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It was about 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning an Jasmine didn't want to sleep. We just laid up cuddled and talked. She told me funny an some what embarrassing stories from when she was younger. She told me when she was in elementary she lost a tooth eating gummy bears, ripped her pants in a talent show and how she stepped in dog poo right before a date. It was great an funny we laughed all night and just held each other. I played in her hair until she feel asleep taking my hand out of hers, I got out the bed putting on my slippers. I went down stairs an got me a glass of water, I made sure I was quite I didn't want to wake Jaylee or the twins up. I hopped up on the island sitting there just thinking about all that had happened earlier and my feelings for Jasmine. I know we just met but I felt like she'd be good for me. We had a great time together and the sex was amazing, but I want to get to know her even better. I still couldn't leave even if I wanted to it wouldn't be right. What kind of person would I be if I left her then something happened, I could never forgive myself if I did. I finished off the last of my water throwing the bottle in the trash then went back up stairs. I closed the room door walking over to bed then I saw Jasmine coming out of her bathroom rubbing her eyes.
Jasmine: I was wondering were you went, I thought you left me.
    She walked over to me an hugged me tight.
Me: I went downstairs for some water, but I'm not going anywhere especially now. I know you need me so I'm not going anywhere.
Jasmine: That's good to hear, I don't want you to go anywhere I'm really starting to lov.... I mean like you.
        She looked me in my eyes kissing me so passionately. We started to get carried away with the kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck making me pick her up in one swift movement and she wrapped her legs around me in that same movement. She pulled away from the kiss, an we just stared into each others eyes.
Me: Wow!
Jasmine: Was that to much?
Me: No actually that was perfect I really loved it.
     She unwrapped her arms and legs from around me blushing. She was so cute, funny and just simply amazing. She went got back in the bed an motioned me to get in to and I did. We laid face to face an I caressed her cheek and our hands wound together. As we laid there jasmine's eyes started to close so I kissed her forehead. She turned over an got closer to me. She searched an found my hand and made me hold her. She wanted to be held tight so I did. I got comfortable beside her and I fell asleep with her.
I woke up an jasmine was still sleeping and I was still holding her. I got up an went brushed my teeth and did my daily routine. I got back in the bed, I checked my phone then turned back to jasmine and snuggled up against her.
Me: Wake up.
Jasmine: Nooooo just one more hour please?
Me: Your lucky your cute.
She turned an kissed me then went back to sleep, I turned over played on Twitter it was still just 8 o'clock so looked for new shoes then went to sleep. I turned over to stretch, I didn't feel Jasmine so I got up. I went checked in the bathroom an she wasn't there, I didn't feel like wearing my rode so I went in my bag an got my blue polo pajama pants with black polo horses on it. I go downstairs an I see Jaylee, Jasmine and the cute little twin boys. Jaylee had them sitting in their high chairs, they had Cheerios all over their chairs and a little on the floor. Jasmine started cleaning them off the floor then she looked up an seen me. She ran over to me an kissed me.
Jasmine: Good morning baby, how'd you sleep.
Me: I slept really good what about you?
Jasmine: Best sleep I've had in a while.
I kissed her and hugged her then I realized Jaylee was looking at us so I let jasmine go.
Me: Good morning Jaylee how are you this morning?
Jaylee: I'm doing good, I want to thank you though.
Me: For what?
Jaylee: For protecting my sister last night, yes she told me about it I really appreciate it thank you.
Jaylee came over an hugged me and I hugged her back. Jasmine grabbed my hand leading me to the table. She poured me a glass of apple juice.
Me: You remembered?
Jasmine: Of course you know it's my favorite juice too.
Jaylee had cooked breakfast she made eggs, French toast, and pan sausage. Jasmine made herself an I a plate then brought it to the table and she sat next to me. Jasmine, Jaylee, the twins and I sat there eating our breakfast. This was the closets thing I've had to a family besides Alex, it was refreshing. So they told me how most of their family had names that started with a J so Jaylee did the same.
Jasmine: This is Joel he's 10 mins older than Jacob.
She handed him to me, he was really cute an had a head full of curly hair. It was almost a light brown an had the crystal blue eyes like Jaylee.
Jaylee: And this Jacob, he's a momma boy.
She tickled him a little bit an he giggled. He had the same hair as Joel but his was darker and even more curly.
Jaylee: Jas take Jacob an Joel upstairs I'm going to clean up the house a little bit maybe we can go to the mall later.
Jasmine: Ok cool You did mean all of us huh?
Jaylee: What you mean?
      She pointed at me.
Me: Oh I don't have to go it's ok I don't want to intrude.
Jasmine: You're not I promise. Right jaylee?
