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****Jasmine's POV****
I woke up around 12 feeling all types of amazing. I was married to the most beautiful and amazing women ever. Then on top of that we're going to hangout with Rihanna and Kehlani today. My life couldn't get no better or more complete than it is right now, well with the exception of giving Ty the baby she has always wanted.
     The hold my wife had on me got tighter as she groaned stretching. I turned over in her arms waiting for her eyes to open.
Me: Good morning Mrs.Mckinlee.
A smile grew on her face and her eyes fluttered opened staring at me.
Ty: I love you so much.
She pulled me closer hugging the shit out of me.
Me: I love you too but I can't breathe.
We both started laughing while she let me go but she didn't stop cuddling with me.
Ty: How are you feeling this morning Mrs. McKinlee?
Me: It's the afternoon but I'm feeling amazing, what about you?
Ty: Lets go brush our teeth and I can show you.
She smirked letting me go as she rolled over getting out the bed. I followed suit right behind her, she handed me my tooth brush stepping aside so we could both use the sink. After we took care of our hygiene I did both of our hair then we went to get dressed for the day.
      I put on a pair of light blue denim shorts, my red Jordan tank top and my hare 7s. Ty wanted us to match so she had on her light faded ripped jeans, her red Jordan shirt and her hare 7s.
Ty: Now that we are all dressed can I have that kiss?
She went sat on the edge of the bed watching my every movement. I walked over standing in between her legs and her hands were planted firmly on the back on my thighs stopping me from moving. I leaned down slowly reaching my destination, once our lips were connected it felt like heaven. The way her lips moved in sync with mine and how plump they were was starting to make me feel a little heated so I pulled away. She groan pouting up at me.
Me: We both agree that we'd wait and make love on our honeymoon.
Ty: But that's 2 weeks away.
She folded her arms pouting like a big baby. I put my legs on each side of her situating myself on her lap. I kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear.
Me: Just imagine what the sex is going to be like if we hold off. I personally think that it is going to be the most pleasurable night of both our lives. I'll let you do just about anything you want with me, all you have to do is wait.
I kissed the outer shell of her ear before climbing off her lap walking to the door. She looked shocked and horny all at the same time.
Me: Are you going to just sit there or take your wife out to lunch?
    I heard her running after me making me giggle, she caught up to me by the stairs but picked me up throwing me over her shoulder. We both laughed as she made it down the stairs putting me down finally but she had a good grip on my waist. She pulled me closer leaning down a little connecting our foreheads. Ty sighed contently just holding me.
Nia: Why are y'all just standing at the bottom of the stairs like that?
    We pulled away grinning up at mama Nia.
Ty: Just taking time to hold my wife.
    She kissed my forehead holding me tighter. I could really get use to this for the rest of my life.
Nia: Awe and y'all are matching how cute!!
   She pinched our cheeks as Ty groaned.
Ty: Ma really? We're not babies, we are some grown ass married women. You can't just go around pinching our cheeks like that.
    Mama Nia smacked Ty on the back of the head and I busted out laughing. She quickly scowled me which made me stop laughing.
Nia: I'm still you're mother and I have told you about cussing in front of me. I let you get away with it last night because it was you're wedding but don't make me whoop your ass. And you, was that funny to you? You better learn to keep her in check or I'll whoop both y'all asses.
     We both nodded as she watched towards the kitchen mumbling stuff. I pushed Ty off me smacking her arm.
Ty: Ow, what was that for?
Me: For getting us in trouble you jack ass now lets go before I fight you.
    She tried to give me a kiss but I curved her walking to the garage. She stood in the doorway with her arms crossed pouting.
Me: Stop pouting and get in the car so we can go on a date.
Ty: Not until you kiss me and tell me you love me.
    I wanted to deny her but I couldn't she looked extremely adorable right now and I couldn't help it. I pulled her by her belt loop and smashed our lips together. She instantly kissed me back grabbing hand fills of my booty making me moan into her mouth. She pulled away with my bottom lip in her mouth releasing it with a juicy pop.
Ty: Now we can go on our date.
    I blushed looking at her adorable smile, she took my hand opening the drivers side door for me. She waited till I was in before closing the door walking over to the passenger side. We buckled up but I got lost in my mind just looking at her and admiring her beauty. She was mine and no one else for the rest of our lives, I sighed absentmindedly saying I love you.
