The fresh start

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It's the middle of August I just had my 21st birthday and I was looking to do something different in my life. My friend Alex an I decided to own a club of our very own. It took us a while but found the best place to start the new club. It was far enough away from all the other clubs, cheaper and looked better. It was just off an side road and very easy to see, it was huge an even had its own parking lot with no other buildings around which was perfect for loud music. It had high ceilings which were perfect for the swings we were going to install, a Dj booth that was farthest from the front door, to right of the Dj booth were stairs that lead you up to the vip area. The VIP section had a balcony you could look over and a flat screen that played the lyrics or video of the song that the Dj was playing. I had a stripper poll put up there too for even more fun if you know what I mean and if you don't then shame on you. We had tables and booths you could choose from, they were all placed around the dance floor so you could see all the action. What I think makes us the best was we had 2 bars, the bar on the left had all of your favorites from the fuzzy navel to the famous sex on the beach and on the right was the daiquiri bar. It took us a little over 2 years to repair, add all those things and to actually staff the place but we were finally ready for our fresh start.

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