Getting Ready

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****Ty's POV****
Today was the day I got to go back home to Texas. We were all standing in front of the airport saying our good byes for the time being. Nia grabbed me pulling me into a hug, I could feel her tears wetting my shirt but I didn't mind.
Me: Ma, you have to stop crying. I'm just going home to recuperate a little more and check up on Playhouse.
Nia: I know, I know. You've been my baby all over again, I got to take care of you and watch you grow some more. It's going to be hard knowing all my girls are grown up.
She lifted her head looking over at Maya, Kai and Jas. I wiped away her renaming tears then kissed her forehead.
Me: We'll be back mama I promise. We're going to be back before you know it. I'll make sure to call you all the time, I'll only be a phone call away.
Nia: Of course babygirl now get out of here before I really start crying.
She kissed my cheek and I kissed her forehead letting my lips linger before I grabbed AJ's hand walking towards our gate with Maya and Kai behind us holding onto Ace and Riland.
      We boarded our flight in no time, all 4 of us at by each other in first class. Kai fell asleep first then Maya leaving just AJ and I.
Me: Baby have you talked to Alex? Is little Andres out the hospital?
    They didn't tell me till the doctor gave me clearance to fly home that Alex had gave birth to my little man a month a head of time. His immune system wasn't all the way developed like it should so he's still in the hospital.
Jasmine: Yea I talked to her but he's not out yet. She said he's getting better though and she wants us to come see him when we can.
Me: I want to go see him as soon as we get back.
   She gave me a dirty look.
Jasmine: You may be feeling better but I don't want you to rush your recovery. I know you want to see him but when we get back we're going straight home and your going to let me take care of you. Tomorrow we can go see him but today your going to rest.
     As I was about to respond she gave me her famous death glare.
Me: Fine.
Jasmine: Thank you baby, I'm making dinner tonight. Do you have any idea what you want?
Me: Meat loaf with broccoli and cheese casserole?
Jasmine: Sounds good baby.
    She yawned cutely laying her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead  laying my head on her's as she linked our arms and interwove our fingers together.
Me: Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we land.
     She nodded kissing my cheek before nestling herself into me more. I sat in a comfortable silence besides listening to the people that were talking around me. I watched the clouds go but I felt myself slipping into a peaceful nap.
*****Jasmine's POV*****
   I woke up having to use the restroom, when I looked to my right Ty was sleeping with her head against the wall and her arms across her chest. I pecked her lips softly before going to the restroom. When I got back I put my headphones in listening to Rihanna's whole ANTI album on repeat. The flight captain spoke over the intercom saying we were about to land and thank us for flying. I tapped the 3 of them wake, Ty being my big ass baby was all cranky when I woke her up. I kissed all over her face till she giggled and smiled at me. We all got off the plane and went got Ace and Riland. They were so happy to see us and kept barking, Kai had them trained so well that when she told them to shut up, they did. We made it home within an hour, it was only going on 4 so Ty and I went to sat in the pool for a little while before heading the theater room to watch shows on Netflix.
Me: Babe I think I'm going to go start cooking dinner.
Ty: Alright I'll help.
Me: Nope but you are welcome to come keep me entertained.
Ty: Deal.
She took my hand in her's walking us down to the kitchen. I grabbed all my ingredients while Ty helped me by getting some pots for me.
Me: Ok thanks baby, now sit down and relax.
She ending up sitting down on the counter, but she had a hard time getting up there. It was quite funny to watch but she quickly scolded me.
Ty: So baby have you thought about the date you want to get married?
I got excited, she hadn't really brought up our engagement nor when she finally wanted to.
Me: Um I was think that we'd maybe do it in October, Nia and I kind of already set some stuff up. She said you'd say yes to whatever I wanted but I'm still not sure if your ok with that.
Ty: Actually AJ it sounds perfect, wherever, whenever and however you want I'm cool with it. I only have a couple of things I want.
I stopped cutting the vegetables to look at her, we both had huge smiles but I was smirking more than I was smiling.
Me: An what would those things be?
She got off the counter pulling me into her as she leaned against it wrapping her arms around my waist.
Ty: I want to pick our colors, I'd like a weed bar at the reception and I want you to pick somewhere you've always wanted to go for our honeymoon.
    I looked up at her trying to find any sign of her lying but she wasn't.
Me: You sure you're ready for all of this? We can always push it back for a little while.
Ty: Hell yea I'm ready. Your the only girl I even remotely loved this much. Being with you is indescribable, I never told you but when I got shot that first time and was out for a little while I talked to my parents. Don't ask me how because it still baffles me, but they knew we were meant for each other. I never thought about denying it because deep down I really did hope you were it. It constantly surprises me how in love with you I actually am. I want this for us, I want us to be married and have kids together. I want us to be a legit family and all that other good shit.
