The End is Near Part2

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We made it back to our place, I put Pierce and Tre up in our guest rooms. Jasmine and I sat at the table eating our lunch. Pierce and Tre came down a little while after Jasmine and I had just finished our food. Jasmine came sat on my lap letting Pierce and Tre sit at the table with us.
Tre: So bro what's the plan?
I explained the plan to everyone then sat the duffle bag of guns and bullets on the table. Everybody loaded the guns up, when we were done we all went our separate ways. Pierce and Tre went to their separate rooms, Jasmine went took a shower while I went to the game room. I was playing basketball when Jasmine came in my wife beater and some PINK shorts.
Jasmine: You good baby?
Me: Yea for the most part I'm just ready to get this over with.
     She climbed on me straddling me while she kissed me on my cheek. I paused the game putting my arms around her waist.
Jasmine: Just a couple more hours baby then we can make a move. Come take a nap with me.
      She grabbed my hand pulling me to our room closing the door behind us.
*********Alex's POV*********
All I could do is cry, suddenly I heard someone coming up the stairs. I moved quickly in to the corner pulling my knees to my chest trying to cover my naked body. A tall dark skin guy appeared at the top of the stairs just looking at, when he finally spoke his voice didn't really match his appearance.
*****: I see your finally awake.
Me: What do you want from me?
    He came closer kneeling down in front of me.
*****: To be honest I don't want shit from you.
Me: Then why am I here? I don't even know you.
    He started laughing looking me dead in my face. Something about didn't make him as intimidating as he thought he was but I was in no position to fight back.
*****: We have a mutual friend that owes me.
Me: What are you talking about?
*****: I'm talking about your little bitch of a best friend. She's a sell out, she owes me her life and I intend on taking it.
    He laughed again as the anger in me started to rise.
Me: She don't owe you shit, you must be one of them dudes from Atlanta that Ty knew back in the day.
*****: Wow look who's smart, you've been here for a day an a half Ty must be a little rusty. Does she talk about me?
Me: No.
    I spat at him as he stood up, looking me up an down growing angry.
*****: Don't pay for her mistakes, I don't want to hurt you but I will. All I need you for is luring her here. She's going to die as soon as I see her.
Me: I'm pretty sure never did anything to you. If you were a real man you would have ran up on her face to face, not hiding out like a bitch.
    Soon as I finished that sentence he slapped me so hard I was takin back by it.
*****: Bitch watch yo mouth when you talking to me. Ty left me in Atlanta on my own she was the only family I had she just up and left. She never called she never visited she did nothing. I had no one to look out for me, my mom was killed and my sister was raped because people wanted to get back at her. She was no where to be found, she doesn't deserve the life she has so in taking it no one can stop me.
Me: Ty will stop you, you just a boy wanting some one to handle your business for you. I hope she kills yo ass.
    He wasted no time letting his fist rain down on me. I was in unbelievable amount of pain, he kicked and stomped me repeatedly I let out a scream taking the pain suddenly I felt myself black out. When I woke up my core was hurting and there was blood dripping down my leg. I silently cried curling up in to a ball. I prayed that Ty would come rescue me while I blacked out again.
*******Ty's POV******
  It was going on 3 o'clock we were all dressed in all black sitting in my SUV a couple houses from the address where we think Alex is in.
Me: I want a clean sweep, shoot first questions later. We don't stop till we find her. Tre, Pierce y'all remember what she look like?
T&P: Yea
Me: Baby please stay close to me, just because you got the vest on don't stop me from worry about yo ass. If I move you move stay with me at all times.
    She nodded then pecked me on my lips. I couldn't lose her or Alex, they were apart of my family.
Tre: Don't worry lil sis we got your back, that's yo girl we gon watch out for her.
Me: Appreciate it man.
     Pierce said a prayer while we put the silencers on the guns as we got out the truck. Jasmine and I went to backyard laying out 3 dudes as we made our way through the back door into a kitchen. Jasmine and I lit the kitchen up laying out everyone in it. I scanned the living room everyone was already down I guess Pierce and Tre took care of them already. We met up at the stairs, we heard a group of dudes up stairs yelling and laughing. Pierce went up first, Tre went up next, then there was me at the end was Jasmine. As soon as Pierce made it up to the top he went to the right, Tre went left while Lauren started checking out all the rooms making sure there were no surprises. The door at the end started to open, the dude was yelling for someone name Kyle little did he know Kyle was somewhere in the house dead. I started to recognize the tall dude standing at the end of hall, it was Eric. He pulled out his gun sending shots towards us. I pushed Jasmine into one of the rooms taking a bullet for her as Tre and Pierce shot back at him. I didn't feel any pain I didn't have time to my adrenaline was so high all I seen was red and all I felt was anger.
Me: Go tie his ass up down stairs I'll be there in a second.
