Hospital Days

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*****Ty's POV******
I woke up to see everyone sleeping, Maya laying on top of Kai, while Kai was propped up on some pillows that were on the couch. Jas was snuggled into me lightly snoring with her arm around my waist. There was a light knock on the door,
Me: Come in!!!
     The door opened, Jaylee and the boys walked in. They ran right up to me but their eyes were sad.
Joel: You otay Tyty?
Me: I'm good baby boy don't worry.
Jacob: Are you coming home with us?
Me: Yep I get to leave this morning.
     They were talking so good for their age I was proud of them. They both were screaming and jumping around waking up Jasmine, Maya and Kai. She kissed my cheek,
Jasmine: Good morning baby.
Me: Morning.
     She leaned in kissing me it turned heated seconds later, we forgot where we were.
Jaylee: Can you two not do that in front of my kids?
     We all started laughing as twins were confused.
Maya: Good morning T-Rae.
Me: Morning pooh bear.
Kai: Morning T.
Me: Morning lil bro.
    We talked till the doctor came in.
Doctor: How you feeling Ty?
Me: Feeling better. Can I go home?
Doctor: Yes but we have to run a couple test before we officially release you.
Me: Can we do it now I'm tired of being in here.
He laughed but I just stared at him confused.
Doctor: Your uncle said you'd give me a hard time.
Me: How you know him?
Doctor: Let's just say your uncle calls me when he doesn't want police involved.
Me: So you work for him?
Doctor: Pretty much. He want me to take them stitches out of your arm in a week or 2 is that ok?
Me: Yea that's fine, it just means I get to stay here a little longer.
Doctor: Well let me introduce myself, my name is Mark Patterson.
     He shook my hand,
Me: Well I'm Ty McKinlee, but just call me Ty.
Mark: I've heard a lot about you from your uncle it's nice to put a face to the person we talk about in our late night stitch ups.
Me: Well I appreciate you taken care of my uncle.
Mark: It's no problem but I'm going to get a nurse in here so I can discharge you.
    He shook hands with everyone, smiled at me then left out. I noticed Kai and Maya talking while Jaylee, Jasmine and the boys went down to the cafeteria. I could overhear what they were talking about but I didn't interrupt.
*****Maya's POV******
I was sad that Kai had to go home, I knew what she was going through but she was to proud to accept help from me. I thought it was weird but I didn't press her about it. Ty said she'd help Kai out so hopefully everything will be ok.
Kai: Alright I'll call you went I get home ok?
Me: Do you really have to leave?
I pouted but she quickly kissed my lips.
Kai: Yes babe, I already know my mom is gon trip I been gone this long.
Me: Just come to the house Ty and Jasmine will go get you some clothes.
Kai: It's not that simple and you know it. Don't worry bout me Maya I'll be ok.
Me: No Kai fuck that, I'm tried of seeing you all bruised up. Just let me help you out.
Kai: You can't help me, nobody can. If they could they would have been done it. Don't nobody care about me where am I gon go huh?
Me: Come stay with us, my parents love you. If you just let me tell them what's wrong they can help.
Kai: Maya I can handle it myself just leave it alone.
Ty: Kai your coming home with us.
    We turned to see Ty siting up watching us intently.
Kai: It's ok Ty I'm good.
Me: From what I just heard and from what I know about yo people no you not. I'd be damned if I just let anyone just put they hands on you. They don't love you just leave, we gon be your new family.
Kai: I know they don't I don't love them either, but every time I leave my dad just finds me and brings me back.
Me: Don't worry bout him just let me handle that. I'm getting you out that house today you understand me.
    Kai had tears falling down her face profusely.
Me: It's ok baby Ty can handle it.
Kai: I know. Thanks Ty like I owe you my life.
Ty: No you don't it's not a problem, all I ask is you take care of my pooh bear. That's my little sister and I'm not letting anyone hurt not even you.
Kai: I get it but I really do appreciate everything it means a lot.
    Kai went dapped up Ty while she hugged her gently.
Ty: Ok get off of me enough of this sappy stuff.
    We all laughed as a nurse came in kicking us out, we went down stairs to meet Jasmine and everyone eating breakfast.
Jasmine: Y'all got hungry?
Me: No a nurse kicked us out so she can run test on Ty.
Jasmine: Oh ok.
    We were all eating when Kai whispered in my ear,
Kai: Who is that girl?

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