Sorry for earlier, I just still love you. I always will, and I couldn't be around you. Maybe in time I can get used to it. Please forgive me?' I had a combination of a growl and sigh, than I replied: 'Yeah, totally cool with you walking out on me. Totally, all forgiven. BTW, mom said to tell you good night.'

I turned the phone off, not wanting to talk anymore. I went in bed, and after about three hours of tossing and turning, I was finally able to fall asleep. My dream that night was about, who else other than...


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