Chapter 37 Laboring

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2 months later...

  I woke up, feeling something wasn't right. I tried to get out of bed without waking Riker up, but like every time I was majorly unsuccessful. Hey, I was 1 week from being full term with twins. As I sat up, Riker groaned, than looked at me. He looked alert and a little scared at the same time. "Hey babe, you okay?"

  I nodded and groaned just a little as I stood up, only alerting Riker more. He jumped out of bed and ran in front of me. He had his hands one on either side of my stomach. He looked focused than looked at me. "Babe, are you sure you are okay?" I nodded again, and went to pee. I didn't even leave the room before I felt wet run down my leg. I stopped, scared now. I looked down, than looked at Riker, who was already walking toward me.

  "umm, babe!" I cleared my throat to wake up my voice some. "umm, I think we need to go now." I looked at his eyes, but I didn't see fear, what I was instead was joy.

  He placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me softly. He was surprisingly calm. I honestly was prepared to be the one to calm him down. When he pulled away, I felt the first contraction. Than, the fear came over Riker at that moment. "Come on, lets go!" He helped me down the stairs and to the car. "I'll be right back babe, going to get the bag." He kissed my forehead than was gone.

  When he came back out of the house, he had the bag of our stuff, and the babies bag, along with both car seats. Yeah, we didn't have them in the car yet, since I wasn't due for another week. I felt so irresponsible. Riker opened the back seat, throwing the stuff in the back, than quickly got in the front seat. He had the phone pressed to his cheek. Another contraction hit me, and he reached for my hand. "Okay, well can you let them know. I got to go. See you there." He hung up the phone and threw it in the back seat. "We are going babe. I am right here, I will stay right here." He started to softly rub the top of my hand with his thumb.

  His phone, along with mine, rang almost the entire way to the hospital. We both just ignored the calls. When we got to the hospital, he parked the car. "I will be right back sweetheart!" I nodded and he got out of the car just as another contraction came along. I gripped at anything that I could feel for. Riker was trying to open my door, so I let go of the handle. "Come on sweetheart!"

  I shook my head. "Can you give me just a minute?" I didn't see his face, as my eyes were squeezed shut. I did feel him grab my hand though, so I squeezed, letting the contraction pass. When I opened my eyes again, Riker looked hurt. "Why do you look like you are hurting so bad?"

  He looked down. "You're in pain, how am I supposed to be?"

  "Hey, I want you to look at me." He shook his head, but didn't fight me when I pulled his face up. I smiled at him until his frown went away. "Don't feel bad. I need you. We are going to have our little babies." I pecked his lips and he smiled at me. "Our little Anthony and Amelia!" I could even hear the joy in my voice when I said that.

  He nodded, shook his head a time or two, than helped me out. Carefully he set me down in the wheel chair, resting my swollen feet on the pedals. Walking behind the chair, he leaned down and kissed the top of my head and started pushing toward the door. Before we got inside, yet another contraction came. Damn, these things were close together. I nearly screamed this time. "Riker, please hurry!"

  The chair started moving faster. Once we got to the delivery wing, and nurse came to us. "Name?"

  "Amy Taylor." Riker said. He hated using Taylor. Just wait...

  She looked at Riker, than at me. I nodded. She looked back at Riker. "Well, we have an Amy Lynch who called, but no Amy Taylor."

  Riker looked at me, with that stupid grin. I smiled back before, you guessed it, another contraction. The nurse came from behind the desk. "Follow me!" Riker pushed the chair after her. I rested my head on his arm, trying to breathe through it. "We will get Dr. Michelle in here just as soon as she gets here. She was racing out the door when we called her." Riker and I nodded and she left. 

  The contraction had stopped, and I just wanted to get into bed. I started to get up. "And what do you think you are doing sweetheart?"

  I turned and frowned at him. "Getting in bed. I'm tired." He smiled and helped me in bed. After a few minutes of silence, I looked at Riker as a tear slid onto the pillow. "Riker, I am scared." He looked up at me and saw the tear.

  He wiped it away with his thumb and started to hum my song to me. He laid his arm on the bed, resting his chin on it. After a few more minutes, the humming was putting me to sleep, despite the pain I was feeling. His humming could do that to you.

  Right before I was about to fall asleep, there was a knock at the door. Dr. Michelle walked into the room. "Hi sweetie. You're a week early, they must want out today." Just as she said that, the contractions returned. Riker laid his forehead against my temple, quietly humming to me. They were getting painful now. He grabbed my hand and started rubbing small circles on the top it with both is thumbs.

  As the contraction slowed and stopped, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Riker. "Thank you." I whispered to him. He smiled and pecked my lips softly.

  Dr. Michelle came beside me. "Okay, just like in the office, I am going to check you. It will be tender and judging by that last contraction I just witnessed, I am going to say it may even hurt a little, but just try to relax, okay?" I nodded. "Riker, try to keep her mind on you."

  He got that stupid grin on his face just before he threw his lips on mine. The kiss got really sweet, until she began her examination. I winced, and even a few tears slipped from my eyes. I pulled my lips from Riker's and buried my face in his chest. I really wish she would stop. This really hurt. "Its okay sweetheart. Stay relaxed, it will be okay, I promise you."

  He got cut off by the doctor. "Sweetie, can you look at me?" Her voice was coming from beside Riker. I looked up at her, tears staining my cheek. "This is the only chance for this. You are already 7 cm now, you progressed really quick. Are you wanting to get the epidural, or not?"

  I looked at Riker. "I know we agreed, but..."

  He covered my lips. "Yeah, we will take it!" I smiled under his hand, and he smiled back.

  My mouth was uncovered just seconds after the doctor left the room. "I am sorry. I know we agreed to not use it, weighing the pros and cons. But I swear I need it. I need you!"

  "Hey, I am not going anywhere. I promise, I will be right here the whole time." I was about to kiss him, when the door opened. I was expecting the doctor to come back in the room, but it wasn't her.

  I broke down when I saw Lynch after Lynch walk into the room. Even Erika was here, and Ratliff. Stormie came up to me, nearly pushing Riker out of the way. "Mama!" I cried when she reached me, wrapping both her arms around me. "Mama, it hurts!"

  "I know Sweetie." She started rubbing my back, taking Riker's seat since he had walked over to his siblings. Mark walked over behind Stormie after congratulating Riker. When I looked back at Mama, she spoke again. "Just think Sweetie, soon these little ones..." She moved her hand from my back and started to rub the side of my stomach. "...they will both be here. You will finally get to hold your babies."

  I cried, wanting that moment more than anything to be right now. With that being said, when the doctor came back in, I changed my mind on the epidural. It can slow down labor, and at the rate I was on, these babies would be here within the hour, so I wouldn't really even need it, until the delivery. You win some, you lose some, right?

OMG! The babies are almost here! Sorry for the big time jump again, I was just really excited to have the babies here quickly. Who else is as excited as me?

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