Chapter 10 Permission

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He looked at me. "I can't do this anymore." My heart sank, and my eyes started to get foggy. He immediately realized what he said, than shook his head. "No babe, that's not what I meant." He kissed my lips softly. "I meant I can't keep this from you anymore." He wiped the tears that escaped away, kissing where they were when he wiped. "I want tell you."

I straightened up looking at him, tears gone, but we're ready to fall again if need be. He turned his body to face me. "I am going to bring this back up, at the right time. But you won't know when." I nodded, telling him to continue. "Do you love me?"

"You know I do!" I can't believe you.

He thought for a long second. "What if I wanted to quit the band, and millions of people hated me?"

He sounded serious. I climbed into his lap. "Babe, I will always love you, even if millions of people hated you. Even if you were bad for me, I would still be sitting here." He smiled. I could see full teeth, than he leaned in and kissed me passionately.

We pulled apart, resting foreheads. "I want to be here with you right here forever."

I grinned. "Me too!"

He shook his head. "That's not what I meant." He looked into my eyes through his eyelashes. "I mean, I want to marry you and be happy forever with you."

At first, I'll admit, there was shock, but after only a few seconds, I put my hands in his hair, kissing him more passionate than I ever have before. When we both pulled back at the same time, we were both smiling. Well, he was grinning. "I take that as you agree?" I nodded, biting my bottom lip to keep myself from kissing him again. "In that case, will you marry me in the future?"

Just than my door opened, and I jumped. Riker jumped up, standing protectively in front of me. "Where's Sissy?" Wait, I knew that voice.

I walked forward, around Riker. I turned to him for only a split second smiling, so he didn't stop me. I rounded the corner. "Caleb? Mom?" Caleb ran into my arms just as Riker rounded the corner.

"Hi sweetie. We wanted to surprise you. Caleb missed you and..." He looked at Riker. Am I glad I made him put his shirt back on or what? "Who's the stud?"

"Mom!" I frowned at her, but Riker smirked. "Mom, this is Riker, my boyfriend. Riker, ths is mom, my mom. Mom, I have talked about him many times."

He smiled walking over to Riker. "Yeah, now that you said a name I know who he is! It's nice to finally meet you Riker. I feel I already know you."

"You too!" Riker looked down at me, I just gave him a sheepish grin, using my baby brother for protection. Riker laughed. He reached his hands out for Caleb. I hugged him close to me. Riker dropped his arms. "Hi Caleb. Your sissy has told me lots of super cool stuff about you." He grinned, Bub laying his head in my neck.

I smiled at Riker, as he softly rubbed Caleb's back, trying to get him to open up to him. "Come have a seat mom. Riker, you can get to know her."

"I'm gonna go." I frowned. "I'll let you spend some time with your mom. You haven't seen her in over two months. I'll come pick you up tomorrow if you still wanna go to the studio?"

I looked at mom. "Sweetie, that's why you're here. We will be okay. Go show off your talent. We will go sight seeing while you're gone." I nodded. I smiled at Riker, and he kissed the top of my head and left. I looked at mom, now blushing. "He's cute!" I just rolled my eyes.

I spent the afternoon playing with Caleb and talking to mom. She questioned me about Riker, and once I mentioned he has a big family, the questions just piled on. I regretted that immediately. I know she meant well, but the questions were getting old.

Soon there was a knock at the door. Riker was standing grinning at me when I opened the door. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but I think I forgot my phone." I looked behind me, mom and Caleb didn't follow, so I leaned up to him, and gave him a kiss. "Yeah, and that. I forgot that too." He grinned from ear to ear.

"Come on in. Please hang out with us for a while?" I gave him a serious look. "Please?" I whispered in his ear. He smiled, nodding slightly. I pecked his lips one more time before we walked into the living room, his hand resting on my lower back.

After a long talking, Caleb fell asleep in my arms. I walked off to lay him in the extra bedroom, and Riker and mom stayed in the living room. After tucking him in, kissing his head, I told him I loved him and left the room.

"I really do love her, I swear there is no reason we have to. I just want to spend the rest of my life with her." Is Riker asking my mom permission to marry me? Makes sense since he can't ask my dad and get an answer.

"I really like you Riker, but isn't it early?" I could hear the shock in her voice.

"I'm not going to ask right now," although he kind of already did. "I just don't know when I will get the chance again to ask properly face-to-face."

"Well, Riker, I know she loves you, I see that, but..." I have to walk in now or never. "Oh, I sweetie." Riker turned around to look at me, smiling faintly. "Did he lay down okay?"

I walk back, sitting next to Riker. "Yeah, I just didn't want to leave him." I smiled at Riker when mom wasn't looking, taking the worried look off of his face.

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