Time Away

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****Jasmine's POV****
It's been three months and Ty is still in a coma. The doctors say it shouldn't be long for her to wake up but I need to keep talking to her. I was currently walking in the hospital greeting everyone on my way up. It was 10 o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining bright, I opened up her blinds to let the bright sun rays in her room. She was looking way better than she did for the last couple of days which brought a smile to my face. I pulled my chair closer to her bed taking her hand into mine.
Me: Baby, today is January 6, 2017. I hated being away from you for thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. I did have a good time meeting your family though, they were super sweet and accepted me. They were surprised to hear that you proposed to me but they were excited for us. They demanded to be invited all I did was laugh. Alex and Lisa went back to Texas to take care of stuff at Playhouse and another doctors appointment, but she said she'd be back as soon as you woke up. Maya and Kai are going strong but they had their first fight when some stud was flirting with Maya. They were mad at each other for about a week but then I made them talk and make up. Ace and Riland are big now but they play in the back yard all the time. They love sleeping in your room with me but I just think they miss you. I know I miss you like hell and that you'd wake up but I'm being patient. The doctors say your getting better and should be waking up any day.
      A little tear slipped out of my left eye rolling down to my cheek. I laid my head on her arm letting out all the tears I held in over these past couple of months.
****Ty's POV****
   it was cold and dark where ever I was, I couldn't move period. I could hear everyone talking though, the nurses would gossip to each other and some of my family came. AJ was here pretty much everyday I think, she'd tell me the dates so I know I've been out for a couple of months. It pained me to know I couldn't be there for her, I know she's hurting. She didn't cry often well if she did I couldn't see of course but today was different. She cried loudly, it broke my heart completely but all I could see was darkness but I couldn't accept this anymore. I screamed trying to move around, nothing was working but I was to determined to get to my baby.
****Jasmine's POV****
   I couldn't help the tears that were falling from my eyes no matter how much I tried but suddenly I heard someone softly and hoarsely say my name. I looked up at the door with tears still running but no one was there. My hand was squeezed lightly and I looked towards Ty and her eyes were open. I started bawling my eyes out, there she was. Ty was finally awake, she smiled at me rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.
Me: Baby your finally awake. I'm so happy to see your ok.
    She tried to talk but it came out as a mumble till she cleared her throat and spoke just above a whisper.
Ty: I told you I'd come back no matter what.
   I giggled cupping her cheek with my free hand placing a small kiss on her lights. Her heart monitor started going off and nurses came running in. She giggled a little as she seen their faces.
Nurse: How long have you been woke?
Me: Not too long.
Nurse: What happened then?
   I blushed as a smirk ghosted Ty's perfect lips.
Me: I kissed her.
    They all aww'd as the doctor came in.
Doctor: It's to see you up Ms.McKinlee.
Ty: Thanks, I'm just glad I get to see my fiancé.
I blushed as the nurses looked at us lovingly cooing us.
Doctor: Your really lucky, you could have died, but I really think it was thanks to her.
He pointed at me giving me a big toothy smile.
Doctor: She was here everyday pretty much. It was cute watching her talk to you everyday, I guess keeping you updated?
Ty nodded her head gripping my hand tightly.
Doctor: Again it's good to see you up but we have to run a couple of test on you. Is that ok?
Ty: Yea.
Doctor: It's normal for your voice to be gone, and you may not be able to walk just yet but with physical therapy you should be back to normal in a few months.
Me: How many is a few?
Doctor: Well it just depends on her. It could take her a week or two or some months. As quick as she came out that coma I give her maybe a month or two. Most people that suffered a trauma like her, they take a lot longer to recover.
Me: So is it good that it didn't take her that long?
Doctor: As far as I can tell just by looking at her right now, yes it is. She's not showing any bad symptoms of being in a coma but that's why I want to run the tests on her.
Ty: That's fine.
Doctor: Ok great, we're going to get a CAT scan ordered and go from there. They are going to get you prep for that and I'll have her back to you in a short while.
I looked at Ty smiling pecking her cheek as the nurses got her ready. I kissed her one more time as they wheeled her out leaving me in the room by myself. I soon realized that I should call and tell everyone she's awake, I know they'll be excited. Liam and Nia were the first ones I called, they were overjoyed and said they'd be right over. They said I didn't have to Kai and Maya because they'd tell them. I called Alex and Lisa next an I swear she popped my ear drum screaming excitedly. She said they'd be on the next flight out to see Ty. I also called Jaylee and a couple of Ty's cousins I'd met and some friends. They were all relived to hear she was ok, they also couldn't wait to see her when she got back.
    It took only 30 minutes or so to finish up all her test and bring her back. She was talking better but couldn't walk, I was just happy she was up.
Me: Baby I called everyone and they were happy to hear you were up and doing good. Nia, Liam, Maya and Kai and maybe the boys are on their way right now. Alex said they'd be here a little later, Jaylee and the boys excited to see you when we go back home.
Ty: That's good I missed everybody especially you baby.
She beaconed me to her bed which I happily obliged. She pulled me into her side wrapping her arms around my waist as I laid my head on her shoulder.
Me: I missed you too. I have your Christmas presents at the house maybe when your better or can go home you can unwrap them.
Ty: Of course baby, so the doctor was right when he said I woke up because of you. Throughout the whole time I was in that coma I never heard you cry like I did today. I'd never heard you cry like that period, it broke my heart completely. I tried screaming, moving around but nothing worked, I was close to giving up but my eyes opened and I got to see the most beautiful and gorgeous woman in the entire world. I know me being gone was hard on you, so how have you been really? I could hear everything everyone was saying but I couldn't move or feel anything but it was like my body could sense you were around so please be honest with me baby.