Ty: I love you too baby and as much as I love when you stare at me I'm hungry and would like to eat.
     I blushed nodding as she reached over taking my hand in hers locking our fingers together. I carefully pulled out trying not to hit the numerous cars in our drive way. Ty hooked up her phone and we sung along to the songs till I pulled up at my favorite restaurant.
****Alex's POV****
Jaylee and I had been up for a while just watching Tv and cuddling but I knew we had to get up forreal soon.
Jaylee: Did you have fun last night?
Me: Yea but it was weird not drinking, I kind of miss it.
Jaylee: Don't worry Andres is starting to be a big boy, I think he can handle drinking from a bottle.
     I chuckled thinking about my little man.
Me: Yea maybe you're right, I should go pick him up though I bet he's missing me.
Jaylee: Or you're missing him.
    She busted out laughing and I mushed her head lightly. She was still laughing and I moved from under her letting her head fall on the pillow. I stretched looking back her and she was pouting adorably.
Jaylee: Come back to bed baby.
Me: Nope get up and get dressed, we've been in bed for to long anyway. I'm surprised the boys didn't come busting in on us.
    I left her on the bed hearing her huff as I went to my closet grabbing some black jeans and a blue shirt. Jaylee came up behind wrapping her arms around my waist with her head on my back.
Me: Jaybear you have to get dressed so we can leave.
Jaylee: You want me to come with you?
Me: Well duh.
   I turned around in her arms and she looked up at me nervously.
Jaylee: What about your mom?
    I gave her a questioning look.
Jaylee: I've never met her officially, are you sure you want me to meet her so soon?
      I took her hands in me me raising them to my mouth kissing the both of them. (A/N: I'm changing Jaylee's Age from 32 to 28 just so you know)
Me: I don't think it's to soon, you're the woman I want you already know that. The fact that I'm introducing y'all is big anyway. Only one other girl has met my mom but that didn't turn out very well as you know but you're different. I'm pretty sure my mama will notice and love you as soon as y'all meet.
    She nodded smiling up at me, she stood on her tippy toes giving me a quick kiss. She left to get some clothes as I grabbed my sandals, she came out 10 minutes later fully dressed and ready. She held my hand as we walked down stairs, the boys were with Maya and Kai watching Tv in their Pjs.
Joel: Mommy!!
    They rushed over to Jaylee hugging her legs then hugged my legs. I already had a close bond with the boys which was nice and I'm pretty sure Jaybear was happy. Jacob held his arms up at me and I picked him up kissing his cheek. He giggled snuggling his face into my neck.
Me: You doing ok Jac?
     I felt him nodded in my neck, I felt something tapping my leg so I looked down and it was Joel. He held his arms out to me, I leaned down about to grab him but Jaylee stopped me.
Jaylee: You don't have to hold the both of them.
Me: Baby chill out I got this.
    Joel smiled at me as I squatted down securing him in my arms before standing up again. He kissed my cheek playing in my hair.
Me: Did you want to come with me and mommy?
    He nodded as Jacob's head shot up from my neck.
Jacob: I want to come too.
Me: You can't go in you're Pjs so you have to hurry and get dressed.
    I looked over at Jaylee and she had the biggest and most heart wrenching smile on her face. I put them both down holding their hands.
Me: Yaya did they brush their teeth?
Maya: Yea we helped them but if y'all are going on a date we'll watch them.
Kai: We will?
   Maya smacked Kai mugging her.
Me: Nah it's ok we're going pick up Andres then I'll probably take them to get lunch since it's going on 1.
     I kissed Jaylee cheek walking the boys to the stairs.
Jaylee: Need help?
Me: Nope sit their and look pretty.
    She laughed as the 3 of us walked up the stairs to their room. I turned on the cartoons and had them sit down as I picked out their outfits. I always said just because twins looked a like didn't mean they had to dress the same. I even took notice as the boys were beginning to have their own style.
       Joel liked wearing basketball shorts with tank tops while Joel liked long sleeve shirts and jeans. Don't ask why but he does but it's to hot so I grabbed Joel a grey wolf shirt with some cargo shorts and some grey vans and got Jacob a black basketball outfit with some Jordan's. It didn't take me long since they were somewhat occupied with the tv and let me get them dressed with no problems besides getting their shoes on.
