Love More

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****Kai's POV****
   I jumped out of my sleep staring in some hazel eyes. I wiped my eyes adjusting to the face before me.
Me: Ty what the hell?
Ty: I need you to drive me to go get my stitches out.
Me: I thought he said a week.
Ty: I asked pops to ask him if he can take them out early we might have to go back to Texas this weekend or sometime next week, the house should be ready and I need to check on my bestfriend.
Me: Why Jas can't take you?
Ty: I don't want my baby go to jail for tryna kill his ass when I question him soo.
Me: Oh yeaaa Jas was hype asf when he was tryna get at you.
Ty: Yep so get yo ass dressed and don't wake up Maya or Jasmine.
    I nodded dapping her up before she left out her room. I climbed over Jaylee and Steve since they was still on the floor sleep. I almost tripped over William but he didn't wake up. I went up stairs to Maya's and I room taking a quick shower and got dressed before meeting Ty in the living room.
Ty: Ready?
    I nodded helping her up from the couch.
Ty: I never seen your car I'm excited.
    I opened the door for her, she started getting hype when she seen my car. It's a red 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLA45.

Ty: Moms bought you this?Me: Yep she wanted me to have something nice

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Ty: Moms bought you this?
Me: Yep she wanted me to have something nice.
Ty: Damn this hoe fye. You like it?
Me: Yea I love it. I really appreciate them getting this for me and letting stay here.
Ty: Your family now Kai don't worry about it. Let's get outta here so I can get these damn stitches out.
     We got in and I sped off to the hospital which was just up the street.
****Ty's POV****
   I went to the nurses station asking for Mark, the lady said he would be out to get me. Kai and I sat there cracking jokes about the people in the waiting room. We got weird stares from them when we'd bust out laughing but we didn't care. Mark came got Kai and I, taking us to a room, he left out to go get his equipment. I jugged a bunch of bandaids, alcohol pads pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Kai was dying laughing at me, Mark came back in.
Mark: Alright Ty you might feel a little discomfort.
    He was right is felt weird like a splinter being pulled out. 10 minutes later he was done, he wrapped me up with a gauze.
Mark: Be sure you be careful still you don't want it to pop back open and make sure you keep it clean. Wash it with dial soap and warm water. Do you have any questions?
Me: I actually do, why you lied about knowing I liked girls?
    He looked shocked rubbing the back of his neck, while Kai busted out laughing at his facial expression.
Mark: How'd you find out?
    I got down off the chair standing in front of him.
Me: I'm asking the questions.
Mark: Fine yes your uncle told me but once I seen how beautiful you are I couldn't help but try. I really didn't know you were married though.
     I busted out laughing,
Me: I'm not married to her, Yet. She's just my girlfriend but I love her more than anything. Your lucky I didn't bring her, that would have been your ass.
Mark: I meant no harm to her.
Me: I don't care, what's done is done. Kai let's get outta here before he embarrass hisself again.
    We walked pass him laughing as we made our way back to Kai's car when I got a call. At first I thought it was my baby but it wasn't.
Alex> Aye sis what's up?
Me> Nothing I ain't heard from yo ass in 4 days.
Alex> My bad Lisa and I been boo'd up at her crib I went home the day after y'all left.
Me> That's good. How's the baby?
Alex> Good I have a appointment Wednesday. You gon be here right?
Me> Yea we just gon chill this weekend and stuff maybe we'll be back Tuesday or Wednesday morning. What time is your appointment?
Alex> 12:30 but I can't wait to see yo annoying ass.
Me> Yea whatever asshole I miss you too. Aye but my little cousin Maya and her girlfriend Kai are moving down there with us. I even got another house and everything.
Alex> Aw how cute You and Jasmine playing mommies.
Me> Chill out, they both 18 but A we just pulled up to the crib Ima hit you back later on.
Alex> Alright love you sis Tell Jasmine I said hey.
Me> Love you too.
    Kai was just sitting in the car playing on her phone while I put my phone in my pocket.
Me: My bad youngin that was my best friend.
Kai: It's cool you ready to go inside? Hopefully they still sleep it's only 10.
Me: Yea let's hope.
    We got up walking through the front door, the smell of bacon instantly flooded my nose. We walked in the kitchen, pops was holding ma from behind. At first I didn't see ma with her short self. I cleared my throat and they turned around.
Me: Hope we ain't interrupting anything.
    I wiggled my eyebrows at them while they laughed at me.
Liam: Nope I was just helping her cook.
Me: Yea mhm ok.
Nia: Where you two been anyway? I really didn't know y'all left.
