Chapter 25 Proposal

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I smiled, kissing him again. "This is why I love you so much. Because you are such a sweet boyfriend, and you are going to be a wonderful daddy too."

He smiled, kissing my cheek lingering there for a second. When he backed away, his face was serious. I was confused. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." I gasped.

He immediately realized what he said. He shook his head. "No babe, you got it all wrong. Or I said it all wrong." He kissed me passionately. "Do you remember the talk we had the day your mom came when we had only been together 2 months?"

I couldn't remember, my mind was paralyzed after what he had said before. When I didn't answer, he started talking again. "I told you that at some point in the future, no set amount of time, that I was going to make you mine forever?"

My mind flashed back to that conversation. I looked at him, now shocked. "I lied to you last night. I didn't drive away from fans. I went somewhere else, hoping you wouldn't come out before I got back." He didn't take his eyes from mine. "I was also hoping that you wouldn't go through my pocket either."

He got up, finding his jeans he took off last night. I watched him, still shocked. He motioned me to move over to the edge of the bed. "I still feel the same way, just much stronger. I asked permission, and got denied, so at this point I don't care about that. All I know is I love you, and never want to lose you." He sat down next to me on the bed. "And now, with this family." He placed his hand on my stomach again. "This is what I always wanted, and the second I met you, I knew what I wanted, and I knew it was you. Even with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes, you were still beautiful." He got up nervously, and kneeled down in front of me. "And after that night I stayed here the first time, and you kissed me, I was shocked. I knew in that moment though that I had to make you mine. I loved you from the plane, and I wasn't going to let you out of my path." He opened his hand, revealing a small black velvet box, I gasped again. "I love you Amy Taylor. You are strong, kind, passionate and compassionate. I believe that this, our story, started, when I fell coincidently in love with you, and I wouldn't change a piece of the story. I want to be with you forever, and I want to make you forever mine." He opened the box, eyes still locked on me. "Will you be my bestfriend forever and take my last name. Be my life? Be my wife?"

I was in tears. I did love him with all my heart. I couldn't speak at first, as his words from his proposal were still sinking in. After a few seconds, I found my voice. "Yes. Damn it Yes!" He smiled and pushed into a kiss, pushing me back on the bed. He didn't break though, not that I wanted to either. He only broke for a second to slide the most beautiful ring I have ever seen onto my left ring finger, than his lips were back on mine. We didn't stop until we were both dizzy and needed oxygen. He stayed hovered over me, his forehead on mine. "I guess you aren't my boyfriend anymore."

He laughed, shaking his head. "No, I am now your fiancé." He pecked my lips one more time before getting up. When he was back on his feet, he reached for my hands. After pulling me up, he moved both his hands to my left, smiling into my eyes. I kissed him again. This is what true love feels like.

Sorry this is a short chapter, I just really wanted this to be a chapter all its own. This was the hardest chapter to write so far, so full of emotion. I really hope you all enjoyed it too.

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