Trap Lord or Nah?

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     What Ty and Liam didn't know Nia was showing Jasmine the restroom by their room when they both overheard them talking. Jasmine was furious with Ty, after everything they had been through she was just ready to go out there and start trapping again. Nia walked in the restroom closing the door behind them trying to calm down Jas.
*****Jasmine's POV*****
    I sat down on the couch mad than I don't know what. Ty and Liam came back from the hallway laughing. She sat down next to me trying to kiss my cheek but I waved it off.
She whispered to me,
Ty: What's wrong?
Me: Nothing it's time to take your medicine let's go.
She said bye to everyone as I helped her up the stairs to her room. I handed her the pills as she shallowed them down with some water. She sat down on her pull out couch watching tv. I sat on the bed tapping my leg, I was growing more and more furious.
Ty: You want to tell me what's up with you now?
Me: Do you really care about me?
She looked at me confused but still nodded her head yes.
Me: Then why are you trying to put yourself in harms way? Do you not care about my love for or what?
She got up hurting herself in the process but I was to mad to be any kind of help. She finally made her way over to me hovering over me looking down in my eyes. I almost forgot why I was pissed off with her being this sexy but I quickly regained focus. I stood in front of her but she was still taller than me so I had to look up at her while we talked.
Ty: What are you talking about Jas?
Me: How bout you tell me what you and Liam were talking about.
Ty: When?
Me: Ty I'm bought 5 seconds from beating your ass then leaving. Tell me what the fuck y'all were talking about.
Ty: You yelling at me like you already know. How bout you just say what you have to say.
Me: You're real life being a asshole right now and it's pissing me off. But I've kept my mouth shut about this for to long and I'm not letting this go any further. I don't care who you were or what you did before but I refuse to let you go back to that place Ty or should I call you Tas?
Ty: You're making a big deal out of nothing.
She tried to sit back down but I stopped her. I hated how nonchalant she was being about this whole thing.
Me: Bullshit, I heard y'all Ty not just me your aunt Nia heard it to. It took everything in her to stop me from going in there and beating some sense into yo ass. I just got you back, you nearly died Ty do you even care? But knowing you; you probably don't. I understand you had to save Alex I'm ok with that but the fact that you're trying to go back in the game at your own will is not just stupid but it's asking for your life to end.
Ty: So what you want me to do? These people out here need to learn it's not ok to do that crazy shit.
Me: Ty that's not your problem, you don't have to worry about then. Worry about your family and friends not other people. They don't need to come play captain save a hoe. I'm giving you a choice right here and right now.
Tears started to fall from my eyes, she tried to wipe them away but I pushed her back a little to hard as she fell. I tried to help her up but she swatted my hands away staying on the floor.
Ty: What's the choice Jasmine?
It hurt me a little when she called me Jasmine, she only did that if she was pissed off with me or just introducing me to someone. I couldn't back down now,
Me: Either you don't go back to doing all that stuff and I forget everything or I leave right now and you'll never see me again. Which one is it?
She looked at me shocked as she sat up looking me in the eyes.
Ty: Jas I choose you. I'm not that much of a dumb ass to just to let you walk out of my life. I'm sorry I even thought about it can you forgive me?
Me: Only if you can forgive me for pushing you down like that.
I bent down pulling her arm over my shoulder slowly picking her up, we heard a loud pop and she screamed out in pain. Suddenly Nia, Liam, Nick, Jaylee and Maya practically broke down the door seeing if Ty was ok.
Me: Was she that loud?
Jaylee: Um we were maybe standing at the door.
Liam and Nick laid Ty on the bed as I lifted up her shirt pulling her brace off. Where her rib was broken she had a large dark discolored bruise. She started coughing continuously blood erupted from her mouth as she coughed Liam quickly turned her on the right side so it wouldn't stay in her mouth and choke her.
Me: Baby I'm so sorry.
I broke down as Jaylee sat down besides me pulling me into her lap hugging my body tightly.
Liam: We have to get her to the hospital, she isn't supposed to be coughing up blood.
Liam and Nick picked up Ty trying not to hurt her. I ran closely behind as did Jaylee and Steve with the boys in their hands. They were followed by Maya and Nick who was about just as sad as I was. Byron stayed back to wait for Will to come home as we all piled in Nia Escalade driving to the hospital.
      They rushed Ty in asking for a Dr.Mark Patterson, luckily he was right down the hall. Liam whispered somethings to tell then a couple of nurses wheeled Ty away. We all sat in the little waiting room not really talking to each other, everyone was in their own little worlds on their phones while I was sitting here thinking. This was all my fault, if I wouldn't have pushed her so hard she wouldn't be up in the hospital fight for her life. I don't deserve her, maybe this was faith's way of telling me. Ty was better off without me in her life causing all this heartache and pain.
      I started crying all over again as Maya pulled me into her lap, I felt someone's soft touch rubbing my back, I knew it was Jaylee, to many time she consoled me for me not to know. I ran out of tears then shortly after I fell asleep still on Maya's lap.
******Maya's POV******

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