Opening night

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    Opening night wouldn't be open night if it wasn't themed duh. After a minute of rough ting Alex over it, we finally choose it to be paint & bikinis. I had black lights and a disco ball that shot out lasers to the beat of the songs installed just for the night.
     We opened the doors at 7 and we were packed before 10, girls of course got in free till 11 but dudes only had to pay 15 to get which they should be happy about, Alex wanted to charge them way more but I vetoed that. I upstairs in the VIP area with Alex and some other friends just having a good time partying, flirting and drinking. I was looking over the balcony to make sure there wasn't any problems when I noticed something in the middle of the dance floor.
        It was a group of girls maybe 5 or 6 of them but 1 girl stuck out to me the most. She was a light skin with nice long brown hair from what I could see from up there, tattoos on both her arms and her legs. She wore a light blue bikini top, I couldn't really see what color her bottoms were but I know they were Hawaii flower patterned and the were unbuttoned. She had on a gold body chain that shined in the glow lights as she danced around. I knew I had to get her but the liquor in me was impairing my judgement just a little so I was conflicted at the moment.
         The song up down by t-pain came on her and her friends started twerking, of course I had to see what she was working with without looking like a creeper. Alex caught me staring at her which I hated but she told me to go buy her and her friends some drinks. I thought about it for a moment before nodding heading down to the Dj booth. I thanked everyone for coming and hoped they were having a good time, just for a moment looked over to the right locking eyes making her smile. We were both staring at one another until her friends pulled her to the daiquiri bar, so I hurry trying to make my way to her.

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