    Pierce and Tre started dragging him down the hall as he cussed me out. Eric tried to grab my foot but I stomped him in his face as hard as I could with my heavy black timberlands on. Jasmine grabbed my hand as we made it to the door. She tried to see where I was shot but I wouldn't let her. I wanted to get to Alex. We walked up the stairs it was dark, Jasmine turned her flashlight on her phone to help me look for the light. When I turned the lights on in the far left corner of the room was a girl laying on the floor naked curled up. I broke down when I seen it was Alex, this was all my fault I let this happen to her. I wasn't there to protect her I felt horrible, tears uncontrollably fell from my eyes. Jasmine put her hand on my shoulder, knowing she was there made me feel a little better. I got my self together wiping my tears as I took off my jacket off wrapping it around her. I carefully picked up Alex bridal style carrying her down stairs to living room. I see Eric tied up to a chair getting punched by Tre.
Me: Alright that's enough.
    I seen anger written all over his face. Tre and I were the same age we even went to school together since middle school. We dated for a year and some change but it ended when he cheated on me with one of friends. Soon after I was turned out by my old best friend's older sister. Tre apologize for cheating just because he wanted me to put him on to the game. I'm not nor was I a person to hold grudges so I let him in so ever since he been banging. I laid Alex down on the couch while Jasmine stayed by her side as I decided what I was going to do to Eric. I knelt down getting face to face with him.
Me: You a bitch forreal. Why would you bring her into this knowing she didn't have anything to do with it.
Erik: I had to make sure you'd show up and she wasn't that bad looking but you can have her back I had my fun with her.
He had a devilish grin on his face before he started laughing. I looked over at Alex for the first time noticing she had dried blood on her thighs. I immediately thought about what he said he had his fun with her, after I realized what he meant I took my gun and pistol slapped him. He spit out some blood and a couple of teeth but still had a smirk on his face.
Me: I'm going to ask you one question, depending on how you answer I'll decide whether or not to kill you.
    He lifted his head up looking me right in my eyes, then he spit his blood infused spit in my face. I stood up lifting my shirt enough so I could wipe the blood and spit off my face. I superman punched him with all my might, using all the anger, sadness and frustration I had built up inside.
Me: That was the wrong answer.
I took my gun from pants putting it directly on his manhood.
Erik: Ty you don't have the balls to do it.
He didn't think I would do, I stared at him with a smile on my face then pulled the trigger. He let out a eardrum shattering scream but it didn't faze me I put the gun between his eyes.
Me: Do you have anything to say before I pull this trigger?
Erik: Please Ty don't do this I'm sorry.
Me: Hell yea you sorry, you one sorry ass dude. What you did was unforgivable I don't like to hold grudges but I'm still killing you.
I stood back a bit as he begged an pleaded for me not to kill me.
Me: You should know me better than that I'm not the one to play with at least you know now but it's to late huh?
I turned my head pulling the trigger as blood splattered on the right side of my face. I tucked my gun back into my pants while I picked up Alex. Jasmine and I walked out together with Alex, as Tre an Pierce poured gasoline around the house. Jasmine sat in the back back with Alex in her lap as I pulled up to the house. I got out to go help Tre and Pierce pour gasoline everywhere. I throw the match running back to the street admiring my job. It reminded me of the old days I hoped I'd never have to do something like this again but here I am. Suddenly a car pulled up to the house as the 3 of us were standing there, before I could move out the way I felt a burning sensation in my right shoulder and my forearm. We all shoot back tell there weren't any bullets flying from us or them. We hurriedly got into the truck, I drove to the hospital in silence while everyone else was talking, I was starting to feel pain from my shoulder and arm. I was hurting somewhere else but I couldn't figure out where. I pulled up to the front entrance barely, my vision was blurry and I had terrible pain shooting through my side. I felt like throwing up or just blacking out just to relieve the pain. I opened the door trying to get out but I fell to the ground instead.
*****Jasmine's POV******
   Pierce just put Alex in to a wheel chair she still hasn't woken up. I was waiting for Ty to get out but she was taking a long time I walked towards the drivers side seeing Ty on the ground laying in a pool of blood.
Me: Pierce, Tre somebody help me somethings wrong with Ty she's bleeding, did she get shot?
Tre: It looks like it shawty I see 1 in her shoulder and her arm but that's to much blood for it just to be just there.
    He picked up Ty carefully running into the hospital. I know I shouldn't be thinking about this now but Tre is super attentive to Ty. I catch him looking at her way more than he should. He even cared a little to much I don't know about their relationship but it wasn't the right time to question it. Nurses came running up taking Ty from Tre laying her on a gurney wheeling her off to the OR. Pierce picked me up taking me over to the waiting room, I was to weak to do anything but cry I couldn't lose Ty. It was now 6:25 in the morning I just woke up when the doctor called out her name.
