The Wedding

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****Jasmine's POV****
    Today is the big day, more like me and Ty's big day. The day we officially pledge our lives to one another. It got hard when I found out I wasn't pregnant. I almost fell into depression because of it but Aaliyah told Ty and she was far from happy.                
I was sitting in basement like I have been for the past 2 weeks. The only time I leave is to eat. Ty, Maya and Kai try to talk to me and try to figure out what's wrong but I can't bring myself talk about it.
I was watching some movie when Ty bursts through the door.
Ty: I love you with all my heart but what the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me?
I was shocked, scared and confused.
Me: What at you talking about?
Ty: You were trying to get pregnant?
    I put my head down nodding not being able to look her in the eyes.
Ty: That's not the upsetting part, it's the fact that you didn't tell me. Then when you find out you're not you stop talking to us. I hate that you went through that alone. You're my everything Jasmine, as soon as you found out you should have came to me.
    I shrugged.
Ty: So you aren't going talk about it?
    I didn't say anything and when I looked up she was looking down at me with sad eyes. She nodded leaving me there by myself. I wanted to grab her and tell her how I feel but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. As soon as she left I cried, I've never cried so hard in my life.
    For a whole week she completely ignored me which made me feel even worse. I caught her coming out the bathroom in only her towel. I used that to my advantage and got her to forgive me. She put up a little bit of a fight but gave in since we hadn't made love in a while. While we cuddled we talked about everything and was back on the same page like nothing ever happened.
                   ***FlashBack Over***

   I'm just glad everything was back to normal with Ty and our wedding was running smoothly which was good for my stress levels.
The girls threw me a bachelorette party which was amazing. They had rented out my second favorite club since Ty's friends threw her bachelorette party at Playhouse. They got me a couple of strippers but I kept my hands and mouth to myself. I knew if Ty found out she's probably kill me and that stripper. I hope she didn't do anything to get in trouble either or have a hangover but knowing her and how she likes to party that would be quite the surprise.
    Ty hired a whole team to make sure we both looked absolutely amazing. They had finished my make up and we're starting on my hair but there was a knock on my door.
Me: Come in!!
   I looked through the mirror and it was mama Nia and papa Liam.
Liam: Hey sweetie we just came back to see how you were doing?
Me: I'm good, really excited. How is Ty?
Nia: She has a bit of a hangover but she's good. She's almost done getting ready.
Me: I figured as much but I'm almost ready too. How long do we have?
Nia: Exactly an hour. I'm getting the girl's ready and situated to walk out, Ty helped the boys get ready. I'm going to bring Jacob in so he can walk out with you.
Me: Perfect, is my mom here?
Nia: I'm not sure but I'll go check, if she is Ima send her in.
   They came hugged me as much as they could then left. I closed my eyes letting them finish my hair. Not that long after there was another knock on the door but Aaliyah got it before I could.
Mom: Hey sweetie Ms.Nia said you wanted to see me?
Me: Yea and I just wanted to make sure you were here.
Mom: I wouldn't miss this day for anything in the world.
    It brought a little smile to my face seeing my mother. After everything with Jada we've been getting a lot closer. My mom even made sure that Jada was sent somewhere where she could never hurt me again.
Mom: You look beautiful by the way. I'm glad that I'm here to witness this huge milestone in your life.
Me: Me too mom.
    She pulled me into a hug which I gladly accepted. As we were hugging there was a little knock on the door and I knew exactly who it was.
Me: Is that my big man at the door?
   I opened the door kneeling down to his height. He had a big kool aid smile on his face just like always.
Jacob: Hey Tt Jas.
Me: You look so handsome.
Jacob: Uncle TyTy helped me.
   My mom laughed giving me a questionable look as I took his hand pulling him to the couch with me.
Me: They think Ty is their uncle for some reason we don't know and Ty just goes along with it.
    She nodded smiling.
Me: Do you like it?
    He nodded putting his hand on my face.
Jacob: You pretty TT.
Me: Aw thank you baby.
    My mom sat down with us and we all sat around talking till Jaylee came in with my dressed bridesmaids telling me it was time for me to put my dress on. Now I was nervous and excited all at the same time but I was ready.
****Ty's POV****
   I'm beyond happy right now, I'm marrying the love of my life even after our little bump in the road. It only made us stronger which I'm grateful for.
    The team I hired was finally done getting me all ready to look beautiful for my soon to be wife. So me, my bridesmaids and Joel were sitting around waiting for it to be time which was perfect. I had a little extra time to nurse this hangover. I had Raegen to get me some coffee and a sandwich so I'd fell better.
I guess I had fell asleep after I ate because Alex nearly scared me to death but my hangover was gone.
Alex: Sorry but we have 20 minutes till it's time to walk out. You're going first so come on.
I got up so they could help me put my dress on and do some last minute touch ups to my makeup. The 20 minutes went by faster than I thought, before I knew it we where all lined up waiting to walk. First it was Alex's Nieces which were the flower girls then the twins holding the pillows with the rings on it.
Our bridesmaids walked down the isle together first Alex and Aaliyah.

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