The End is Near

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I had the cab driver drop us at my neighbor house so if anyone was in there they wouldn't see us. I knocked on the door, they were a nice middle age French couple in their mid to late 30s that reminded me of my aunt and uncle. They made Alex and I dinner a few times and always checked on us from time to time. Mrs. Amber Colin opened the door, I was somewhat surprised it was 8 in the morning and she was up.
Me: Hey Mrs.Colin how are you?
Amber: I'm good Ty. I haven't seen you in the while.
Me: I've been super busy sorry. I have a quick question.
Amber: Sure what is it?
Me: Have you heard anything from the house?
Amber: No not since yesterday morning. I think Alex had company.
Me: Ok Mrs.Colin can my girlfriend come in for a little bit?
Amber: Of course honey is everything ok?
Me: Yes I just want to go speak to Alex but I wanted her to met my other parents.
She laughs,
Amber: Well of course dear sure go head.
I pulled Jasmine to the side of the porch so I could talk to her privately she was already giving me a attitude.
Me: Baby please don't do this ok?
Jasmine: I can help you know I can.
Me: Yes I know you can babe but I love you so much if anything happened to you I wouldn't forgive myself. It'd make me feel better knowing I won't have to worry if you're ok. You distract me and we both can't afford that right now to much is at stake.
Jasmine: But.
Me: Please just trust me.
Jasmine: I do, I do but you don't even have your gun.
Me: I have a couple in the garage already locked and loaded. I love you ok.
Jasmine: I love you too baby please be careful.
We kissed then she hugged me so tight I could barley breathe but I didn't mind. I finally got her to let me go, I kissed her on the forehead while she held my hand. I walked her in the house to meet Mrs.Colin, I kissed her one more time before I left out the door.
     I ran all the way to Alex's garage, what I hoped was no one knew that the garage door was broken so all you had to do is lift it but I did have extra locks put on the door from the house to the garage. I lifted the door just for me to roll under and stay quiet. Alex and Lisa's cars were still in the garage, I went to desk Alex's father built for us I had tapped 2 glock 31 gen 4 under it not even Alex knew about.
     I turned the safety off then went to check to see if the door was locked, it wasn't I immediately thought of the worst. I stuck one gun in the back of my jeans and held the other, I pushed the door fall enough for me to look around the living room. I inched in the doorway to clear the kitchen, I didn't see anything so I made it to the stairs but I still took my time walking up there. I could hear little faint calls for help, as I walked closer to Alex's room the cries were a little louder. I pushed the door open it squeaked, whoever was in the room heard me opening the door and began to cry for help more. I cocked my gun, pointed it out straight ready to shoot then I slowly walked in the door. I seen it was Lisa sitting against the way with a gun shot to her leg, there was a lot of blood on the floor I was guessing it was hers. I searched the house there wasn't anyone there I was relieved but that didn't mean they were safe where they were. I ran back to Lisa.
Me: Lisa it's ok stop crying you're safe now.
She wouldn't stop crying, I put my gun in my pocket then picked her up bridal style. She cried out in pain, I didn't mean to hurt her but I needed to get her out the house. I didn't have my phone on me so I had to carefully run all the way to Mr an Mrs. Colin's house. Luckily for me they were sitting on the porch drinking tea. Mrs. Colin an Jasmine stood immediately after they seen me carrying Lisa.
Jasmine: Baby what happened?
Me: I don't know just call the police.
    Mrs. Colin called the police from her phone telling them that someone had been shot and we need the ambulance. Jasmine helped me lay Lisa down on the porch, just minutes later the police and ambulance arrived. The emts put Lisa on a stretcher.
Emt: Are you family of the victim?
Me: Yea we're her cousins.
Emt: You can ride with us but we need to leave now.
They loaded Lisa on to the ambulance, we got in after she did but Jasmine and I were both quite. The emts treated Lisa as best as they could for the time being, she was still unconscious. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind we hadn't checked on Jaylee or the boys, I scooted closer to Jasmine so I could whisper in her ear.
Me: When we get into the hospital you need to call Jaylee and if she doesn't answer call her boyfriend. After you reached them I need you to tell them be on the first flight to Atlanta, I'll text them my uncle's house then I'll call uncle Liam to let them know they on the way.
Jasmine: Ok
I could tell she was nervous and a little scared but I reassured her it was ok by putting my hand on hers. I couldn't hold her how I wanted I didn't want the emts to suspect anything.
Emt: We are about 5 minutes from the hospital, she's stable but she'll need to go straight into surgery to get the bullets out.
Me: Alright thank you, what hospital are we going to?
Emt: St.lukes.
Me: Ok good she works there so they'll have her parents number.
Emt: You don't have it?
Me: No sir her parents don't like me, but I have to make sure she's ok.
Before he could ask me anymore questions we finally arrived at the emergency entrance, they took Lisa out taking her straight to the OR to get the bullets out. I signed release papers from the emts then a nurse escorted us to the room where Lisa would be placed after surgery. The nurse left out of the room and I was finally able to hold my baby.
