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****Ty's POV****
   I woke up to my phone being blown up constantly.
Jasmine: Babyyy get your phone ugh.
It was all texts and calls from Alex. I forgot about her appointment, I faced palmed my forehead dialing her number. It rung a couple time then she finally picked up.
Alex> What?
Me> Sis I am soooo sorry, we totally forgot about going to the doctors with you. Please don't be mad at us.
Alex> I'm not mad Ty that's why I call you. My doctor's appointment got rescheduled to today because my doctor had a family emergency and I wasn't going see nobody else but her.
Me> Thank god, what time? I'll wake everybody up right now. And did you say a female is your doctor?
Alex> It's at 9:30, and yes she's a she and hella fine might I add.
Me> See I knew it was something. Still a player even while you pregnant. Is she even into women?
Alex> I haven't asked yet but she has to be, all she do is be around p*ssy all day everyday.
Me> Fool she be delivering babies not giving out happy endings.
Alex> Shiid she can give me one anytime.
Me> You crazy frfr. But what time is it now?
Alex> Just 7 something going on 8.
Me> Alright let me get in here and wake these fools up.
Alex> Are y'all bringing y'all children?
    She busted out laughing like I thought she was gon fr die of laughter.
Me> Al shut up it's ain't funny.
Alex> Aww I'm sorry Ms.Mommy oh I mean Mrs.
Me> Again not funny, get off my phone that's why we aren't coming to your appointment so ha.
Alex> Nooooo bestfriend ok I quit go get dressed I love you.
Me> Mhm I thought love you too.
I rolled over kissing Jasmine's cheek.
Me: Come on baby get up. We gotta go to Alex's doctor appointment.
Jasmine: But it's to early babe.
Me: It won't be after we take a shower, eat breakfast and wait on Maya and Kai.
Jasmine: Uggghhh fine are you coming shower with me right quick?
Me: Yep, let me go wake up Maya and Kai first though.
I kissed her cheek again slapping her booty jumping out of the bed.
Jasmine: Bastard!!!
I giggled running all the way to their room, I knocked on the door and a sleepy Maya answered it.
Me: Why you look so tired?
Maya: Because of Kai.
I raised my eyebrow,
Maya: Not like that she been up since like 6 something watching spongebob.
Kia came around the corner laughing.
Kai: I love me some spongebob.
Me: Y'all funny but get dressed and meet us down stairs for breakfast in 30 minutes.
Maya: Where we going?
Me: To my bestfriend Alex's doctor appointment.
Kai: Oh the pregnant one?
Me: Yep get y'all asses ready I'm going take a shower.
Maya: Can we bring Ace and Riland?
Me: We have to, they not about to tear my house up.
  On cue little Ace came sniffling my leg, I squat down to pet him.
I left them there but little Ace decided to follow me. When we got in the room he instantly ran over to a sleeping Riland laying on him.
Me: Baby come look at them!!
   She came out the bathroom with her hair up in a bun with her blue silk robe on.
Jasmine: OMG they are so cute. They should totally date.
Me: AJ really? They only babies, and technically cousins.
Jasmine: Shut up, come get in the shower with me.
    I stripped out of my clothes following her into the bathroom. We took turns bathing each other till we finally decided to rinse off. I went to the closet pulling out some black skinny jeans, a white v neck shirt with a camo cover up with my all black 9s. AJ put on some short shorts, a baseball jersey that covered up her shorts and high top vans with a high ponytail.
Jasmine: Come Ace and Riland lets go.
   Both of the puppies ran past our legs out the door. We both laughed at their eagerness but laughed harder when we seen them whining at the top of the stairs.
Me: Scardy cats.
AJ hit my shoulder playfully.
Jasmine: Don't make fun of them. Like you said they just babies.
   I picked up Ace and AJ picked up Riland, we put them down when we reached the bottom. When I tell y'all they are really smart it's crazy. When we got in the kitchen they were sitting by their bowls looking up with us. I got them some puppy chow and they went to town on it. Jasmine decided to just make eggs and toast which I was fine with. I sat on the counter watching her with amusement, this girl didn't have to do a thing to make me love her. Just being in her presence made me love her more, she was just so bright, warm and inviting I love every minute of it. Maya and Kai came down the stairs bickering loudly,
Me: Heeeey!!!
   They stopped arguing looking at me startled.
Me: Why are y'all arguing?
