Chapter 35 Rydellington

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After my enjoyable ride on Abby, I felt like a million bucks. It was nice to be back on a horse's back again. And it was really fun racing Ellington. He was still pouting as we all sat on the back porch after brushing Abby and Madison. The twins seemed to enjoy it too.

We were all talking together again. Ellington decided to chime in. "Seriously, how did you do that?" He asked looking at me again.

I rolled my eyes. "I have been riding solo since I was 5, it was the one major thing I missed from being back home besides my family."

Riker put his arm around my shoulders. "And you don't have to miss it anymore." Rydel and Ellington let out an aww I blushed a little. "And we will have our own family too." Okay, I'll admit, I blushed big time now.

"You guys are so cute together." Rydel was smiling at us. I smiled, leaning into Riker's shoulder, wrapping both arms my large stomach, now that I could. "What if your sister found love?" Now, we both looked at her.

Riker pulled his arm off of me and leaned forward, putting his arms on his legs. I laughed, he was very protective. This is why I knew he would be a great father. Poor Amelia, she wont be allowed to date until she is 30. Riker pulled me out of my thought when he spoke again. "And, my dear sister who I worry so much about and I, your older brother have the right to protect you by telling you no, who is this boy?"

Maybe it was just me, but I swear Ellington tensed up next to me. We had been side by side during our conversation minutes before. I looked at him, he looked really pale. "Ell, you look like you are about to barf, and I am begging you to please not do that. If you do, I will for sure." I laughed, to make it as a joke, although I was totally serious.

Riker got curious, looking over at him. Ell flinched. "Umm, I am okay. Just really tired." He pretend to yawn. "Good night guys!"

"Its only 1 in the afternoon Ell, it isn't late." That is when it dawned on me. Without Riker seeing, I smiled and eye pointed toward Rydel. He looked shocked that I figured it out, but who wouldn't? I was surprised that Riker didn't. I was going to play this cool, and I knew how. I looked back at Riker. "Lets talk about this later. I am really thirsty, can you please go get me a tea?"

I knew that if Riker thought I needed something, that everything else dropped from his mind. "Of course sweetie!" He kissed the top of my head and walked in through that back door.

I only had just a minute before he would be back out. I looked back at Ellington. "I saved you, but why didn't either of you tell me?" I looked at Rydel. "I am even more upset that you didn't tell me. Ellington I get, but you?"

She looked disappointed. "I don't know. I didn't tell anyone, neither of us did. But I am tired of hiding it though." She looked at Ellington. "That is why I am telling Riker first. He will be the hardest to crack. And I knew waiting until you got off of Abby meant that Ellington would be coming off of Madison, but I really didn't want to be alone."

I understood her totally. I know how protective Riker can be, and that is one thing I loved about him. "Well, let me handle this guys." I took a look at both of them, and they both smiled at me. Ellington gave me a quick hug and Rydel shot me a wink and blew me a kiss. She mouthed 'Thank you' right before I heard the back door open again.

Riker came over and handed me the tea. "Here you go sweetheart!" I got a sip quickly. I really was thirsty.

I looked back at Riker. "I am happy that Rydel found someone, and you never know, he may be a sweet guy."

He looked at me shocked. "She is my sister, nobody is good enough for her." This was going to be harder than I thought.

An idea hit me. "Okay, imagine this, will you?" I paused and he nodded. "Okay, you met Caleb. Imagine that cute little baby your age. Do you think he would approve of you if he didn't know who you were? Would you want me to be kept from you?"

His eyes widened with fear and he wrapped both arms around me. "Just the thought scares me. I cant imagine my life without you!" He pulled back, pecking my lips.

I smiled at him. "And me either. You are my better half. I am only half without you. Same goes for her." I pointed at Rydel. Riker looked at her, realization hitting him. "Do you want her to stay half forever?" He shook his head. "And maybe the guy she found is good for her too, and just maybe he is her other half. What if he is someone who loves her and takes care of her as much as you do me?"

Riker looked at me, his left arm still around me. Than he looked at Rydel again. He nodded. "I am sorry Rydel. Amy is right, I don't want you to be half forever, and I would be a hypocrite if I told you that you couldn't love someone." He leaned in on me and gave me a kiss he never gave me with others around. When he pulled away, his forehead rested against mine. "Love is magical, isn't it? Thanks Amy, for loving me and making me realize I was wrong."

I smiled at him. "I will always love you, and I will also always tell you when you are wrong." I winked at him and a grin came across his face. "Just like I know this guy will always love her and take care of her as well."

He pulled up and looked at me. "You say that like you know who he is?" I nodded. "Are you sure he is good for her, if she hid it from me and told you first?"

I laughed. "Babe, she didn't tell me. She hid it from me, I just figured it out." I than mentally slapped myself, because there was only one way to figure it out. He looked at me confused, than shocked. "Now babe?" I put my hand on his chest as he looked over my shoulder at Ellington.

He looked calm, but his eyes were, I am not really sure what they said. There was slight anger on his face, but it slowly went away. Rydel was still silent. She got up and came over and sat next to Ellington. He was sharing eye gestures with Riker. Rydel took Ellington's hand and their fingers interlocked. Ell wasn't budging, he had a sudden burst of confidence. I smiled at him.

When I turned back looking at Riker from looking at Rydel and Ellington, he was looking at their hands. The anger was slowly slipping away. I slowly slid my hand down off of his chest, resting them on his legs. He finally looked back at me. "See, I told you that it was someone who would take care of her and love her more than she loved him. You know him, and I know him too. You have known him longer though, do you really think he would hurt her?"

He smiled at me. Than he looked at Rydel, and she nodded at him and smiled, tightening her hold on Ell's hand. When he looked at Ellington, he spoke up. "I promise, I love her. Not as much as you love Amy yet, but I swear to you I do love her. She makes me happy, and I do the same for her too."

Riker thought for a second. "Okay, but if you ever hurt her, I swear to you I will kill you, do you understand?" Ellington smiled and nodded. Rydel sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. I smiled at her. She did look happy. Riker's hand went on my cheek, forcing me to look at him. "And as for you missy, if you ever team against me like that again, I will make you pay." He smiled and leaned down and kissed me again. My palms rested on his chest. I was lost in the moment when I deepened this kiss, sliding my hands up to his neck.

The kiss didn't last too long before someone cleared their throat. Riker slowly pulled away. He wasn't quick about it, and I didn't want to stop regardless of who was around. They knew we were in love, so did the whole world, so I really didn't care. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine. "Do you understand?"

I chuckled and nodded. I was smiling from ear to ear. Rydel and Ellington sat in silence until our moment in each others eyes ended. "Oh yeah, there is no denying that chemistry. You couldn't pull off disliking each other if you tried." I looked at Rydel and smiled, resting my head back on his shoulder. I did love him, and I would never try to act differently. He was my sole mate. We had only had one big fight, and that ended our relationship for a few weeks. A few very long, miserable, sleepless nights, weeks, for the both of us. There was no way I was going to let that happen again.

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