Me: I went got my stitches out we going home soon.
    I picked up my arm showing her the wrap.
Nia: Aw sweetie why aren't y'all staying longer?
Me: I gotta get back to work. You know Alex pregnant so I really don't want her stressing an shit.
Nia: But I'm going to miss you.
I opened my arm as much as I could and she walking right into them putting her arms around my waist. I was taller than but just a little. She's 5'5 and I'm 5'9, I'm taller than all the girls except Kai were the same height. (Maya, Jasmine, Jaylee, Moms and Alex) She laid her head on my chest, I rubbed her back softly.
Me: Mama I'ma be back or you can come visit once we're in the new house. It's really big like really really big.
Nia: I guess, it was nice having you home is all.
I felt my shirt getting wet, I grabbed Nia's chin to make her look at me. Sure enough she was crying so I used my thumbs to wipe them anyway.
Me: I promise I'll be back before you know it. Ma I love you ok?
Nia: I love you too sweetheart.
I kissed her cheeks making her laugh.
Nia: Go shower you smell like hospital.
We both laughed as I went down the hall to my room. I opened the door and seen every one awake sitting in my bed. Jaylee was sitting in Steve's lap, Kai was laying in between Maya's legs resting her head on Maya's stomach. While Byron and William were playing my Ps4, I think they were playing COD. But my baby was laying on my side cuddling with my pillow doing something on her phone. None of them even noticed I was staying in the doorway.
****Jasmine's POV****
I was super hella bored without Ty here and on top of that she wasn't here when I woke up. Kai wouldn't tell me where they went she told me to ask Ty. Everybody was cuddle with each other minus Byron and William, they were playing the game. All of a sudden there was a flash and a camera shudder. We all looked up and seen Ty standing in the doorway laughing. I ran to her knocking her down, she let out a loud scream, that's when I knew I fucked up.
Me: Baby I am SO sorry I forgot.
I seen tears falling from her eyes, everyone really rushed over helping Ty on the bed. Liam and Nia came running in seeing me in the corner and Ty in the bed. Nia came check on me while Liam went to Ty, she started wiping my tears away. The bad thing about it was I didn't even realize I crying.
Nia: What happened sweetie?
Nia: Slow down and stop crying.
Me: I got excited when I seen Ty in the doorway, so I ran hugging her but I knocked her over landing on her.
I started crying even harder. Ty just got out of the hospital which I put her in, it's my fault again. Nia pulled me up into a hug rubbing my back. The little voices got louder,
Voices: Look what you did. Your so stupid. She's going to leave you now you know that right? You don't deserve her just leave. You so fucking useless.
I pushed Nia back running out of the room. I heard somebody calling my name but I didn't turn around or stop running. I stopped when I got outside to the side walk, I didn't know where I was going. I just sat down on the side walk criss cross putting my head in my hands. I kept crying harder and harder thinking about what the voices said. Maybe they were right, why the hell am I kidding their always right. I finished wiping my tears when I heard her voice and felt her arm on my shoulder.
Ty: Baby.
For some reason I couldn't turn around to face her.
Ty: Stop crying and get up.
She tired to bend down to grab my hand but winched. I cried all over again but she was able to grab my hand. At first I was reluctant to get up but she gave me a mean look so I got up. I didn't dare to look her in the eyes so I stared at the ground, but that didn't last long. She made me look up at her, she held my face tightly.
Ty: Was you about to leave me?
She searched for eye contact from me but I avoided all her attempts.
I looked her in the eyes.
Ty: Answer me!
I nodded.
Ty: Why?
At first I wasn't going to answer but I seen tears streaming down her face.
Me: I hurt you again, but baby I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive me. You deserve better than me anyway.
I tired to walk around her but she grabbed me smashing her lips into mine. I instantly kissed back melting in her arms.
Ty: There is no one better for me than you. I thought you loved me?
That really broke my heart. I'm so stupid I'm still hurting her, I just can't seem to stop it.
Me: See this is what I mean, of course I love you I never stopped.
Ty: So why were you just going to leave me like that?
Me: I don't know I thought it'd be easier.
Ty: So your saying it'd be easier to break my heart than to stay and talk to me?
Me: No well, I didn't think of it like that.
Ty: Exactly Jasmine you were just thinking about yourself. It's not just about you it's about the both of us. All of this was a just a accident I know you didn't mean to knock me over, so I'm not tripping chill out.
Me: But they said you were going to leave me. They always right Ty they always are.
Ty: First off you were the one about to leave me but that's besides the point. Did you take your medicine this morning?
I shook my head looking down at the ground, she started laughing wiping the rest of her tears away.
