Too Close or Nah?

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Jasmine: Ty baby come here put your shoes on lets go for a walk.
Me: Yea here I come.
     I grab Jacob an Joel taking them with me to Jasmine's room.
Jaylee: You should let they ass crawl you going spoil my babies.
     We all laughed I put them down an went put on my shoes and so did Jas. She grabbed her house keys while I grabbed my car keys and one of the boys apple juice box before we left out the house.
Jasmine: Really? And you wont need your keys we're walking.
Me: Oh OK that's fine I'll just put them in my pocket but what?
Jasmine: You didn't grab me one?
Me: Hold on I got you.
     I ran back to and grabbed Jasmine a juice box.
Jasmine: Thanks.
    She locks the door behind us so we could walk down the street to the park. I put on some music while we walked then Hotline Bling comes on she starts dancing and twerking but all I could do is laugh. We finally make it to the park running over to the swings. We start racing each other to see who could get the highest. She won, I was a little upset but it was OK, she got off her swing an came stood in between my legs giving me a kiss.
Me: So why we came to the park?
Jasmine: I wanted to talk to you about something.
Me: OK I'm all ears.
Jasmine: Did you hear Jaylee's an I conversation?
Me: Yea I did just a little bit.
Jasmine: So I don't want to smother you, if you really don't want me to go to Atlanta with you Ill be OK.
Me: I never said I didn't want you to come. It was just going to be easier this way. I do want you to meet my Uncle and Aunt though.
Jasmine: You sure?
Me: Yea I am so pack we'll leave in a couple of weeks on a Friday an be back on Monday hopefully, I don't know how everything is going to go. I do have a family reunion coming up so maybe it be a good time to bring you around.
Jasmine: OK lets hope for the best.
     We kissed but suddenly she bit my lip then took off running. I caught her as she tried to run up the slide biting her back lowkey giving her a hickey on her neck. We played around for like 30 minutes an decided it was time to get back. So we were walking back holding hands just vibing to the music. As we walk in the drive way I noticed that the door was open. I unlocked my car door with the key instead of the of the button so it didn't make any noise. I got my other gun from under the seat and cocked it.
Me: Baby call 911 I'll be back get in the car here the keys.
   I gave her my car keys walking in the house slowly. I instantly heard the boys crying but I couldn't rush up there I had to be careful. I checked the formal dining room, the kitchen then started walking up stairs. I checked on the boys first they weren't hurt. I checked the bathroom still no one. I made it to jaylee's  room, she was laying on the ground with a gun shot wound to her stomach I quickly put pressure on it to try to stop the bleeding. All of a sudden I hear Jasmine scream, I turned around and she's standing in the door way looking at Jaylee then dropped down to her knees screaming.
Jasmine: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! not my sister no please.
     She comes over kneeling down on the side of Jaylee.
Jaylee: Take care of my boys.
   She grabbed jasmines's hand.
Jasmine: No your not dying on me you're all I have please don't leave me.
    Just then the paramedics came in to check out jaylee.
Me: Jas go with your sister to the hospital, I'm going to get the boys and I'll meet you there OK.
   All she could do was cry so I kissed her forehead as she left out behind the paramedics.
Woman Paramedic: We're taking her to St. Luke's Sugar land.
    The police kept asking me if I knew what happened and who would want to do this to her. I couldn't answer them all I could think about was how jasmine was feeling right now.
Me: Look I don't know I have to go I have to meet my girlfriend at the hospital you can ask me questions there but not right now she needs me.
        They stayed in the house to collect evidence but I had to leave. I grabbed Jaylee's car keys since that's where the boys car seats were and I put them in my pocket. I went down stairs grabbing the boys a couple bottles of water, their formula, and little snacks they could eat. I took Jacob's diaper back putting all the food and snacks in there. In Joel's bag I put their clothes, wipes and 5 changes of clothes for the both of them, extra pacifiers and some blankets. I went put the bags in Jaylee's truck first then went back up stairs to get the boys. I put Joel in first then I put in Jacob bucking him up then went back around and buckled in Joel. I drove carefully since I wasn't use to having to drive around with kids in my care. When I got in the parking lot I called Alex.
Me: Yo man are you busy right now?
Alex: Nah why what's up?
Me: Jasmine oldest sister Jaylee was shot while we were at the park.
Alex: Are you for real?
Me: Yea it's crazy can you come meet me up here we're at St. Luke's in sugar land.
Alex: Yea bro I'm on my way right now I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Me: OK when you here just ask for the room of Jaylee Williams.
Alex: OK.
     I hung up with Alex then I went got the boys out but I left them in their car seats taking the whole car seat. As I walked in the hospital all the ladies stopped admiring them. One nurse thought they were mine but I told her they were my girlfriend's nephews. The same nurse started rubbing on my arm and I just looked at her.