Kai: She wouldn't let me finish watching my favorite episode.
Jasmine busted out laughing while she stood in between my legs.
Me: Don't make me fight the both of y'all. Sit down and eat so we can go.
    They quietly sat down at the island as I hopped off the counter helping AJ fix the plates. We all talked to each other about absolutely nothing before we headed out. I let AJ drive because she was being a cry baby about it. After she gave Ace and Riland a stern talking to about going the bathroom in her car we made our way to Alex's appointment. I put the address into the GPS and it took about 20 minutes to make it there and it was just going on 9.
****Alex's POV****
I was sitting down with Lisa nervous.
Lisa: Baby calm down, it'll be ok.
Me: I know.
Lisa held my hand up to her mouth kissing it, it wasn't anyone besides us in the waiting room so it was quiet. In walked Ty and Jasmine with two other girls talking loudly.
Me: Y'all so ratchet.
Ty: Well excuse us for being happy.
    I got up jumping up on Ty snuggling into her neck she hissed in pain but held me up.
Me: I missed you.
Ty: I missed you too Al, I see your hormones all out of whack already.
I got down wiping away some tears.
Me: They really are, it's annoying.
I gave Jasmine a hug.
Jasmine: How you feeling? You look way better.
Me: Thanks, I feel so much better than I did thank god.
She pulled me into another hug kissing my cheek.
Ty: Al this is my little sister Maya and her girlfriend Kai.
    I gave them each a hug.
Me: Y'all like it here so far?
Maya: Yea we do.
Me: Are they playing mommy to y'all?
Ty: Galilea if you don't shut yo soon to be mommy ass up.
Me: Ouch, we using middle names name Raelyn?
Ty: Yep you keep playing with me.
Me: You know I love you lil sis.
I squeeze her cheeks kissing them.
Jasmine: I thought Ty was older?
Me: Nope that'd be me.
I laughed as Ty smacked her lips sitting down a seat away from Lisa, who was looking rather uncomfortable.
Me: Babe you straight?
Ty: No she gay that's why she date your crazy ass.
Me: Shut up before we fight.
Ty: I don't fight mommies.
Me: Why? You are one.
I pointed to the two younger girls.
Kai: Hey I take offense to that, she more like our sister than our mom.
Ty: See, so eat my ass.
She stuck her tongue out at me.
Me: When and where?
Ty: Right now.
She got out the chair bending in front of me.
Me: Move yo nasty ass on.
Ty: Yea I thought so.
Jasmine: Ty sit yo ass down before we fight. Just gon put yo ass up in the air like that for somebody else.
She sat down giggling as did I.
Jasmine: I swear y'all start acting like kids when y'all get around each other.
Me: You say that like its a bad thing.
She shook her head laughing at us.
Ty: She would have did it if y'all weren't around.
They all snapped our heads to Ty and I as we busted out laughing.
Jasmine: Let me catch y'all doing some shit, it's gon be both y'all ass.
Me: She was just playing, I don't eat ass anyway.
Jasmine: Y'all heard what I said.
Ty pecked Jasmine's lips repeatedly till she started giggling.
Ty: Love you baby.
Jasmine: Yea yea I love you too.
They snuggled up with each other, we all talked minus Lisa. I'm pretty sure she scared that if she talk to Ty Jasmine will beat that ass again.
Nurse: Alex Delado?
Me, Ty, Jasmine and Lisa all got up following the nurse back to a large room as the girls took the keys from Jasmine going outside. Ty was of course jugging bandaids and whatever else out of the drawers like always.
Me: What is up with you and jugging  hospital and doctor offices?
Ty: Duh to get free shit. I be building whole little first aid kits.
Me: You got all this money but you don't spend it.
Jasmine: Bullshit.
I looked at Jasmine questioningly.
Ty: I just bought me, AJ and Maya new cars, got Kai a Rolex and paid 3 mil for a house.
Me: And why haven't I been invited or got anything?
Ty: Because I'm paying for you to have the livest baby shower ever and everything to furnish/ decorate his or her room with.
Me: Forreal?
   She nodded as we did our handshake.
Jasmine: Y'all are so cute, I should have took a picture.
    We talked for a little while till Doctor Mena came in. I got excited asf.
Dr.M: Wow you have a room full today.
Me: That's my sister Ty and her girlfriend Jasmine.
Dr.M: Wow no offense but y'all look nothing alike.
Me: Sisters's by loyalty.