Doctor: Family of Ty McKinlee.
Me: Yes?
Doctor: She's doing ok. She lost a lot of blood we had to do a transfusion and put her in a medical induced coma.
Me: Bullets, as in more than one?
Doctor: Yes there were 5. 1 was lodged into her left side while the other 2 bullets broke one of her ribs so she'll be a little sore. Then she had 1 in her shoulder and her arm.
Me: I'm glad she's still fighting. We also came in with her cousin Alex Delado.
Doctor: She is up but is just unresponsive to us. What we do know is that she was beaten, she has a broken nose, a couple broken and bruised ribs. It looks like she has also been raped but won't let us run a rape kit.
Me: Wow is she ok though?
Doctor: With her injuries she'll be fine but the rape and being beaten I have no idea you just have to be there for her when she needs it.
Me: When will they be able to go home?
Doctor: Alex can go home in a week, but Ty I have no idea. We are going to wake her in an hour if she responses well then maybe in a week or 2 we can let her go. Ty is in 420 an Alex is in room 415.
Me: Can you put them in the same room, Alex would respond positively with Ty being there.
Doctor: Ok give me ten minutes and I'll move them into a larger room together.
      The doctor left us sitting here Pierce and Tre looked so relieved to hear the news just like I was, I was already missing my baby. We waited just like the doctor said then asked the nurse that was flirting with Tre their new room number. I practically ran into her room she was laying there all bandaged up everywhere with needles and tubes running from her I hated seeing her like this. I pulled a chair up to her bed holding her hand.
*******Ty's POV*******
Im not feeling any pain or anything, I'm just happy but I don't know why. I remember trying to get out of the truck but failed. I'm walking down a heavenly lit hall way, I hear my name being called faintly. I open the door at the end of the hallway, then I seen my parents standing there with huge smiles on there faces. I ran nearly knocking them over pulling them into a hug. Tears of joy cascaded down my face as they held on to me.
Me: I missed you guys so much.
Mom: We missed you too baby girl.
Dad: A lot, but we've been watching you.
I let them go taking a step back knowing I haven't been on my best behavior, all I could do is hang my head in embarrassment. My mom grabbed me by my chin raising me head.
Mom: Baby don't be embarrassed we're proud of you.
Dad: Yea you haven't always did the right thing but you did what you had to do.
Me: I guess so, I was angry not having you around. I'd see everyone with their parents but I wasn't.
Dad: But you had Nia and Liam there for you.
Mom: I know they treat you like one of their own, my sister loves you as much as we do. I don't like their job occupation but they take care of you so that's what matters.
Me: They do I love them to death but I still wish you were here.
Dad: We are, we always have an eye on you you're never alone. I hate that you do think you are because your not.
Mom: We never left your side baby girl.
Me: Can you guys tell me what happened? What happened that night? You never came back for me.
Mom: Don't worry about that ok. It happened and we're ok baby we're happy here.
     I broke down crying I just couldn't take the fact I was here with my parents. I missed them so much I use to cry my self to sleep thinking they didn't want me any more. My dad wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up like I was still that 10 year old girl that they left.
Me: I want to stay here with you guys.
    I kept repeating that as I cried into my dads neck.
Dad: You can't sweetie, that girl down there loves you so much.
Me: Who Jasmine?
Mom: Don't play crazy we told you we've kept an eye on you. That means her also, she loves you to moon and back. She prays every night that you don't leave her and that you guys have the best life.
Dad: I know you miss us but she'd miss you more than you miss us. That's saying something sweetheart, you need to live your life stop worrying about us. We don't feel anything but happiness, no worries no nothing.
Mom: Your doing incredible things with your life don't give up now.
    My dad put my down as my mom used her thumbs to wipe my tears away.
Mom: Baby your hard work is going to pay off I promise you. You and Jasmine are about to make a year am I correct?
Me: Yea August 21st why?
Dad: You need to keep her close, someone wants to threaten you guys relationship. Be there, protect her sweetie she needs you more than anything. In time she will open up more to you an revile somethings to you, you have to help her get through them and you need to tell her about you and that boy. It'll bring you two closer than ever.
I already knew who he was talking about.
Mom: Don't lose her be patient, everything your looking for is in her but you have to listen and pay attention.
Me: Wait dad who is after us? Please tell me so I can stop it before it happens.
Dad: I can't do that baby girl it's more than one person. I want you to distance yourself from them people in your past or your going to regret it.
As I was about to ask my dad what meant about that the lights started to dim and I could hear people talking to me.
Mom: I love you but you have to go now.
Dad: I love you too, we don't want to see you back here till it's actually your time. We will still be looking after you, just play everything smart and you'll do perfect sweetheart.
They pulled me into one final hug as the lights went completely dark. I started to see light but this time I was in a hospital bed with people around me that I didn't know.

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