Me: Ok come on guys lets go bye bye.
I stopped in my room to grab Jaylee's purse, keys and our phones before heading down the stairs with the boys.
Me: Come on babe lets go.
She followed us out but took Joel on her side to strap him into his car seat as I did the same for Jacob. I opened the passenger side door letting her get while I went to the drivers side. It was easier to drive her truck since the boys seats were all ready buckled up.
Jaylee: Baby wait, aren't you forgetting Andres's seat?
Me: Don't worry I'll just take the seat my mom has for him for now, Ty said she wants up to hang out tonight so I'll just drop him back. I'm pretty sure my mom would love to watch the boys too.
Jaylee: No I don't think so, she doesn't even know me yet. I can't just ask her to watch my kids.
Me: Chill baby you worry to much, I'm gonna take care of everything.
She looked at me skeptically but nodded trusting me for the most part. My mom lived about 30 minutes away so it was that far of a drive. Jaybear had the boys watching cartoons in the back so they were fine. We had light conversation but mostly it was me giving her compliments and making her blush. I am really feeling Jaybear a lot and I have no problems settling down with her. I just hope she trusts me enough to let me love her but for now I was content.
I pulled up in the drive way and some of my family was sitting on the porch listening to music and drink like always. My little cousins all came running up to me as I got out the truck. I hugged each one of them before unstrapping Jacob from his seat. He was being shy hiding his face in my neck as I held him.
Lily: Aww who is this little guy?
My cousin lily and I were the closest beside me and my big sister Ava.
Me: He's my girlfriend's son.
Avery: Is that her?
He pointed at Jaylee and she looked down shyly but I walked over grabbing her hand pulling her with me.
Me: Yes this beautiful and wonderful women here is my girlfriend. These are her twins Jacob and Joel.
They all introduced themselves and surprisingly Joel wasn't shy. He talked to them for a little bit before I led them into the house with me. Jacob still wouldn't let me put him down but it was ok with me. We walked through the spacious two story house Ty helped me get for my mom and siblings. I quickly introduced Jaylee and the boys to my family as we walked to the kitchen where my mom always is.
Me: Mami, estoy en casa.
    She turned around looking at Jaylee and I excited.
Mom: Hola mija, como estas?
Me: English mami we have guests.
Mom: Ok sorry, hi sweetheart I'm Alex's mom Melissa. You're Jasmine's sister right?
Jaylee: Yes ma'ma it's nice to meet you.
Me: And these are her boys Jacob and Joel.
Mom: Aw son muy guapos.
     They looked at Jaylee looking confused.
Me: She said you two look handsome.
Jaylee: Thank you.
Mom: No problem are you hungry mija?
Me: No ma I just came by to pick up Andres for a little bit, we're going out with Ty, Jasmine, Kehlani and Rihanna. Not like you know who they are anyway but it's a big really big deal for us.
Mom: I do know who she is, she sings sex with me so amazing.
    She started doing some weird grinding dance and I hurried to cover the boys eyes. I quickly shut mine as Jaylee laughed with my mom.
Me: I'm going get Andres so we can leave, ma please be nice to my girlfriend while I'm gone and don't embarrass me.
    She waved me off giving with boys a juice as they ran off with some of my nephews and cousins. I eyed her before I walked upstairs to my youngest sisters room knowing she'd have Andres.
Me: Gigi, I have come to take my baby back for a little while.
She was sitting on the floor with our two cousins that were her age with Andres on his blanket playing with his toys. She just turned 16 and I'm sad to see my baby all grown up. It goes Ava, Daniel, Me, The twins Nathan and Nira then Gianna. We have a big family I know but my mom and dad got an early start, she got pregnant with Ava when she was 16 and just kept having us.
Gianna: Lea I missed you.
She ran over to me jumping into my arms, luckily I caught her. We both held onto each other but we were interrupted with cries. I put her down chuckling, Andres was looking up at me whining.
Me: I know, I missed you too my big boy.
   I picked him up hugging him tightly kissing on his face. He giggled playing in my face just looking at me smiling. I absolutely love this little boy of mine, I couldn't have asked for anything better than him. He's going on 6 months and he's my mini me, and sometimes he acts like Ty. I have no idea why but it's the cutest thing ever, he just melts my heart.
Me: Gigi can you watch him tonight for me? I'll even get you a autograph from Rihanna and Kehlani.
