It Was The End

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******Ty's POV*****
I opened my eyes slightly lifting my head seeing Jasmine literally staring at me.
Me: I know I'm sexy but damn bae can I have my face back?
I seen a tear or 2 fall from her eyes while she smiled.
Jasmine: Shut up.
She got up kissing me then hugging me softly. I let out a slight groan as she squeezed me a little to tight.
Jasmine: I'm sorry baby I just missed you so much.
Me: I know baby I missed you to but what happen?
Jasmine: You got shot 5 times, your shoulder, arm, and 3 times in your side it broke one of your ribs.
Me: That's why it hurts to sit up?
Jasmine: Yea I'm so sorry.
Me: Don't be I knew the risks but I had to get Alex back. Im glad your ok though.
Jasmine: How can you think about me when your laid up in this hospital bed?
Me: Easy I love you that's why.
She blushed getting up kissing me softy but passionately. I just so happen to look over seeing Alex in the bed to the left of me. She looked pretty bad I let a little tear slid out of my eye but I quickly wiped it.
Me: How is she?
Jasmine: She's beat up pretty bad but she should be ok. The doctor said she was raped.
Me: Yea I know.
Jasmine: How?
Me: Eric kind of told me.
Jasmine: That's why you shot him down there?
Me: Yep.
I clenched my jaw just thinking about it. I was mad at myself that I let this happen.
Jasmine: She just fell asleep they gave her some medicine not to long ago, she said thank you for coming for her and she love you.
Jas seen me cry now, she pulled my hand intertwined our fingers together kissing it.
Jasmine: I'm gonna go call your aunt Nia and tell her what happened. Do you want to see Pierce and Tre?
Me: Yea I guess send them in.
She got up kissing me one more time before she left out of the room.
********Tre's POV******
    Ty's girlfriend came told Pierce and I that we could go see her. He walked in before me, I was kind of scared to see her. Seeing her laid out on the ground brought back some feelings I thought I was over but I guess not.
Pierce: How you feeling?
Ty: Feeling ight, it hurt breathing but other than that I'm cool.
She looked over at me as I was standing at the foot of her bed.
Ty: Why you just standing there what's up with you?
Me: Nothing I'm cool I'm just glad to see you doing good.
Ty: I'm making it I'm just ready to get outta here already. I wanna be home cuddled up with my baby.
My nose started to flare a little I was pissed. I hated that she had a girlfriend I wish she was single so I could tell her how I feel, maybe I still can.
Tre: Yea I feel you.
She raised one eyebrow examining me a little bit. It was getting tense till Pierce broke the silence.
Pierce: How's your friend? She don't look to good.
Ty: He beat on her and raped her. I wish I would have punished him more but I was just ready to kill him.
Pierce: He deserved it she didn't do anything, I hate dudes that put that they hands on females it's so disrespectful.
I couldn't keep my eyes off Ty, even being in this hospital bed she was still fine. These lights kept hitting her eyes in a way, so you could greenish flecks in them. They were just so mesmerizing to look at and her caramel mocha skin tone complimented them so well.
Ty: Yea I know. Tre dawg why the hell you keep staring at me the shits getting weird.
Ty's little girlfriend had walked in on her asking me this.
Ty's Girlfriend: What's going on?
Ty: He keep staring at me like I got something on my damn face.
Me: Nah sis my bad man.
Ty's Girlfriend: Why you staring at her?
Me: Why you worried?
Ty's Girlfriend: She's my girlfriend duh that why I'm worried. You been staring her a lot since you got here, I wasn't gone say nothing till you wanna catch this little attitude like a little girl.
Me: So what bitch I can do what the fuck I want. I've known Ty since she was 13 yo thot ass just came into the picture you got me and the game fucked up.
Ty: Watch how the fuck you talking to my girlfriend, just because I'm in the hospital don't mean I won't beat yo ass.
Me: Why is you tripping so hard on this girl? She fine so what, I bet she don't fuck you like I did.
Ty: As a matter of fact she don't she do it better.
I seen the look in Ty's eyes, I could tell that if she could she'd kill me right but I was so mad I wasn't thinking straight. I ran up on her little girlfriend backing her into the corner.
Me: You think you do her better than me?
Ty's Girlfriend: She definitely just said I did now get the fuck outta my face.
She pushed me back hard as hell before I could grab her Pierce grabbed me.
*********Ty's POV*********
    As soon as Tre backed Jasmine up against the wall I started pulling out the needle that was in my arm then I took the heart monitor thing off my finger getting out the bed. I seen Pierce still had his gun in the back of his jeans I slowly grabbed it as he was trying to calm Tre down. The heart monitor started going off since it wasn't on my finger anymore. They all stopped arguing looking my way while I held my side with my right hand with the gun in my left.
Me: Baby come here.
She stood behind me looking scared I knew they all seen the look in my eyes. My normally hazel eyes were practically brown they always did that when I was upset so I already knew.
Pierce: Ty calm down I got him.
Me: Pierce man I love you but move I don't want to accidentally hurt you.
He stepped aside with his hands up knowing I wasn't in the mood to be reasoned with.
Me: So Tre what in God's blue world made you think that talking to my girl like that or even trying to run up on her was even remotely ok?
Tre: Ty I wasn't thinking I'm sorry. I got jealous that's all.
I started to laugh but it hurt my ribs to do so. Jasmine pulled me into her holding me up.
Me: I don't care that you was jealous or any excuses you have. We been done for some years not months years. I definitely and obviously moved on from you. So why all of a sudden you got these "feelings" for me?
Tre: I don't know just seeing you bossed up like that had me feeling some type of way.