The touchy feely nurse: They are cute just like you.
Me: Um can you tell me where Jaylee Williams is?
The touchy feely nurse: Yea she's in surgery right now but her room is on the 7th floor room 721.
Me: OK thank you.
The touchy feely nurse: Is she your girlfriend?
Me: No that's my girlfriend's sister.
The touchy feely nurse: Oh OK.
   She smiles putting a piece of paper in my pocket, I already knew what it was.
Me: Um yea I'm going to go now.
The touchy feely nurse: OK my name is Lisa I'll be up there a little later to check on you and these cuties.
   I didn't respond just walking away, don't get me wrong she was a very pretty lady. She looked to be in her late 20s or early 30's, a caramel mocha color, she was like 5'1 or 4'9 and had pretty hazel eyes. In any other circumstance I would have been happy to get her number, but it felt wrong. I grabbed the handles of the boy's seats getting on the elevator, I quickly pressed 7 riding up to the seventh floor then searched for Jaylee's room. I opened the door and Jasmine was sitting on the window seal. I sat the boys down where jaylee's bed was and put cartoons on for the boys. When I went sat on the side of jasmine, I seen a little tear fall down her cheek but both us never said a word until the doctor came in I just rubbed her back trying to comfort her.
Doctor: Hi I'm Dr.Derek I was one of Jaylee's surgeon.
    He shook both of our hands.
Dr.Derek: Which one of you two is her sister?
Jasmine: I am.
Dr.Derek: And she is?
Jasmine: That's my girlfriend Ty.
In the mix of all of this I suddenly noticed that I called Jasmine my girlfriend and she called me hers. I don't know if we moving to fast but I was happy to hear her say that but I just left well enough alone.
Dr.Derek: Is it OK to talk about this in front of her?
Jasmine: Yea of course, how's my sister?
Dr.Derek: So I was able to get the bullet of but we had some trouble trying to stop the bleeding now her blood pressure is really low.
Jasmine: OK so what do you need to do?
Dr.Derek: We need to do a blood transfusion, we need to see if your a match to your sister but until we do that we have her in a medical induced comma so that she stays stable.
Jasmine: OK after all of that are we gonna be able to see her.
Dr.Derek: It depends on her health after that.
Jasmine: OK lets get started.
Dr.Derek: Alright I'm going to go find a nurse to get a blood sample.
Jasmine: OK thank you.
   He leaves and she comes stand in between my legs hugging me but doesn't let go.
Me: Hey bae I want to tell you something.
Jasmine: What?
    She stands back, I stood up to get the piece of paper out my pocket an hand it to her.
Jasmine: What the hell is this? you get some bitch number while we're in the hospital for my sister what the fuck?
Me: No listen this is what happen. I came in with the boys, while I was in the lobby going to the info desk a whole bunch of nurse came over to look at the boys. This one nurse she thinks their mine an I'm like no their my girlfriend's nephews. So that same nurse was like awe they cute just like you and she starts feeling on my arm. I just looked at her like ummm. Then I asked for info for jaylee and she gives it to me then she puts her number in my pocket. She said she was going to come check up on me but I just walked away.
Jasmine: WOW that's super disrespectful, she better hope I don't see her right now is not the right time to be trying to talk to my girlfriend.
Me: Its OK you got me.
   I get close to her kissing on her neck then picked her up sitting her back on the window seal standing in between her legs kiss her softly. We stopped when we heard someone knocked on the door. My eyes damn near pop out my head.
Nurse: Hi I'm Lisa I'm here to get some blood.
    I whispered in jasmine ear,
Me: Baby that's the nurse that gave me her number.
Jasmine: Really? OK
   She pushed me out the way jumping down off the seal.
Lisa: Hey there is the cute little boys.
Jasmine: Hi I'm Jasmine.
Lisa: Hi are you ready?
Jasmine: Yep I sure am.
   Jasmine sits in the chair next to me. I move out the way an sit on the window seal behind Jasmine.
Lisa: I was hoping I see you again.
Me: Oh.
Lisa: Your not very talkative are you?
Jasmine: Do you know she has a girlfriend?
    Lisa starts preparing Jasmine to take her blood.
Lisa: Yea I do but what her girlfriend don't know won't hurt her.
Jasmine: Oh really?
Lisa: Yea look at her she fine as hell, her girlfriend is lucky and I'm tryna get lucky like her.
Jasmine: Yea I have seen her and thank you.
Lisa: Huh?
    Jasmine gets up out the chair making me get down off the window seal so I could grab her but she pushes me back.
Jasmine: I'm her girlfriend.
     I see Lisa start backing up towards the door.
Lisa: I didn't mean any of that.
    Jasmine slowly walks up to her and decks her in face then she keeps punching her kicking the nurse in the face. I had to pick  jasmine up to stop her from beating her up.
