Getting Back

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**********Alex's POV**********

    I woke up seeing Ty and Jasmine cuddled up in Ty's bed, I tried getting up but it hurt to bad. I was feeling way better though, the medicine the doctors gave me earlier made all the pain go away. Ty wasn't up when I was so I had a nice conversation with Jasmine. She a pretty cool girl, I could tell she loved the hell out of Ty. I haven't heard from Lisa last thing I remember is her telling me she heard something. I hope she's good I'm really feeling her. I couldn't find anything to throw at them and I didn't want to yell loud so I just sat up watching tv. Luckily the doctor came in 5 minutes later,
Doctor: Hi I'm Dr. Ashely Caine it's nice to finally met you.
She smiled shaking my hand.
Me: Nice to meet you too.
Dr.A How you doing this evening Ms.Delado?
Me: Just call me Alex and I'm good.
Dr.A: Ok so Alex what's your pain level?
Me: Maybe a 5 or 6 it's not to bad.
Dr.A: That's really good I'm going to get a nurse to check your blood pressure and some other test. Besides that your good.
Me: What other tests?
Dr.A: I was told that you were raped so it's protocol that we give you a pregnancy and STD tests.
Me: Do I have to?
Dr.A: No but it's recommend, do you not want to?
I didn't feel comfortable with all of this I just wanted to forget about it all and just move on with my life. I suddenly hear Ty and Jasmine moving around in the bed.
Ty: You should do it sis, you can never be to sure.
Me: I just want to move on.
Ty: Trust me I know but what if?
Jasmine: Yea A you need to know. Just look at it like this, if everything's fine then you won't have anything holding you back from moving on.
Me: Ok fine I'll do it doc.
Dr.A: Ok great I'll send a nurse in.
She left out leaving us in the room. Jasmine helped Ty get out of her bed to walk over to mine.
Ty: Alex I'm so so sorry for getting you mixed up in this stuff, I never meant for it to happen.
Me: You don't have to say sorry Ty I know this wasn't your fault.
     She started crying, I turned to her pulling her into a hug or I tried we both yelled out in pain. Jasmine took Ty back to her bed as I laid back down holding my side.
Ty: I love you Alex and I'm glad your ok.
Jasmine: Yea me too.
Me: I'm glad your ok you look like he gave you a hell of a fight but I love y'all too.
Ty dropped her head down playing with her fingers while Jasmine rubbed her back.
Me: What happened?
Jasmine: Ty's Ex did that to her face.
Me: What Ex?
Ty: Tre, I called him and his brother to help get you back. He claimed he had feelings for me then he got mad at Jas calling her out her name and running up on her. We got into a bit of a fight and he did this to my face. So I told Nia about it and she said she'd take care of it.
Me: Damn he lucky I was laid up or he would have got his ass beat. I already know your people gon do some damage so it's ok.
We laughed talking the whole night about everything, they told me about Lisa, I really forgot about my baby but Ima call her tomorrow. The nurse came in earlier taking all the test but she told me they give me the test results in the morning. Jas was in bed with Ty sleep they were both snoring while I was trying to go to sleep.
********Ty's POV********