Ty: That explains it, I was scared for a minute. Let's get you inside and take your medicine you'll feel better.
I didn't protest, she pulled me into her side as I put my arms around her waist. She put her arm around my shoulders as we walked into the house kissing my forehead. She made me sit at the island in the kitchen while she went got my medicine. Jaylee came down the stairs,
Jaylee: Stank what the hell was all of that? Where the hell were you going?
Me: I don't know I just had to leave.
Just as Jaylee was about to say something else Ty came back with my pills handing them to me. She got a glass filling it up half way with blue kook-aid.
Jaylee: Oooh that's why.
Ty nodded laughing with Jaylee, I looked at them questioningly.
Ty: Baby you get a little over dramatic when you forget to take them. You never noticed that?
I shook my head thinking but still nothing popped up.
Ty: Yea I been noticed. It's the only time you start crying and whining over everything any other time you be all bossy, sexy and cracking jokes with me. Like remember that one day I had to go to the club early in the morning, I woke you up to tell you I was leaving. Yo ass started crying tryna pack your clothes swearing I was going cheat on you with somebody.
I hid my face in my hands embarrassed.
Ty: It's ok no need to hid, you my baby so no worries. And I'm not going anywhere you stuck with me.
I got up walking up to her kissing her passionately, she had her mouth opened slightly so I slid my tongue in. She moaned in my mouth deepening the kiss. She smack and squeezed my booty making me moan as she sucked on my bottom lip. We heard multiple people clear they throat, I pulled my lips from Ty's causing her to groan. I turned to see everyone standing in the kitchen even Nick punk ass. I really don't like him anymore but enough about his ass. I was embarrassed as shit, Ty still hand her hands on my booty. I moved her hands as everyone started laughing.
Liam: Hope we ain't interrupting anything?
Ty: Actually pops y'all were I was about to-.
I put my hand over Ty's mouth stopping her from finishing that sentence.
Me: They don't need to know all of that.
Ty: Y'all lucky she stopped me.
Kai: Yea we are lucky. We ain't want to hear that anyway.
Maya: Yea T-Rae that's nasty.
Ty: Sorry pooh bear.
Ty walked over to Maya puckering her lips at her but Maya hid behind Kai.
Kai: Aye don't hide behind me I don't want to kiss her either.
Kai pulled Maya in front of her as Ty kissed all over Maya's cheek. Liam, Nia, Jaylee and I all started dying laughing.
Maya: Eeewww T-Rae you was just over there tonguing down Jasmine I didn't want y'all mouth germs.
Ty: Our mouth clean, she still taste like toothpaste.
We all continued to laugh, Ty wiped Maya's cheek coming back to me. She stood behind me resting her head on my shoulder with her arms around my waist.
Maya: Kai I love how you didn't even help me.
They started play fighting but Nia made then stop. We stood around the kitchen all with our significant others except the boys; Byron, William, lil dumbass, and the mysterious Terrance. He hasn't really talked to anyone since we got here but it's whatever. I tuned back into the conversation.
Jaylee: Yea our plane leave at 2:45.
Liam: So you staying with Steve?
Jaylee: Sorta Ty gave us the house so the twins wouldn't have to be up rooted.
Liam: Smart.
Maya: Wait then where we staying?
Kai: Ty has another house she said it should be done by this weekend.
I looked back at Ty. She nodded with a big smile on her face. She leaned down kissing my cheek.
Maya: How you know?
Kai: Well miss nosey if you should know she told me this morning after she got her stitches out.
Damn I'm a bad girlfriend I didn't even know she got them out. I picked up her arm examining it, but it was wrapped in gauze.
Maya: Aye get smart with me again and I'ma pop you.
They stuck their tongue out at each other, laughed then kissed. They were a cute couple I'm not going lie and on top of that their love is so innocent. Or at least to my knowledge. Ty yawned in my ear gripping me tighter. I whispered to her,
Me: You sleepy baby?
I felt her nod.
Me: Wait till Jaylee, the boys and Steve leave then we'll take a nap together.
Ty: Ok.
     It was already going on 2 so she didn't have to wait long. Steve came downstairs with all their luggage, the boys ran to Ty and I hugging our legs.
Ty sat down on the floor to hug the boys, she is always good with them. She really making me reconsider having a baby right now but I can't tell her the real reason why I won't. Liam picked Ty up off the floor so we could go drop them off. Nia handed me her truck keys, we all loaded it up minus Ty of course. She sat up front with me directing the way to the airport. Lowkey she was falling asleep, I swear y'all my baby is sexy asf even when she sleepy. I pulled up to the airport waking up Ty, she got out hugging everyone saying good bye.