It took jaylee a minute to say anything so I got up, kissed Jasmine on the forehead.
Me: I'll see you tomorrow don't worry.
I almost got to the stairs and jaylee caught me.
Jaylee: Ty wait, I can't ignore the fact you were there for my sister. I know what went on with Jas an Greg and it wasn't good, so since then I've moved my sister in with me after she got out of the hospital. I've been nervous about who she talks to I don't want to see her abused all over again physically, mentally nor emotionally. She's been strong though an I'm glad for that. So the fact you protected my sister and didn't want anything from her, it makes me happy. I hope that you an jas can make it, but I do want to get to know you ok?
Me: Yea no problem.
Jaylee: Don't tell her though, I don't want her to worry or feel insecure about it.
Me: You got it I really want to thank you for telling me, I'll keep a look out for him.
Jaylee: Why?
Me: I have to tell you something.
Jaylee: What?
I pulled jaylee into the hallway by the front door.
Me: He said he'd been following her and he told me that he's get her back no matter what.
Jaylee: Ty he's capable of anything I'm nervous.
Me: Don't worry I told him not to mess with her after I hit him in my mouth with the butt of my gun, let's just hope he got the idea.
Jaylee: You did what!!?? How he's a big dude?
Me: I'm not that short I'm like 5'9 but let me be honest with you before you find out from someone else. I know I'm young but after my parents died in a unexplained fire my aunt an uncle took me in. So I moved to Atlanta I was 13, they were big time drug dealers. They taught me everything an gave me my own crew to run the streets with. I had been in an out of jail. I had killed a couple an had a couple people killed because they crossed me. When I finally turned 18 an I wanted out so I moved here to Texas to get away an start college. So that's when I met my best friend Alex then we started a club 2 years after that an now I'm here. Now I'm 21 and I'm doing good for myself. But every month my uncle and my old crew sends me 10 thousand dollars.
Jaylee: Wow!
Me: I gave up that life but I'd do anything to protect you, your sister and your sons. You guys are apart of my life and I'll do what I have to for you guys.
       She couldn't say anything so she just hugged me and she wiped a tear away.
Jaylee: Jas come here right quick we need to talk to you.
        Jasmine came over an jaylee an I began to tell jasmine everything. We didn't want to keep her in the dark about everything.
Me: If you don't want to see me any more I'll understand,but I'm still going to keep him away from you guys.
Jasmine: No this doesn't change anything I'm just glad I heard it from you an not anyone else.
    She kissed me and we hugged for what seemed like forever.
Jaylee: Ok enough of this sappy moment go get the boys, give them a bath and put them on some clothes.
       I grabbed Jacob an jasmine grabbed Joel, we went up stairs and gave the the boys a bath. Jacob splashed an played with the toys while Joel did not want to be in the tub. Jas hurry an washed him off and took him out. I let Jacob play a little longer after I cleaned them. I took Jacob out, dried him off then we went met Jas and Joel in their room. I picked out a White Jordan onesie an some dark denim shorts, then I put him on black socks and his wolf grey 3s. Jas picked something almost like what I picked out for Jacob for Joel. She choose a grey Jordan shirt, but with some beige cargo shorts with grey socks and his wolf grey 3s. We put their bibs on then we put the boys in their cribs then turned on the tv for them and went to jasmine's room. We went got in the shower then got dressed. She did a crown braid then put her hair in a high ponytail. Then she put on some grey short shorts, her glow green 4s and her tank top that matched.
Jasmine: Hurry up.
Me: I been done I was waiting on you.
She came out the bathroom and I seen her,
Me: Oh I see your already trying to match me.
Jasmine: Maybe. Your just so cute, I wanted to be cute with you.
She came over and kissed me, I started laughing.
Me: Your always cute so don't worry.
Jasmine: Thanks baby.
We heard Jaylee yell from downstairs.
Jaylee: Guys come on let's go and grab the boys.
       Jas an I went grabbed the boys and we all walked to the car. Jaylee locked the door as Jasmine an I put the boys in their car seats. Jaylee drives a suburban, so jasmine and I got in the way back. Jaylee drove while jasmine and I sat in the back and caked up.
Jasmine: I need to go to Victoria secret I need some more bras and panties.
      I looked up at her and she started laughing.
Me: I want to pick them out.
Jasmine: I don't know you might pick something only you can see me in.
Me: Duh I'm glad you know.
      We both started laughing. We pull up at the mall and Jaylee has a hard time finding a parking spot but she finally did. She let me and Jasmine out, jasmine got the boy's strollers and passed one to me to open. I grabbed Joel, putting him in his seat then I got Jacob out, handed him to jasmine and she buckled him in.

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