I tried to move closer to him but Jasmine wouldn't let me. I looked over my shoulder and I could tell she was still scared.
Me: I'm not going to kill him baby it's ok.
She finally let me go allowing me to move close to Tre. I had to move slow so I wouldn't hurt so much.
Me: You know if you would have put your hands on her I would've had to kill you where you stood right?
Tre: It's like that Ty?
Me: Yea dude it's like that. You had no place to go after my girl like that, you was my "brother" or so I thought.
Tre: I am Ty I'm sorry it was a mistake.
Me: Yea it was and you won't be making it again. Lose my number and best believe Ima be making a call to my aunt and uncle to let them know what you did. I know the least they're going to do is get some dudes to beat yo ass then you getting kicked out, hopefully they don't kill you.
Tre: Ty fuck you, you ain't shit that's why I cheated on you anyway I never loved you I just wanted that money.
I chuckled because it was funny he actually thought I cared. I was going to just go get back in my bed but I changed my mind. With all my strength I turned around hitting him so hard in his jaw with the gun. It was a bad idea on my part we both fell over in pain. Tre punched me in my eye so hard then started to choke me as well, we both on the ground fighting one another but I soon heard a gun being cocked. We both looked to see that Jasmine had the gun pointed straight at Tre.
Jasmine: Pierce can you help Ty back to the bed?
He came over pushing Tre off of me helping me to my feet.
Me: You know you definitely dead now. Have fun in Atlanta when my people hear about this.
Pierce helped me over to the bed as Jasmine still had the gun pointed at Tre. He left out of the leaving us all trying to gather ourselves together.
Pierce: Ty I'm so so sorry for what Tre just did, I don't know why he was tripping on you.
Me: Me either but it's ok I appreciate you being loyal.
He dapped me up then pulled me into a little hug as I laid back in the bed.
Me: Baby take Pierce back to the house so he can pack his stuff then give him the full 30 thousand since Tre don't need it, then take him to the airport.
Jasmine: Ok but are you ok here by yourself?
Me: I'm not alone Alex is here hopefully she'll wake up soon or I'll go to sleep it don't matter.
Pierce: Ty I can't take that money now.
Me: Yea you will it's yours, you been my big bro since middle school just because your little brother fucked me over don't mean Ima be a bitch and not pay you.
Pierce: Ty I swear you the realist out there, I'm proud to call you my little sister. I'll always have to back no matter what just know that.
Me: Likewise Pierce, don't be a stranger either come down and party with us when we all back to normal.
Pierce: I'll will take care of yourself.
He hugged me again as he left out of the door, Jasmine kissed me as I told her to be careful then she gave me my phone leaving out of the room. I called my aunt Nia to tell her about dumbass Tre. She was so surprised to hear what he did but she said she'd take care of it immediately. She was glad I got Alex back and that Jasmine had my back when I needed her. She told me the same thing my parents told me about her, I need to keep her around because no one will ever be what I need like she is. I didn't tell anyone that I had even talked to them though I wasn't ready to talk about it just yet but I know my parents want me to completely honest with Jasmine and I plan on it. I hung up the phone calling the doctor in so they could give me some medicine for the pain I was having.
*******Jasmine's POV******
     It's 10 something in the morning I'm on my way to take Pierce to the airport. He was actually a pretty chill guy I see why Ty looked up to him. He told me he was just 25 while Ty, dumbass Tre were just 21 and I was 23 he had so much wisdom to him. I was surprised when he guessed my age right.
Me: So Tre your little brother?
Pierce: Sadly yes.
Me: If you don't mind me asking what happened between the 2 of them.
Pierce: Ty's aunt and uncle were our neighbors so they seen each other a lot, they were both 13 at the time but they didn't start dating till they were 15. Tre ain't no bad looking dude so girls flocked to him all the time, for the most part he stayed away from them. Ty had just turned 16 but ended taking the fall for Eric when he killed someone. She wasn't in jail that long maybe a couple of months, I still don't know how but she got out early. The day she came home she came over to the house, I knew Tre was upstairs so I told her go head. All of I sudden I hear yelling so I run up there and I seen Ty beating this girl ass. The girl was butt ass naked but I guess Ty didn't care and she just kept beating her ass while Tre was just watching. I pulled her off the girl walking her home. She cried in my arms that whole night I'd never seen her cry so I just stayed to comfort her. The next day she broke with him, Ty went back to her gang when Tre seen she had all these things he wanted in. He apologized Ty being the nice person she is she let him. Then she left around the time she'd turn 18 then I guess you know the rest.
Me: Wow and yea I do she owns a club with Alex they do very well.
Pierce: I'm real proud of her she made something of her life already I know she will do more.
Me: Yea she has a lot of crazy but really good ideas.
     I pulled up the drop off part of airport.
Pierce: That's good, well this is where I leave you. Please take care of her Jasmine she's so special to me. I see how she looks at you and she was even ready to kill my brother defending you she loves the hell outta you. Don't ever let anyone come in between you guys I lowkey think you guys were made for each other.
     I had a huge smile on my face I knew he was right.
Me: I promise I never want to lose her. Have a great flight back take care of your self and for real come back and turn up with us.
Pierce: I will little mama see you later.
    He hugged me getting out, he waved one more time before I pulled off going to McDonald's to get Ty, Alex and myself some breakfast. When I got back to the hospital Ty was fast asleep and so was Alex. I gently got in the bed laying on the right side of Ty's stomach trying not to hurt her shoulder , ribs or her forearm. I slowly and gently raised her arm putting it around me laying her hand on my booty then fell asleep.

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