    She screamed loudly scaring Dre, I kissed his forehead rocking him in my arms.
Gianna: Omg yes I'll watch him, but how are you going to get the autographs?
Me: Well Ty just so happens to be friends with them now and we are all going to Playhouse tonight.
     She perked up even more hearing Ty's name. She's always had a crush on Ty, I always tease her about it when Ty comes around.
Gianna: Is she still with Jasmine?
Me: Yes Gigi you know they just got married don't play. You're gonna have to get over that little crush mamas, I know it's hard but they were meant to be together. You'll find somebody to love when the times come ok?
    She nodded hugging my other side kissing Dre's cheek. He started rambling in his baby talk pulling on her hair.
Me: He don't like you being on his mama but I want you to meet my girlfriend.
    They all gasped looking over at me.
Me: Number 1 shut up, and I'm serious about her ok. I wasn't looking for a relationship it just found me and she just so happens to be Jasmine's older sister. Her name is Jaylee and I'm really feeling her, can you come say hi?
Gianna: Wow, I have to if she has you sprung like this. And what is up with them? First Ty now you they must have some strong jeans.
Me: I don't know but come on.
    She followed me down the stairs to the kitchen, mama and Jaylee were sitting at the kitchen table drinking something and talking.
Me: Jay.
   She turned around with a face eating grin as soon as she seen Dre.

He damn near jumped out of my arms trying to get to her

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He damn near jumped out of my arms trying to get to her. She took him in her arms kissing all over his face and he was loving all of. This is what I mean, this women is amazing even my 6 month old son knows it. I can't lose her ever, I'm going to cherish her for the longest.
Jaylee: Hey big boy, I missed you.
    He snuggled up on her and we all awed making her blush.
Me: Babe this is my youngest sister Gianna, Gigi this my girlfriend Jaylee.
    They hugged saying hi.
Gianna: Wow you're really beautiful.
Jaylee: Aw thank you so much Gianna, you are too.
     Gigi looked at me still just shocked, I guess she didn't expect her to be so pretty.
Gianna: It's definitely in the genes.
    I busted out laughing while Ma and Jaylee looked at us confused.
Me: Anyways her sons are running around here somewhere.
Gianna: How old are they?
Jaylee: Both 3, they're twins.
Gianna: That's so cute I can't wait to meet them. And I look forward to getting to know you better, I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing you more now.
Jaylee: That's up to you're sister and if she acts right.
Gianna: I like you already.
    We all laughed and even my mom nodded.
Mom: I like her too, mija you better not mess up and act like you always do. You have a special lady here treat her right, you hear me?
Me: Of course mami, I promise.
    I leaned down kissing Jaylee and Andres's forehead.
Me: Ok I'm going to take them out for a little while but we'll be back to drop off Dre.
Mom: Jaylee do you need me to watch the twins for you? Gianna and I can do it.
Jaylee: I couldn't impose on the two of you like that.
Mom: Nonsense well watch them if they want us to.
    She nodded not wanting to argue with my mother. We all walked in the back yard looking for the boys who were with all the younger boys on the trampoline. I helped them out and put their shoes back on.
Me: Jac, Joe, I have a question. How would you feel if my mom and my sister watch you while I take mommy out tonight?
Jacob: Is Mason and Noah be here?
    I chuckled smiling knowing that they were bonding with my family also but I nodded.
Me: Yea they can stay with you if you'd like.
    I looked back at my mom and she nodded, then I looked back at the boys and they looked at each other before yelling yes. We all laughed at their eagerness.
Mom: See its settled, I'll see you all later then.
     I made Gigi go grab Andre car seat and his diaper bag as I put Jacob and Joel in their seats. Andres would not let Jaylee go and I don't think she wanted him to let go either. After I hook up his seat properly Jay strapped him in then got in on the passenger side.
Me: Do you have anywhere you have in mind for lunch?
Jaylee: Lets have pizza, I know the boys will love that.
    She smiled leaning over kissing me.
Jaylee: I've been waiting to do that since we got here. It felt good to hear you call me your girlfriend.
    She blushes as I smiled leaning over to peck her lips a couple of times. I finally broke away from her lips pulling out the drive way driving to this pizza spot that I know of.

It was to long for me to do just one chapter so I'm making a "Honeymoon" Part 2

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