    When I woke up it was 10 o'clock, I played in Jasmine's hair until I heard some knock on the door.
Me: Hey doc how are you this morning?
Dr.A: Doing good McKinlee, I just came by to tell you guys some news.
Me: Ok cool.
Dr.A: Is she up?
Me: Nah but you can wake her up.
      I woke up Jasmine as Doctor Ashely went woke up Alex. She stood in the middle of the floor so we could all see and hear her. Jasmine got behind me letting me sit in her lap while she loosely held my waist.
Dr.A: Ok so Ty you only have a two more days to be here then you will be discharged but either you will be put on bed rest still or physical therapy. We will remove your stitches in two weeks, you should be all healed up after than. You do need to take it easy with your arm and shoulder, I'll give you a prescription for the pain other than that your ok.
Jasmine: Yay I can't wait to be at home with you bae.
    She kissed me all over my face. I can't lie I'm excited to be going home with my baby. I kissed her back as I held on to her arm playing with her fingers.
Dr.A: Alex you have at least a week here still. We want to make sure all your ribs and your nose is properly healing before we let you go. As for the test results they all came back negative except one.
        All 3 of looked at each other nervous because we had no idea what she was about to say. I just hope it's not something incurable, I'd be devastated if anything more happened to her because of me.
Alex: Which one?
Dr.A: The pregnancy test.
     Once again we all looked at each other nervously. I was actually relived to her the doctor say that, I just don't know how Alex is going to take it. We all are waiting for her to respond, but she's just laying there zoned out.
Jasmine: Alex you ok?
      She look at us and she almost seemed to be ok, I would even say happy.
Alex: Yea Jas I'm ok.
Dr.A: I know this is hard for you but, would you like to keep the baby, give it up for adoption or have an abortion?
      Yet again we waited for Alex's answer.
Alex: I'll keep it, maybe this would be a good thing in my life. Who am I not to give another human being a chance to live its life. I'm going to love my baby to the fullest but I still have some doubts that this is going to be ok, I hope that I making the right choice.
     We all were excited that Alex was keeping the baby.
Me: Aye I already know we the godparents.
Alex: Of course sis.
Me: Air hug.
Jasmine laughed at us as we did it but it hurt to bad for us to really hug so this was better. We talked all day an night while watching tv. Jasmine left around 8 but she'll be back because she was to afraid to be alone.
Alex: How are you and Jas?
Me: We actually pretty good, but I want to tell you about something.
She turned as much as she could giving me her undivided attention. I told her about seeing my parents and everything they said. She just stared at me with no emotion on her face.
Alex: You gon tell her what's up? You do go home tomorrow.
Me: Yea I might as well I want her. You know Al I'm thinking about marrying her, not now just period.
Alex: That's amazing T it really is, y'all are a cute couple. I can't wait for the wedding.
We started laughing.
Me: I know I'm excited. I miss her already.
As soon as I said that she walked through the door.
Jasmine: I haven't been gone long and you miss me already?
Me: Of course baby.
She came got in the bed placing kisses all over my face.
Jasmine: I got us some clothes, Movies and snacks.
Me: How we gon watch it we don't have a DVD player.
Jasmine: I got your Xbox so we good. Ima go shower, you want to join me?
Me: Of course babe.
She helped me out the bed to the restroom. I heard her tell Alex she got her phone but it needs to charge then she met me in the restroom closing the door behind her. She helped me out of my hospital gown, I got in the shower turn the water to the perfect temperature as I watched Jasmine take off all her clothes. She closed the shower curtain behind her standing under the water. I missed seeing my baby's body, she has nice D cup breast, a feminine 4 pack, her thighs were thick, and her eyes were just amazing. Her perfect Amber eyes stared back at me as the whatever ran down her back. She is just so sexy without even trying and I have no complaints on that. No matter how sexy she is and how beautiful her smile and eyes she thought I was just as sexy, my eyes and smile were just as beautiful. She put her arms around my neck softly not leaning on me to much.
Jasmine: I missed you so so much baby.
Me: I know I missed you too.
Jasmine: And your body.
     She placed one small peck on my lips as her kiss turned into something more. I pulled her body into mine leaning against the wall for support. Both of my hands gripped her ass cheeks making her moan into my mouth. I let my tongue slid into her mouth as I messaged her's with mine. She bit down on my lip tugging on it gently, feeling on my breast.
Jasmine: I want to make you feel good baby.
      She placed kisses on jaw then kissed down to neck biting and sucking on it harshly. I gripped her ass more letting her know I was enjoying it. She kissed my collar bone then kissed down to my left nipple. She took it in her mouth letting her tongue swipe across it then sucking on it, she gave the right one the same treatment. She made her way down to my belly button placing a gent kiss above it and under it.     
       She slowly pushed my legs apart placing kisses on the inside of thighs. I slide my hand in hair getting a hand full of it, she placed one slow and long lick from my hole to my clit. Then she gently sucked on it licking it fast, I moaned out in pleasure as she was making my body feel good. I felt her put one finger in me moving in an out of me slowly as she continued to suck on my clit. My legs were getting weak, so I pushed her back making her lay down under me. I slowly slid down on her face as she gripped my thighs. I screamed a little as she stuck her tongue in as far as it could go. She worked her tongue in me as I grinned into her into. She quickly replaced her tongue with two fingers surprising me. I held onto the handicapped bar she hit my spot with her fingers repeatedly, I watched her as she played with herself as she pleased me it's just egg me on more.
Me: Jas baby f-f-fuck I'm about to cum.
     She added another finger while she sucked harder on my clit sending me right into my pleasure filled orgasm. I screamed her name at the top of my lungs, she slowly took her fingers out of me as I laid on the side of her. I tried to even out my breathing but I was finally feeling the pain in my side.
Jasmine: You taste like mangos.
       We both laughed.
Me: Thanks babe that felt really good.
Jasmine: I know you were moaning extra loud, I hope no one heard you.
Me: I know Alex did, will you help me up now I'm hurting.
Jasmine: OMG I'm sorry baby I forgot.
      She hurried to help me off of the floor, we took turns bathing one another even kissing here an there. She helped me get dressed into my polo pajamas then she helped me back into my bed.
Me: Can you call the nurse in?
Alex: Why so she can't listen to y'all fuck?
Me: Our bad we both needed that.
Alex: Y'all just nasty, go to bed you freaky ass jack rabbits.
     We all laughed as me and Jas cuddle up with each other.
Me: I will as soon as a nurse come in here with my medicine and you just mad just Lisa not here to put it down on you.
Alex: You a dick head I swear.
     I stuck my tongue out at her as she flipped me off. Not long after the nurse came gave me my medicine as I snuggle into Jasmine lightly gripping her booty.
*******Alex's POV*******

