Chapter 36 Good Morning

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1 Month Later...


  Talk about uncomfortable, and a very understanding man. I kept Riker up nearly every night now. Dr. Michelle says it is normal at 6 months when carrying twins. With only a single baby it hits around 7 1/2 months, but I was having it now. I swear if I ever have the blessing of having another baby, I will scream if it is more than one baby.

  Sensing my frustration? The mood swings Riker so loved in the beginning of this, were now pushing me over the edge, but he stayed calm. At this point, I was not just wanting to have these babies to finally be able to meet them, I was wanting to be able to finally sleep and not be bitchy all the time. I will say this, again, through it all Riker has been supportive. Makes me feel really bad when I am bitchy with him and he only responds with a hug, a kiss and telling me how much he loves me. Most of the time that made it better, sometimes it only made it worse.

  Right now we were sitting on the couch trying to watch television. I felt nine months pregnant, looked it nearly. I have grown immensely over the last month. I am right back to not being able to ride Abby, but it isn't because of his wishes not to, it is because I am physically unable to. Hell, I cant even sit on the couch without driving Riker crazy moving around so much. When I do though, again, he kisses my head and tells me he loves me.

  "Okay, I cant do this, I give up?" I cross my arms and slouch. Riker giggles just a little. I look up at him and give him a glare. "What is so funny up there?" I really hate that he is taller than me. Seriously, that was unnecessary, it wasn't his fault he is a giant.

  He slouches down at my level and smiles at him. His smile did lighten the mood a little. I sighed and collapsed on his shoulder. I started mumbling under my breathe, but he paid no mind to it. Yes, I cussed like a sailor when I was tired. I was really cranky right now. When I finally stopped, and he was clear without getting his arm broke off, he turned slightly and wrapped both arms around me. "I love you!"

  I looked at him. He was smiling. Of course he loved me, I already knew that from the millions of times a day he told me that a day. I couldn't help myself, a smile came to my face anyway. "I love you too, but I really need to sleep." I laid my head back on his shoulder.

  He tightened his hold on my a little tighter, than kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry, I know I have been miss bitchy, but I really cant help it."

  He pulled my face, forcing me to look at him. "And I know that, I don't say anything to you about it. It doesn't even hurt, I promise." He rubbed his thumb under my eyes. "But you are right, you really do need to sleep."

  Yep, he just flipped the switch again. I pulled my chin from his hand. "Nah shit!" I laid my head back down on his shoulder. He chuckled. Seriously, how can he be cool when I talk to him like that. Reason or not, it still isn't right. I loved him, why do I keep doing this.

  He laid his head on my head and started humming. I immediately recognized the rhythm. When he started to sing, a smile slowly made its way to my face. He pulled me onto his lap and laid down on the couch. He laid me in the back of the couch on my back, and laid on his side facing me. I watched him as he sang. He started smiling when I was in a full smile, and not just faking it. He kissed my temple while humming the solo, than pulled away to continue singing. I truly didn't deserve him.

  My eye lids started to get heavy, and he kissed me again. He had finished singing by now. "Go to sleep love. Ill be right here when you wake up." I sighed and he put his hand that wasn't under my head on my stomach, and started rubbing. I think he did that to remind him why I was so bitchy. I slowly drifted off as he started humming again, not singing any lyrics.


  When I woke back up, the sun was barely shining through the house, but it was on the wrong side of the house. Riker, as promised, was right next to me. His hand was still resting on my stomach. He was sound asleep, and I took in the moment. When he slept, it was a beautiful sight. I felt great at the moment, so I took advantage of the feeling. I rubbed my nose on his, and when his eyes started to flutter open, I put my lips to his.

  His arms tightened around me, and he started kissing back. It was a sweet moment. I loved the mood I was in, the moods he loves me so much for. I was in a really good mood, so I got creative, deciding to push something good as far as it would go. I grazed my tongue on his bottom lip, making him flinch. He immediately smiled and parted his lips slowly. For a minute it stayed slow, until my hands found themselves a few handfuls of his long beautiful blonde hair.

  A soft moan moved through him, than he deepened the kiss. Next think I know he is climbing over me, leaning down kissing me. I pull just a little harder on his hair, making him moan again. With his hands on my side, they slowly start to move under my shirt. When his whole hand is now under, he smiles into the kiss. He deepens the kiss again, and this time I am the one to let out a moan. He pulls away for only a second to look at me, making sure my mood wasn't going to change again I guess. Than he smiles, and crashes his lips back on mine.

  Next thing I know, we are both naked on the couch and our tongues are dancing. He pulls away from this kiss and smiles at me. At the moment, we cant exactly kiss while having fun, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't try every time. When he slides in, he is watching me. My eyes flutter closed, and he starts kissing the only thing he can. As his lips move up and down my arms, more moans escape both of us.

  I take in the happy feeling while it lasts. Everywhere his lips touch starts to tingle, and it felt amazing. When the moment hits, my hands find his bare chest. I open my eyes and see the love in his. He smiles sweetly. As my hands move into his hair, he starts kissing them. "Oh babe, please don't stop." He goes just a little bit faster with every thrust until my legs bend at the knees. The smile on his face grows.

  A stuttering moan escapes, and he thrusts with more force. When my moans turn into nearly screams, I hear his start. As the buzz kicks in, he is already slowing. When he stops, he looks at me, leaning down to press his soft lips to mine.

  When he pulls away he lays down next to me and we share a silent moment, just smiling into each others eyes. "Well, good morning to you too!" I giggle just a little bit and blush. He kisses my heated cheek, making me only giggle again and blush more.

  He lays back down next to me. "Good morning babe!" I say back to him. He smiles sweetly.

  "You are in a good mood this morning?" He asked like a question. I shrug. "Well, what do you want to do today?"

  I think for a moment. "You know, I haven't seen anyone in over a week. Everyone has been avoiding me, think we could go see the family today?"

  He smiles. "That sounds perfect!" He kisses my lips again. "Lets get ready and get over there before breakfast is gone."

  My stomach rumbles, making both me and Riker laugh. "I don't think I am the only one hungry right now." He smiles, kissing my cheek. He sits up, kissing my stomach. I watch him. When he stands up, he extends his hand, and I gladly accept it.

  Before I have a chance to go up the stairs, he wraps his arms around me. "I love you sweetheart!"

  I pull myself up to his face, which has also gotten really hard to do, and he meets me where I cant reach. We share another sweet kiss. I rest my head on his chest with his arms around my shoulders. "I love you too babe. I am really sorry for my behavior lately."

  He pulls my face to face him and smiles. "What behavior?" Than pecks my lips before walking toward the bathroom. God, I really love his man so much. He is so sweet. I really don't deserve him. Before we walks into the bathroom, he turns toward me and winks with a smile still on his face. I roll my eyes and walk toward the stairs, hearing him chuckle as he closes the door.

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