   I sighed as all the painful memories started to resurface, of course tears threatened to leave my eyes but I didn't let them.
Me: To be honest it was really hard the first couple of weeks. It took a while for me to adjust to not having you around but I managed. I would say it got easier but I just accept the fact you weren't here yet.
    She tightened her hold on me sighing lightly.
Ty: So why were you crying today?
    I was slightly embarrassed to tell her but I know she wouldn't let me not tell her.
Me: I had a dream last night that Greg came back and killed you but no one knew and just blamed it on you being in a coma.
Ty: Baby.
   She made me turn to her, tears immediately fell from my eyes as her beautiful hazel eyes stared back at me.
Ty: He is never coming back, he's definitely not going to kill me.
    She chuckled thinking about it but I didn't know how to take it.
Ty: Look, I told you I'd do anything for you but I'd always come back you remember that?
     She held both of my hands caressing them with her thumbs and I nodded answering her question.
Ty: So stop worrying ok, I'm pretty much fine for the most part.
Me: That's because they have you on your medicine, I think your be in some pain when it wears off.
    She chuckled kissing my lips softly but deep.
Ty: Your probably right, I'm getting pretty sleepy. Do you want to take a nap till everyone gets here?
    I giggled while nodding my head, moved a little getting closer to her. I nested my head in the crook of her neck as she let out a content sigh holding me tight as her breathing slowed and I heard light snores. I soon fell asleep with her listening to the beating of her heart.
*****Ty's POV*****
It felt really good to be able to hold my queen again, it was like nothing had happened besides the slight pain I was in. I had been up for a little bit watching random shows on the Tv when my family came in. They all crowded around my bed all throwing compliments and questions my way. It of course woke AJ up, she made all them back off a little. Mama had tears in her eyes but I know they were happy tears.
Me: Can y'all give me an mama a second?
Everyone hugged me before steeping out of the room like I asked them.
Me: Ma come here and sit down.
I adjusted my bed to sit up a bit since I couldn't sit up by myself, she situated herself on the edge facing me. I took her hand in mine as a few tears cascaded downed her cheek.
Me: There's no reason to cry mama, I'm fine now.
Nia: I know, I know but I just hated seeing you in here. I don't see how Jasmine could even stand to see you this way everyday.
Me: It's because she's the one for me Ma, she's the one that makes my heart stop or skip a beat. The one that has been through thick an thin with me when it's only the beginning.
Nia: I see that, she's a very strong girl and I'm glad she's been there for you. I'm sorry I couldn't be though, it was just to hard to see my baby laid up in a hospital bed with all kinds of shit hooked up to her semi lifeless body. As hard and tough as I am, seeing you that way broke me. I couldn't accept the fact that you might loose your life, but if you did I wanted to remember your beautiful face, voice and personality, not you pale, cold and lifeless.
Tears began to fall at a more steady pace.
Me: You don't have to feel bad about that. I wouldn't want it any other way, I never in a million years wanted to break you and I'm sorry I put you through this.
She chuckled as I tried to wipe away her tears.
Nia: It's funny, our roles are reversed. I remember when you'd cry yourself to sleep every night when you first moved here. I would wipe your tears away and tell you it wasn't your fault, your parents love you and Liam and I love you. I had the pleasure of watching you turn into the most wonderful, smart and beautiful young woman you are now. A parent couldn't wish for someone as great as you are, I'm glad I get to see you grow and learn more. I will always be there when you need me, even if I'm not your mother.
My heart swelled at her heartfelt acknowledgment, and praise I was getting from her.
Me: But you are my mom, you stood up and took that place. You raised me as your own knowing good and well you could have just easily let me fall into the foster care system but you didn't. Everyday I prayed to God that you'd never leave me and I'm grateful he answered. I love you just like I love my mom, your my second mother and I wouldn't trade you for anything.
Nia: Would it hurt if I hugged you?
I giggled softly feeling like a little girl again.
Me: Just don't squeeze to hard.
She leaned in kissing my cheek and forehead as gave me a tender hug. She dried her eyes standing up.
Nia: I'm going to bring everyone back in here so they can have a little time with you before we leave.
I nodded as she went outside getting everyone else. We all sat around taking and reminiscing about our past memories. Alex and Lisa came in like a hour after, she cried a little bit but was overall happy that I was back. They didn't leave till like 9 after the nurses came in kicking them out leaving AJ and myself somewhat cuddling.
Jasmine: How you feeling now baby?
Me: Pretty good, I'm hurting of course but I'll heal and be better than ever.
     She kissed my jaw, I could feel her smiling into my neck. I sunk more into her drifting off to sleep enjoying being back in the arms of the love of my life.
     Overall I was in the hospital for about 8 months. It took me a while to learn to walk again and even when I did it hurt like hell. My stomach always felt like someone was twisting my inside which was not a pleasant feeling. My whole family took turns staying with me through my recovery to give AJ a break. AJ had flew back to Texas with Alex and Lisa so that she could be there for Jaylee and the twins birthday that February, I was glad she took some time away from taking care of me to go see them. The love birds, Maya and Kai, would come up and spend time with me and help out with my physical therapy and so would the boys. I had found out through Pierce that Nick was having a tough time with everything, he blamed himself for not protecting me. When I questioned him about it he broke down crying and apologizing to me. I reassured him that none of what happen to me and Pops was not anything to blame himself for. He was getting better, AJ was getting better, Pops and I were too. Everything was slowly going back to normal when I came home, well to my other parents place. I couldn't fly home just yet, but I wasn't complaining. It was the middle of June and it felt great to be out of that hospital. The good thing about getting out of there was we could finally start planning our wedding which AJ and I both were beyond excited just like everyone else. We decided that once we get home well start making appointments and pick a date.

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