Me: Come here.
There were two chairs but I felt like being close to her so I had her to sit on my lap. She kissed me on my cheek as she sat on my lap then she laid her head on my shoulder as she called Jaylee.
Me: She going to answer baby don't worry.
Luckily I was right I heard Jaylee answer the phone.
******Jasmine's POV********
I was so nervous that Jaylee wasn't going to answer the phone Ty knew that, she held me as I prepared for the worse. Jaylee answered the phone after a few rings.
Jaylee> Hello?
Me> Are you an the boys ok?
Jaylee> Yea why wouldn't we be?
Ty: See babe they ok.
Ty kissed me making me feel a lot better.
Me> Alex's girlfriend got shot and we don't know where Alex is.
I told Jaylee everything Ty wanted me to, she agreed to pack her an the boys tonight then head out.
Jaylee> Let me talk to Ty.
    She handed the phone to me.
Jaylee> Ty what the hell is going on?!
Me> I really can't explain right now I just need you to get yourself, the boys and Steve to the airport right now. Ima call my aunt and uncle so they know you on the way that's the only place your safe.
Jaylee> Ok be careful please and take care of my sister. I'm pretty sure it's Greg.
Me> No it's not him this time, it's someone I know but I'm ending it he took my sister so it's personal now.
Jaylee> Just be careful ok I can't stress it enough.
Me> I will, call me before you board the plane.
Jaylee> Ok I'm going pack now.
I handed Jasmine her phone back, she said goodbye to Jaylee.
Jasmine: Every things going to be ok right?
Me: Of course don't worry we'll figure more when Lisa come back.
I kissed her then held her a little tighter. We fell asleep for a while I assumed, we were woken by the doctor that operated on Lisa.
Doctor: Excuse me are the family of Lisa.
Me: Yes sir I am is she ok?
Doctor: Yea she's fine, I got the bullets out perfectly. We are just waiting for her to wake up from the medicine we gave her, after that we'll bring her in.
Jasmine stood up an shook the doctor's hand so did I.
Me: Now we going to find out what Eric did with Alex.
About 15 minutes later the nurses bought in Lisa, but the nurse pulled me outside.
Nurse: I don't want to alarm you but she hasn't spoken a word since she's been here.
Me: Yea she wouldn't talk earlier maybe she'll talk to me now.
The nurse walked off I went into the am sat on the side of Lisa.
Me: Lisa how are you feeling?
She turned her head an just looked at me for a moment, she tried to speak but had to clear her throat.
Lisa: He-he took her.
Jasmine: He who?
Lisa: Her phone.
Me: What about her phone!
Lisa: She has it, go get her.
    She started to cry uncontrollably, I was still confused but then I started to think.
Me: Lisa does she have track my phone?
Lisa: Go get her, go get her.
Just as Lisa finished talking I seen a couple that seemed to be in their 60s at the nurses station. I could over hear them asking what room Lisa was in, I grabbed Jasmine's hand.
Me: Bae come on we gotta get out of here.
Jasmine: What? Why?
Me: Her parents are here we don't need them asking questions, let's go.
I let Jasmine leave out of the room before me.
Me: Lisa I'm gonna get Alex back don't worry. Your parents are here I'm going to get out of here now.
She grabbed my hand I knew she was saying thank you. As I was walking out the door I ran into her dad.
Lisa's Dad: May I help you?
Me: No sir wrong room sorry.
I moved passed him as fast as I could, I met up with Jasmine at the elevator.
Me: I need to get to a computer.
Jasmine: Baby something's weird.
Me: What are you talking about?
Jasmine: How does Eric know Alex. You moved out not long after that situation at the mall and no one was there when you moved out.
Me: You right something going on, we're going to figure it out but let's catch a cab back to our house an get your car we have a few things to do.
We caught a cab out in front of hospital and made it back to our house.
Me: Jasmine when we get there I'm going to grab all the guns I hid around the house, take my phone just in case Jaylee calls go get in the car and start it turn the air on but leave the garage closed I'll be fast.
    We kissed as we parted ways, I ran around to all my hiding spots around the house. First I grabbed the one tapped under the couch, the one in the cabinet above the refrigerator, one in Jaylee's bed side table, in the boys room in the closet, then the one in Lauren's and I bathroom, the two in our safe, lastly the 2 I had in the garage. I tossed my Nike duffle bag full of guns in the back seat then got in on the passenger side.
Jasmine: Jaylee called she said her, Steve, and the boys were about board the plane.
Me: Ok babe let me text her my uncle's address so she can go straight there and I'll text uncle Liam that she'll be there in a little while.
Jasmine: Where are we going first?
Me: Library we need to track her phone.
It took us no more than 10 minutes to make it to the library. We practically ran in, I hurried to the track my phone site. The address was in 3rd ward which gave me the worse feeling ever.