Ty: When you get there I left the guns in Jasmine's trunk so put them wherever you feel comfortable. If you see or hear anything don't ask questions shoot first. Be safe than sorry alright?
Jaylee: Mhm I get you.
    Jaylee hugged Ty again kissing her cheek.
Ty: Aye Steve you better take care of my sister in law or that's a cap in yo ass.
    He nodded dapping up Ty, I picked the boys up letting them kiss Ty's cheek before they left. I think the boys gon miss Ty more than they miss me. Jaylee looked back at me smiling.
Jaylee: Love you sis.
****Ty's POV****
   We got back in the truck headed back to the house. I really wanted to go to sleep but I didn't want to leave Jas up by herself. She held my hand the hold time talking to me keeping me up. I love this girl with all my heart this is gon be my wife little does she know. We pulled up to the house, she helped me out of the truck into the house. Everybody was now chilling in the living room, all the spots were taken Jas was gonna sit on the floor but I pulled her into my lap.
Jasmine: I don't want to hurt you.
Me: You good just lean to the right.
    She did as I told her as she laid her head on my shoulder. I held her just watching everyone bond with Jasmine it was great. She started whispering in my ear,
Jasmine: Baby let's go to the room.
Me: Something wrong?
Jasmine: Yea you been rubbing on my thigh now I'm horny.
I turned my head looking at her she smirked at me.
Me: Alright y'all me and Jasmine bout to go chill see y'all later.
She got off my lap my grabbing my hands practically dragging me. I heard them laughing but little do they know it's about to go down. She laid on the bed, I lock the door walking over to her. I stood in between her legs as she unbuttoned my shorts, I pushed her back on the bed. I leaned down kissing her as I was hovering over her. She wrapped her arms around my neck tugging at my shirt. I took my brace off throwing it on the floor then I took both our shirts off. She scoot to the middle of the bed so I crawled over settling on my hands as I went back to kissing her. I bit down on her bottom lip, as she moaned I let my tongue slid into her mouth playing with her tongue. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I know she wanted to pull me on her but she didn't. I sat on my knees making her sit up so I can unclamp her bra. I threw it on the floor too attaching my lips to her nipples. I sucked and licked on it biting it gently after I gave the other the same treatment. She moaned kissing on my neck, I bit down on my lip to stop from moaning but it didn't help. She went right to my spot going after it harshly. I pushed her back on the bed unbuttoning her pants pulling them all the way off. I sucked and nibbling on her neck, I kissed down to her collar bone then back to her nipples teasing her. I kissed down her stomach to her belly button kissing it lightly moving down to her panty line. My teeth slightly grazed her skin as I tugged on them trying to pull them on. She grabbed a fistful of my hair pushing me down. I successfully pulled her panties off throwing them over my shoulder. I laid completely on the bed getting eye level with her folds. She still was holding my hair as I went in to kiss her other set of lips. She moaned pulling my hair roughly, I groaned giving her treasure one long, slow, hard lick up her slit. Her back arched off the bed as she let out a high pitch moan. I dove in sucking deliberately on her pearl, I looked at her she had her head back with her eyes closed and her mouth opened. I realized I haven't been able to please my baby like she deserves since I'm hurt but I hope this makes up for it. I teased her licking up and down her slit quickly then I shook my head rapidly letting my tongue lick everywhere.
Jasmine: Ahh d-daddy stop teasing.
She let my hair go grabbing on to the sheet, it was time to go for the kill. I stuck two fingers in her as she hissed at me to keep going.
Jasmine: Yesss f-faster daddy y-yess.
I sped up for her, I felt her walls clenching my fingers but I wasn't ready for her to come yet. I went even faster as her legs started to shake. I quickly removed my fingers replacing it with my tongue as I messaged her pearl. I went as deep as my tongue would let me hitting her g-spot each time. Again she let out a loud high pitch scream riding out her orgasm. Suddenly someone was banging on my door, Jasmine quickly ran into the bath room as I put my shirt back on buttoning my shorts. I opened the door,
Me: Yea?
Nia: I know y'all wasn't fucking with all of us in the living room.
Me: No ma of course not.
Nia: Yea ok "Daddy" but dinner ready.
She walked off laughing as Jasmine came out of the bathroom fully dressed.
Jasmine: She heard huh?
Me: Yep.
Jasmine: My bad you just was eating me so good, I ain't had head from you in a while.
Me: I know I'm sorry baby but let's go eat.
She kissed me holding my hand as we walked out of the room.

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