    I waited till Ty and Jasmine were sleep so I could call Lisa. It rang a couple time before she picked up.
Lisa: Baby?
Me: What's up, I missed you shawty.
      I heard her crying in the back ground.
Lisa: I'm so glad Ty found you where are you?
Me: I'm in the hospital, I heard what happened to you are you ok? Where you staying at?
Lisa: Yea I'm fine I'm with my parents but I just got shot in my leg. Don't worry they got the bullets out. What happened to you?
Me: A lot but let's not talk about that right now can you come see tomorrow?
Lisa: Of course I'll be there around 11 what hospital you in?
Me: Memorial Herman.
Lisa: I can't wait to see you Alex, you know your sister asked me about you.
Me: Yea she told me I talked to earlier I wanted your voice to be the last thing I heard before I went to sleep.
Lisa: Aww baby your so cute, we'll go to sleep I'll see you tomorrow.
Me: Ok good night.
Lisa: Love you.
     I hung up putting my phone under my pillow getting comfortable then I turned off the light falling asleep. I woke to someone playing with my nose. When I opened my eyes it was Lisa,
Me: Bae I missed you so much.
Lisa: I know stank I missed you too.
She leaned over pecking my lips once.
Me: You better kiss me like you mean it.
She got in the bed sitting in between my legs.
Me: Just be careful my ribs still hurt.
    She was really timid kissing me, I started to get mad so I grabbed the back of her neck pulling her into my lips more. Our kiss was hard and passionate, my hands found their way to her booty as I sucked on her neck. I was horny and I knew she was if not more than me. I started to unbutton her jeans when we heard someone throat, it was Ty and Jasmine.
Ty: Get a room, I'm not trying to witness this.
We all started laughing as Lisa button her jeans back up getting off the bed.
Me: I know your not talking, you was screaming Jasmine's name last night when you were in the shower. Don't play Ty.
Jasmine: Don't make fun of my baby.
    Ty flipped me off and stuck her tongue out at me.
Ty: Yea it's not my fault bae give the best head.
They both started laughing then kissed each other.
Me: Whatever you going home today so it'll just be me and Lisa so haha.
Ty: Have at it, I know yo nasty ass need it.
We all sat around talking an joking around with each other until the doctor came in.
Dr.A: Knock knock, how's everyone?
Us: Good.
Dr.A: That's good, Ty I just came to say your free to go now, I have your prescription here but how's the pain?
Ty: My side and shoulder still hurt but my arm is fine.
Dr.A: Ok since your still hurting I want you on bed rest for a month and the medicine should help out also.
They shook hands and she gave Ty all the information she need. Jasmine went helped Ty get dressed as Lisa and I cuddled with each other.
Lisa: So what happened to you stank?
       I sighed positioning myself to get more comfortable.
Me: Well that night when we heard something down stairs, somebody put something over my head then it went dark. When I woke my whole body was hurting, I was naked and it was dark.
Lisa: I'm so sorry baby.
Me: It's ok Ty told me you got shot, so I'm sorry I didn't protect you.
Lisa: Do you know who did it?
Me: Yea it was some guy that Ty knew back in the day.
Lisa: Is he in jail now?
Me: Actually I don't know I didn't ask.
      Just as I answered Lisa, Ty and Jasmine came out the restroom. Ty had on her Black Jumpman tee-shirt, red basketball shorts and her Piston 6s with her hair up in a high bun and her black bandana. I'm surprised Jasmine knew Ty so well to pick out her outfit so good, but it was good to see someone care about my best friend the way Jasmine did.
Me: Aye sis what happened to the dude that did this to me?
      Ty and Jasmine looked at each other then at me.
Ty: I killed him.
     Lisa was so shocked but she doesn't know what he did to me.
Me: Good at least I don't have to worry about him.
Ty: We're going to Atlanta, I need to spend some time away from here for a bit. Are you cool here or do you want us to wait till you're out of here?
      I looked at Lisa and I seen she was sad, I really did miss her so I made up my mind.
Me: Nah go rest I'm going to stay here, I want to spend time with Lisa anyway.
Ty: Where are you going no to stay? I don't want y'all in that house.
Lisa: I have my own place still so I'll just bring her home with me.
Ty: Ok cool don't go back in there at all, just text me what you need out of the house I'll have someone go get it. Is money an issue?
Me: Nope we good over here.
      Jasmine and Ty gave me a hug as they left.
Ty: If you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
       Lisa and I laid here watching Scary movie on Tv. I was nervous to tell her that I was pregnant, what if she left me or don't want a baby around. we've only been dating for 8 months it'd be a huge step. The more I thought about the more I felt sick to my stomach, she noticed that I was nervous.
Lisa: You ok?
        I laid my head on her shoulder mumbling into her neck.
Me: Impregnant.
Lisa: Huh?
She looked back at me.
Me: I'm pregnant.
She just sat there staring at me not saying a word.

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