    I hit her good shoulder wiping away my happy tears.
Me: I love how you ended that very sweet little speech.
Ty: Whatever baby but you get what I mean.
Me: I did and I feel the same way. I fall in love with you more and more each day. Having a family with you would be like a fairytale, and I can't wait so I'm saying yes to everything you wanted.
     She picked me up spinning me around while kissing all over my face. I giggled the entire time, she's happy and I'm happy that's all you can ask for.
Me: Ok baby put me down before you hurt yourself and so I can finish making dinner.
Ty: Fine but after dinner we're going to talk to Nia about making sure everything is ready for us.
    She put me down capturing my lips, I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me. Her tongue swiped across my bottom lip asking for entrance but I shook my head no pecking her lips before letting her go.
Me: Stop trying to get freaky with me and go watch Tv or something. I'll let you know when the food is done.
    I pushed her to the living room but not before she slapped my ass running away giggling. I chuckled continuing to make dinner for all of us.
****Ty's POV****
I went plopped down on the couch turning the Tv directly to Cartoon Network. I put my feet up and put my arm behind my head but was interrupted.
Me: Riland your doing to much jumping on me like this.
He licked my cheek barking happily at me but I pushed him on the side of me so he would be laying on the side of me. We laid on the couch together watching whatever came on, Kai came joined us not long after. We were joking around but the AJ called for us to come eat. We ran straight to the kitchen grabbing plates, the 4 of us sat around eating and just talk about nothing, same as always.
Maya: Let's go to the game room.
Me: If y'all would like an ass whoopin.
Kai: You not bout to win.
Me: Bullshit, what we playing first then?
Maya: It don't matter what we play, we all know I'm winning.
Me: Fine let's go see then. Baby you playing with us?
Jasmine: Nah I'm just gon watch.
    AJ took my hand as we walked down stairs to the game room. They decided on the arcade racing game. First it was Kai against Maya; Maya won, so then it was me against Kai and I won. It was Maya against me to see who would win, just to give her a chance we did best 2 out of 3. She won the first race, but I won the second and the last one.
Me: I told y'all I'd win.
Maya: Whatever you cheated anyway.
Kai: Yea ain't no way you can beat us.
    I busted out laughing at their cry baby asses.
Jasmine: Don't be mad my baby beat y'all.
    She got off the floor kissing me slowly, grabbing her waist I pulled AJ closer to me pecking her lips a few times before letting her go.
Jasmine: Take y'all ass whoopins like grown ups we have a wedding to plan.
They both groaned.
Kai: Since we can't get our rematch can I at least help with the wedding?
Me: Sorry not right now pooh bear, but maybe tomorrow.
She nodded hugging us both before she joined Kai over at some game. The two of us left up all the stairs to our room. I laid like a star fish in the middle of the bed letting out a content sigh.
Jasmine: Um can you not take up all of my side?
Me: I could but where would the fun be?
Jasmine: Oh it'd be in the time that you don't get this p*ssy.
I lifted my head looking at her apologetically before jumping out the bed to her.
Me: No baby stop I was just kidding. I was just getting your side all warmed up for you.
She giggled pushing me out the way so she could get into the bed.
Jasmine: You so silly I swear but come on we need to do this.
I slid in next to her laying my head in her lap calling Nia. We went through everything or at least to my knowledge everything that we'd need; dresses of course, catering, somewhere for the wedding, somewhere for the reception, music and drinks, wedding invitations, wedding cake, and we added the weed bar much to Nia's dismay. I of course chose Alex to be my maid of honor and AJ chose Jaylee. I was about to ask who was going to walk her down the isle but quickly started to feel bad. Did she even have someone to walk her down the isle. As if she was reading my mind she asked would would be walking me.
Me: Um I think I want to ask Nia and Liam.
Jasmine: Like you had a choice, Nia would drag your ass down that isle if she felt like it. You know I was thinking about calling an asking my mom or my best friend.
Me: Which friend?
She chuckled but I was confused.
Jasmine: The one you met the first time we ever met.
Me: Really her?
Jasmine: What's wrong with Aaliyah?
Me: Number 1, I don't think she like me. Number 2, I haven't seen her in almost a year and 3 I really don't like she like me.
Jasmine: Yea she does, when she calls an checks up on me I talk about you of course. She's happy and surprised we are still together.
Me: Why is she surprised?
Jasmine: She said you are to fine to be faithful.
I busted out laughing, even little tears flowed from my eyes.
Jasmine: What's so damn funny?
Me: That she'd think I'd cheat on a beautiful, sexy, intelligent mixed goddess such as yourself.
She blushed tremendously her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.
Jasmine: I always tell you, your way with words makes me want to take my panties off for you or just sit on your face.