Jasmine: Bitch I bet you wont try to talk to any body else girlfriend again huh?
     She runs out of the room.
Me: Bae you didn't have to beat her ass like that.
Jasmine: Yea I did she needed to learn.
    I guess Lisa told one of the other nurses what happened because another came in to take a sample of jasmine's blood. I sat down in the chair an jasmine comes sitting across my lap so we could watch TV with the boys.
Me: I think we should take them out for a little bit.
     Jasmine gets up dragging the car seats to us so we can take them out. I take out Jacob while she takes out Joel but Joel started crying because he was probably hungry.
Jasmine: Did you pack them a bag or something?
Me: Oh shit I left it down stairs in the car I'll be back don't hurt anyone else killer.
Jasmine: Get out.
    We both start laughing while I decide to take Jacob with me to the car. He was a chill baby, all he did was make baby noises and chew on his fist. I get down stairs and walk to the car, I had to lay Jacob in the seat so I could grab the bags. I put Joel's bag around me then I Jacob's bag on my shoulder. As I was picking up Jacob I heard someone calling my name, it was Alex.
Me: You scared me man I almost shot yo ass.
Alex: Aye chill out it's just me and you definitely have yo hands full.
    I laughed.
Me: Take this bag.
    I tossed her Jacob's bag, picking Jacob up then locked the car up. Alex and I started talking as we were walking back inside the hospital I decided to tell her about jasmine and the nurse.
Alex: For real like just straight decked her ass?
Me: Straight up like no hesitation then she stomped her.
Alex: Better watch out you got you a fighter on yo hands.
Me: Trust me she'd rather I beat it up than her beat me up, you feel me bro.
Alex: I feel you.
We laughed dabbing each other up. We finally made up to the room and Dr.Derek was in there with her.
Jasmine: Good your back I'm a match, they took some blood they are going to give it to her right now. 
     Dr.Derek leaves out so we all go sit down to watch tv. Jasmine and I fed the boys then change their diapers. Jacob ended up going to sleep so I let him lay on my shoulder, I think Alex and Joel took a liking to one another as she played with him. We all talked about random stuff with each other as the hours went passed. Alex went sat on the window seal with Joel, I looked back at them they were both sleeping.
Jasmine: Aye where am I supposed to sit now?
Me: Come on come sit on daddy lap.
Jasmine: Your not daddy I am, but you lucky I think your extremely cute today so I will.
     She comes to sits on my lap then I put my arm around her waist.
Me: You always think I'm cute don't play.
Jasmine: Whatever big head.
     She kisses me laying her head on shoulder and her legs across my lap then rubs Jacob back. I wake up not even realize that I even fell asleep but I notice everyone was still sleeping.
Me: Jas wake up I have to use the restroom.
      She wakes up taking Jacob then sat back down going back to sleep. I walked in the restroom but there was no toilet tissue so I decide to go find someone to give me some. I walkout the room closing the door behind me and I see Dr.Derek standing at the nurses station.
Dr.Derek: Oh I see that you guys are up now.
Me: No it's just me, How's jaylee?
Dr.Derek: She's great we're just waiting for her to wake up she in a recovery room right now.
Me: Can I see her?
Dr.Derek: Yea sure go down this hallway take a left and it's the second door on your right.
Me: Thank you so much.
     I take off down the hallway to jaylee's room, I make it to the room trying to gather myself before I go in. I open the door cracking it slightly then I walked over to her. I grabbed her hand and it scared me because she woke up looking at me. She starts to talk softly and raspy.
Jaylee: Ty I'm so glad to see you how's Jas and the boys?
Me: I'm glad to see you're ok and she good she's sleep right now and so are they.
Jaylee: You didn't leave them alone huh?
Me: No of course not, Alex is in there with them.
Jaylee: OK good, look I'm getting sleepy I want to tell you what happen before I fall asleep again. It was Greg who did this to me, He came in looking for Jasmine but I didn't tell him anything that's when he shot me. He told me he left a message for her in her room, what are we going to do I can't go back there?
Me: When you get out the hospital you can stay with Alex and I until I find some where safe to stay. I'm sorry that this happened to you I should have killed him that night he tried to rape Jasmine.
    With the strength she had she pulled me really close to her, we were face to face.
Jaylee: Any other time I would say that that's not a good idea but I seen the look in his eyes, he's not going to stop till he has her back. I won't loose my life nor my sister or my sons because of an asshole. We have to do what we need to do though.
Me: OK as soon as your better we'll come up with a plan to take care of this once an for all before it gets out of hand.
Jaylee: Thank you so much Im glad my sister found you, you're an amazing person despite your past. Take care of my family if something happens to me.
Me: Don't say that your going to be fine and I'm going to take care of this no matter what.
    Her eyes closed an she feel asleep, I pulled the cover on her a little bit more then I left.

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