Me: Baby we're going to need some help.
*********Alex's POV********
I woke up an my whole body was so sore and I couldn't see anything. I tried to lift myself up but the pain was unbelievable. I couldn't do anything but remove the blind fold I had on my eyes. I looked around to see where I was, it looked like I was in an attic. There was a lot of boxes, a old beat up mattress and broken wood poles everywhere. I could here people talking but I didn't have any energy to yell out, but I did muster up the will to stand up. When I did I instantly felt a sharp pain in my side an my leg.
Jasmine: Who's gonna help?
Me: I have 2 old best friends that's always there when I need them.
Jasmine: How come I never heard you talk about them?
Me: I don't know they just never came up.
I heard Jasmine talking to be but I was to busy looking for Pierce's number. When I finally found it I took a deep breath so that I could make the call.
Pierce: Who dis?
Me: That's a great to greet yo lil sister.
Pierce: Ty?
Me: Yea what's up?
Pierce: Nothing much just talking to a ghost.
Me: I ain't no ghost but I do need a favor P.
Pierce: For you anything.
Me: I appreciate that.
Pierce: So what you need?
Me: I need you and Tre out here on the next plane like today. I got you somewhere to stay, guns and money no issue.
Pierce: I can't take your money, saying I owe you would be a understatement but we on the way I'll call you to pick us up.
We hung the phone.
Jasmine: What he say baby?
Me: He said they on the way, lets get something to eat before I drop you off.
Jasmine: What the hell you mean drop me off? I'm going with you, I'm not letting go in this with out me.
Me: Baby come on.
Jasmine: No no way I'm going your not stopping me.
Me: Fine I gotta stop an get some more bullets from some people I know. I'm getting you a bulletproof vest while I'm there it's top of the line, it's better than the ones the police have.
I looked over at her, she was staring at me just smiling and I loved seeing her beautiful smile.
Me: What?
Jasmine: I love you is all.
Me: Yea I love you too.
She kissed me as we got out the car at the restaurant. Just as we were being seated at the table I got a call from aunt Nia.
Me: Hey how are you?
Nia: I'm good baby I just wanted to call you that Jaylee and everyone made it here safe, I put them in your room.
Me: Ok great if you need anything let me know.
Nia: I will don't worry, have you found your friend?
Me: Not yet auntie but we have a address. You remember Pierce and Tre?
Nia: Yea I still talk to them every now and again.
Me: Well I called them for back up they'll be here in a little while.
Nia: That's good baby I always liked them, be careful and call me as soon as you get your friend out safely ok?
Me: I will I promise love you.
Nia: I love you too.
    I hang up the phone an sat it on the table.
Jasmine: Is my sister ok?
Me: Yea baby she fine.
     Just as I look over to Jasmine my phone goes off.
*Bleep Bleep*
Jasmine: Who is it?
Me: Its Pierce.
Big Bro P> Aye we just landed where you at?
Lil Ty> Down the street from the airport I'm on my way.
     Jasmine already ordered so I told our waiter that I need everything in to-go boxes. He comes back hand me the bags of food, Jasmine tries to take one of the bags out of my hand.
Me: I got it baby don't worry.
    I managed to put all the bags into one hand an I grabbed Jasmine hand and she smiles. I put the bags in the trunk then I climb into the drivers seat, Jasmine slowly slides her hand into mine as our fingers lace together. I could see her blush, I loved seeing her happy but suddenly worry took over my face an I could tell she noticed but she didn't ask me about. I pulled up to the air port I see Pierce an Tre standing there with their bags. I get out an dapped the both of them up, I see them eyeing Jasmine as she was leaning on my car on her phone.
Pierce: Aye man who that shawty bad.
   I laugh,
Me: Jas.
   She looked over at me and I motion for her to come here so she puts her phone in her pocket and walks over to us.
Jasmine: What?
     I point at them,
Me: This is Pierce and Tre.
    She shakes both of their hands,
Me: Y'all this is my baby Jasmine.
    She blushes laying her head on my shoulder so I put my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
Pierce: Oh my bad bro I ain't mean to be looking at yo girl like that.
    I laugh again,
Me: It's all good no harm done. She is quite amazing to look at I know I can't get enough.
    I feel her body heat up and I could tell she was blushing really hard. I could feel a huge smile on her face as she settle in the crook of my neck.
Pierce: I'm just happy to see you settling down lil bro.
     He pushes me a little causing Jasmine to raise off of me still blushing.
Tre: Why we still standing here? Don't we got dudes to end?
    We all laugh,
Me: Yea man lets go back to our place an take about a plan. Guns, Ammo and vest in the back so we good on that.
   They nod at me as we all get in the car, Jasmine was in the passenger seat while Tre and pierce sat in the back. Jasmine had her hands in her lap I reached over putting my hand on her thigh, she looked over at me smiling then she took my hand into hers bring it to her lips an kissed my hand gently.

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