I smirked up at her sticking my tongue out. Apparently she caught what I was say and smacked my forehead.
Jasmine: Nope not tonight I'm tired and we both need showers.
Me: Ok but forreal, are you going to ask your mom or Aaliyah?
She sighed running her fingers through my hair.
Jasmine: I know she's do it but my mom is a whole different story.
Me: Baby, I'm not trying to be insensitive or act like a douche but why don't you talk to your mom often?
Jasmine: She didn't really accept the fact that I was bi-sexual and she doesn't even know I'm fully lesbian. She was actually the only reason I went out with Greg, I just wanted her off my back about her friend's son thinking I was pretty. At first I liked him, it was cool but after he started drinking it went all down hill.
Me: Wow I'm sorry to hear that baby, if you don't want to tell her about us it's ok.
Jasmine: It's not that babe, she's going to hear about it somehow. I just don't know how's she going to react, I'd hate to have to deliberate not invite her.
Me: Completely understandable, you know if you need me to I'd go with you.
Jasmine: I'd love that baby, I'll take you to see Andres first then we'll go talk to her.
Me: Or the other way around, if things go bad with her I know he'll make us feel better.
She nodded leaning down to kiss my forehead.
Jasmine: Let's go shower so we can cuddle and watch vampire diaries.
She pulled me out of bed undressing me, I turned on the water as she went got us some towels and my favorite sponge. I bathed her and she bathed me, when we got out she put on one of my shirts with some lace red panties and I put on a tank top and some PINK boy shorts. We climbed into bed together, I was the big spoon an she was the little spoon. She turned on the episode we didn't quite finish yet and we laided there till my phone went off.
KehBae😎> Omg Ty I just made it back into the states, I guess your gf texted me that you had got shot. I'm so sorry to hear that but I'm coming to Texas for 2 weeks and I'd love it if we could hang out. Only if your doing better of course.
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> I'm doing good Keh don't feel bad but yea I'd love that just let me know when you'll be here.
KehBae😎> I will most definitely, I'm glad your feeling better though so we can turn up.
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> Of course lol We can have a good ass time. You know I'm getting married.
KehBae😎> Omg Ty forreal? That's so damn amazing who's the lucky women?

This is the women that stole my heart

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This is the women that stole my heart.
KehBae😎> Ty she is BEAUTIFUL lol I see why you cuffing that.
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> lol can't let anyone have my special lady but you know your TOTALLY invited to the wedding.
KehBae😎> I'm really really honored I can't wait, what's the date?
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> She's thinking early October like the 7th I think.
KehBae😎> Fantastic, I'll be there most definitely.
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> I do need one favor though, she LOVES Rihanna like I'm lowkey jealous lol but could you possibly get me her information so I can have her preform?
KehBae😎> Yea but don't worry I'll take care of that consider it y'all wedding present. I'll even preform and have other people come out.
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> Your the best!!!!
KehBae😎> lol thanks I gotta go do a show I'll hit you up tomorrow.
Ms.Playhouse💵💵> Good luck and have a good show.
KehBae😎> Thanks an I will.
     I was beyond happy, Kehlani was coming in so clutch. AJ is going to die when she sees Rihanna, but I might loose my wife. I chuckled to myself but AJ turned and looked at me funny.
Jasmine: What are you laughing at?
Me: Nothing I just thought about something funny but is the 7th a good date?
Jasmine: Yep that's fine.
Me: Cool so I just talked to kehlani and I invited her to the wedding an she said she'd come.
Jasmine: Damn so you just that cool?
Me: Of course, don't act like you didn't know your fiancé is the coolest.
Jasmine: No she's the corniest.
     I smacked my lips mushing her head.
Jasmine: I was kidding baby.
Me: Nope, don't want to hear it.
    I turned over not cuddling with her anymore.
Jasmine: Stooop, come back an cuddle with me.
     I didn't say anything, she climbed on top of me pinning my arms to the bed. She leaned down trying to kiss me but I quickly turned my head so she couldn't.
Jasmine: Don't be mad at me daddy, I love you so much.
      She started kissing my neck repeating she loved me. I was trying my best not to give into her but I lost it when she started to grind into me.
Me: Ok ok baby, I'm not mad anymore just stop.
     I could feel her her smirk into my skin, giggling. She let my arms go staying on top of me.
Jasmine: You love me?
Me: Yep a whole lot.
I kissed all over her face making her giggle.
Jasmine: I can't wait for us to get married. We been through a lot, it's feels good to know we can make it through anything.
Me: Of course we can, you my baby an nobody is ever going to change that.
She kissed my cheek sliding to the side of me tangling our legs with her arm around my waist and head on my chest.
Jasmine: Goodnight fiancé.
Me: Goodnight wifey.

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