Chapter 40 Checkers

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1 week later...

Everything was going back to normal, as normal as it could be. Besides sleep, for Riker. I was used to being up most of the night, but he wasn't. We ended up separating the twins, so every time one got up, the other would actually sleep. Today, we were finishing both baby rooms. They had the furniture, but it hasn't been set up or has the room been painted.

I was currently on the couch at 2:30 am with Amelia falling asleep on me. Riker hated it when he got woken up, and even though I just laid Anthony down minutes before she got up, I didn't want to wake him up. He would be doing most of the work today, but most of the reason I didn't want to wake him up is just because he hates it.

Over the last week he has gotten better about not being so cranky when woken up, but it was still there. I never knew what to do, so if available, I always got the crying baby. Rydel, Ross and Ryland were going to stay with us tonight after we got done, because I doubt we will be able to finish it. So, I would have company that wasn't a talkless baby I was trying to get back to sleep.

When I finally laid Amelia down, it was already almost 5. Riker would wake up easily, and in about an hour Anthony would be up, so I just crashed on the couch. I was so tired, I just feel where I dropped. "I am so tired. What am I going to do?"

"Maybe wake up Daddy to help?" I jumped at the sound of his voice, even though I knew it was him. He laughed. "You keep pulling these all nighters, than all dayers when I am working." He came and sat next to me, my heart was still going back to normal. "Babe, what am I going to do with you?"

I looked at him in shock at first, than smiled. "Scoot closer so I can use you as a pillow." He scooted as close to me as he could, and I laid my head on his chest. When his arm went around me, he pulled me closer. "Sing to me too. That's what else you can do."

He giggled just a little. "I really don't think you will need my singing to fall asleep right now." Just as soon as he said that, I heard a soft cry. I started to get up. "Nope, you lay, Daddy has this." He grinned at me before he got up and walked up stairs. I rolled my eyes and shook my head when he was out of sight. I got up and got the bottle of the counter and poured the bottle for Anthony.

By the time Riker came back down stairs, the bottle was already warned up and ready. "Gimme!" He shook his head and took the bottle from my hand. I pouted just a little as he sat back on the couch, putting the bottle into Lil' Riker's mouth. I wasn't going to win, nor did I have the energy to fight, so I laid my head on Riker's shoulder and feel asleep to the sound of my son's eating.

When I woke back up I was in our room, the radio was softly playing on the dresser. "He did it again!" This wasn't the first time I have been so tired that he carried me upstairs without waking me up, and turned the music on to drown out all noise. I looked at the clock, 9:32. "I am going to kill you Riker!"

I got out of bed and opened the door. I could hear his siblings and their girlfriends down stairs. They were here early. I went into the bathroom to make myself presentable. I used the restroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a pony tail. When I opened the door, I nearly had a heart attack.

"Rydel, I swear I will kill you too, Riker is already on my bucket list." She smiled, and only than I noticed my pride and joy in her arms. "Now, hand over Lil' Riker, or I will kill you now instead of later."

She laughed a little. "Okay, at least let me give Ellington one more kiss before you do kill me, please?" I laughed and she handed Anthony to me. At last, I felt complete again. Without Riker, or either of the babies in my arms, I never felt complete. "Sorry if we woke you, we just came by early, but we didn't know it was such a long night."

"It's okay Rydel, you didn't wake me up." I smiled, and she returned it. "Is everybody down stairs?"

She nodded. "Yeah, besides Ellington and Rocky, they are out in the barn. I had to pry him from mom's arms to come up here," she said as she pointed at Anthony.

I laughed a little. Than I looked at her. "Everyone is here?"

She nodded. "Yeah, mom and dad just got here 10 minutes ago. They came just to visit, but my other siblings came because they said they wanted to help, but I don't believe it."

We both walked down the stairs laughing at her comment. "Good morning beautiful!" Just as I looked up, Riker kissed my cheek. Rydel smiled and walked away. He was smiling wide at me. "I see you found Mr. Anthony!" I smiled at him, than at my newborn son. "How did you sleep?"

That's when I remembered. "Yeah, about that..." I have him a scold. "How exactly did I get upstairs and the radio get on?" I looked at Anthony. "I missed my babies." I looked around. "You're here, I got Anthony, so where is my baby girl?"

He was smiling when I looked back at him. "Mom has her. And as for you getting upstairs, I brought you up there, sort of."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean sorry of?"

"Well, you were being stubborn, as always, and you wanted to walk. So after I put Anthony in the bassinet, I got you upstairs. You don't remember?"

I shook my head. I mean, I knew I was tired, but not that tired. Explains why I slept so late. Riker shook his head and dropped it down. I just smiled. "Please babe, don't wear yourself out so bad." I nodded. "Now, give me Anthony, Ellington is out in the barn, something about a horse race or something?"

I grinned, excited he remembered. Than frowned. I looked at Anthony. "But he's asleep, and he's so beautiful right now."

"And he will be just as beautiful when you come back in. So go on, before I kick you out the door." I didn't doubt that he would, so I handed my sleeping son to his daddy. "Have fun!"

I ran to the back door, shooting a "good morning guys" at the living room with a wave. I slipped on my boots quickly, than ran out the door toward the barn. When I got there I saw a different horse. "Who's this monster Ellington?"

He jumped, startled, than looked back. "Damn it Amy, you scared me."

I laughed. "How can I scare you before I scare the horse?" He rolled his eyes. "So who's this?"

He smiled eagerly. "This is the horse I am going to kick your ass on!" I rolled my eyes, throwing my hand through the air. "This is Checkers. He's my horse."

"He's pretty, that's for sure." I walked up to Checkers and started rubbing his neck. "I may have to steal him from you." I gave Ellington a grin.

"Yeah right sister, like that is going to happen." He finished brushing him out. "Besides, you can see him anytime you want. He will be staying here. And don't worry, I will be coming by and taking care of him."

"Please Ellington, like I really care about that!" He laughed. "I owe you anyway, you took care of my babies when I couldn't. And it's not like it's a burden, I could get used to him being here."

Ellington smiled. "Good, because I haven't talked to Riker yet, was kind of hoping you would."

"Ell, you tricked me! No way, he's your horse, you talk to Riker. He cares for the horses most of the time."

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes, because he was giving me a look like a 3 year old begging for candy. "It's not working, is it?" I shook my head with a grin. "Wow, okay!"

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