The Truth

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****Jasmine's POV****
I woke up to my stomach doing flips, I was beyond terrified to go talk to my mom. She was going to kill me, literally, but I was hoping she'd be to happy that I was getting married to care who I was marrying. I sat on the edge of the bed fidgeting with my beautiful ring.
Ty: Baby come back to bed, your warm.
I giggled sliding back to her, I laid my head on her chest while my arm lazily wrapped around her waist. I sighed getting comfortable.
Ty: I know your nervous baby, it'll be ok.
Me: I already know she's going to hate it but I just don't want her to hate you. This is a big deal, you mean a lot to me.
Ty: You never know AJ, she might see how much this means to you and get over it.
Me: Hopefully.
Ty: Look even if she doesn't your gaining another family, your always going to have someone to love you especially me. So calm down and don't stress it babe.
I kissed her chin as she patted my booty.
Ty: Now let's go get dressed so we can go.
Me: What about Maya and Kai?
Ty: Um I'll just give them the address so they can meet us at the hospital.
I nodded getting up walking to the closet.
Ty: Baby find me something to wear please.
I flipped her off making her chuckle, I really didn't know what she felt like wearing so I yelled at her.
Me: Baby, girly or tomboyish!!??
She walked in the closet with her toothbrush in her mouth mumbling.
Ty: Inthemiddle.
I laughed pushing her back pointing to the bath room. I got her clothes and shoes together then got mine setting them on the bed while I went did my hygiene and taking a shower. When I came out Ty was dressed already sitting at the vanity curling her hair.
Ty: Baby take my picture right quick.
I took the phone from her letting her get ready then snapped it.

Ty: I'ma start letting you pick my clothes all the time, I'm sexy asf

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Ty: I'ma start letting you pick my clothes all the time, I'm sexy asf.
Me: You really are.
She raised her eyebrow at me walking closer, I bit down on my lips as she wrapped her arms around my waist capturing my lips in a quick kiss then whispered in my ear.
Ty: Your sexier, now let me see you get dressed so I can take some pictures of you.
She kissed the outer shell of my ear making me shudder before I started stripping from my clothes. I could feel her eyes on my body as I slipped out of my shorts slower than usual. I bent down pulling them from around my ankles before slipping on my other shorts. I went to my dresser still feeling her eyes on me, I removed my shirt trying to find my bra. As I was looking for it I felt a pair of hands grip my waist.
Ty: Why are you teasing so much?
Her voice was husky, deep and laced with pure lust, my whole body reacted to her voice in the most powerful way.
Me: Sorry daddy.
   She nested her head in my neck giving it little love bites, a breathy moan erupted from my lips as I wrapped my arm around her neck. She turned me around with her lips never leaving my neck. She lifted me up sitting me on my dresser standing in between my legs rubbing my thighs. I stared into her eyes as her hands went higher and higher, just as she was about to reach her destination there was a knock at the door.
Ty: Do I have to answer it?
Me: Yes now go.
She pecked my lips repeatedly not wanting to leave so I pushed her towards the door so I could finish getting ready and straighten my hair. I grabbed my clothes taking them to the bathroom with me. I didn't like my shorts so I pulled them off going back to the closet to grab a pair of pants. I could hear Ty and Maya talking to each other but I was to busy trying to get ready. Once I had on all my clothes I proceed to flat iron my hair. A figure popped up in the middle of the door staring at me.
Me: Yes?
Maya: Nothing, I just came to say good morning to my favorite big sister.
Ty: I don't like yo ass either!!!!
    I heard Ty yelling from inside of our room, now I know why she put so much emphasis on favorite.
Me: What happened now?
Maya: Nothing she just gets on my nervous sometimes.
Me: Like a big sister.
    I chuckled a little bit as she mugged me.
Maya: Whatever, so I heard you guys are going see your mom you excited?
Me: Kind of, or for the most part, I just know this is going to be the make or break of our relationship.
Maya: No matter what Jas we all still love you, we're excited that your the one that's making her love again and not be hoe!!
     This time Ty appeared in the doorway scowling at Maya.
Ty: I was not a hoe, women just couldn't get enough of me. It wasn't my fault they didn't take no for a answer.
    I cocked my eyebrow up looking at her.
Ty: I'm done with those girls baby, you have nothing to worry about.
    She came behind me kissing my cheek resting her head on my shoulder.
Me: I better not, or just prepare to die because I'm going to kill you.
   She gulped tensing up.
Ty: Yes ma'am.
    I kissed her cheek before she raised her head from my shoulder. On her way out Maya was still laughing so Ty stopped in front of her about to say something.
Me: You better not say or do anything to her, go get you some cereal because when I'm finished with my hair we're leaving.
     Of course she did as I said leaving to go about her business.
Maya: Damn I need to get like you, I be ready to strangle Kai ass. How do you do it?
Me: Head.
   Her eyes shot open so wide making be busy our laughing.
Maya: Seriously?
Me: Yep, head always does the trick.
Maya: Getting or giving?
Me: Both.
    I chuckled as she looked like she was having a hard time believing me. We talked for a while and I finally finished my hair then did my makeup. I had to make sure I put on my perfume and had everything I needed in my purse. When we went downstairs Ty was putting her bowl in the sink while on her phone. She seen me putting her finger up to say hold on, she said what she had to say then hung up.
Ty: Ok I'm all ready now.
    I nodded as she took my hand heading towards the door as Maya and Kai followed.
Ty: Look here you two I want to make sure y'all are listening.
     They both nodded signaling her to continue.
Ty: Don't mess up my house, don't go in our room and do not touch any car that doesn't belong to you.
    She pointed at Maya who was pouting.
Ty: Got me?
   They nodded hugging us good bye.
Me: Wait baby take my picture over there.
I gave her my phone posing multiple times before I thought it was enough. She showed me the picture and I absolutely loved one.

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