Ty: Damn right.
   Jasmine smacked Ty on the back of her head making her sit down as Doctor Mena laughed.
Dr.M: Well I'm Doctor Erica Mena nice to meet you two. Hey Lisa.
    Lisa waved,
Jasmine: Nice to meet you too.
Dr.M: Ok let's get started.
    She prepped me, and we looked at the monitor looking at the small little fetus.
Dr.M: Ok good news, you baby is fine and growing perfect, you won't start showing till maybe around 2 months or later if your lucky. You'll come back once every month for a check up, but in 3 or 4 months we'll find out the sex of the baby. Do you have any questions?
Me: Nope I think I'm good.
Dr.M: Ok great I'm going to go print these out then your free to go.
   She shook all our hands after she cleaned me up. We walked out with the ultrasound pictures excited.
Jasmine: I can't wait to be a god mom, I want to see if it's like being a aunt.
Ty: You are so weird, but I love that.
   She put her arm and Jasmine kissing her temple.
Me: Ugh y'all so cute, it makes me sick.
We got outside seeing Maya and Kai with 2 adorable little puppies.
Me: Where did y'all find those puppies?
Maya: Their ours, this is Ace and Riland.
Me: When did y'all get puppies?
Ty: Yesterday, it's the only way I could get Kai away from Maya.
Maya: Shut up T-Rae.
    They stuck their tongues out at each other.
Me: They really cute, I want a puppy  now. Where you got them from?
Ty: That pet store in the mall. Oh speaking of that guess who we met.
Me: Who?
   She pulled out her phone showing me a picture of her and kehlani.
Me: Lucky ass I swear that girl fine asf.
   Before I realized what I said Lisa hit me on the back of my head.
Lisa: Don't play with me.
Me: My bad baby.
    I gave her a quick kiss but went back to fangirling.
Ty: She even gave me her number and told me she'd hit me up in town so she can check out  Playhouse.
Me: How she know about the spot?
Ty: She said some of her fans tweet about it a lot.
Me: Damn man she real asf for that I can't wait.
Ty: Me either but we bout to get out of here and go to the park, y'all want to come?
   I looked at Lisa and I could tell she wasn't with it.
Me: Nah sis, maybe another time.
Ty: Ok, ima hit you up later so you can come see the crib.
Me: Ok bet, We'll be there.
    We all hugged going our separate ways.
*****Ty's POV***
    I took the keys from AJ and she looked at me crazy.
Jasmine: Why you took my keys?
Me: I want to drive to my favorite park.
Jasmine: Fine.
    She picked up Riland as we all piled into the car. We sat in a comfortable silence as I drove to the park. Every once in a while I'd look over at AJ and admire her beauty, when she'd catch me she'd just blush. I pulled up to the park and everyone got out as I went to the trunk grabbing the blankets and cooler I put in there.
Kai: When'd you put them in there?
Me: Before we left, y'all never pay attention. That's how people get jugged now a days.
Kai: Yea yea, so what we doing here?
Me: Just felt like we should come chill and have family time is that ok?
Kai: Yep sounds fun.
I threw one of the blankets at her as she ran off to where Jasmine and Maya were with the sleeping puppies. I laid out the blanket, I sat down and AJ sat down in my lap.
Jasmine: You ok?
Me: Of course. Why does something have to be wrong?
Jasmine: Out of all this time of dating and knowing each other you never took me here, so why now?
     I gasped fake hurt.
Me: Well fine I won't share any of my secret spots with you then.
Jasmine: Yea you will shut up. I'm just curious.
Me: I know baby, but I just really wanted to just come out here chill and have a peaceful afternoon.
Jasmine: See I told you, you are a softy.
Me: Yea yea, whatever. Only for you though.
    We got up and raced toward to the swings, it was only one left. I was not about to let her win this time. My long legs gave me the advantage which I was grateful for but AJ wasn't. She pouted as I sat down on the swings, but I hated seeing my baby pout so I gave her swing.
Jasmine: Thanks baby. Will you push me?
    I nodded my head after I kissed her cheek pushing her. The 3 of them ended up have a race to see how could get the highest; Maya won. Of course the two of them being the big ass babies they are we're mad. Maya and I laughed at the two of them, I grabbed AJ's hand leading her back to the blanket as I got us some sandwiches. We talked about absolutely nothing the whole time then joked around with the lovebirds when they came to eat but left to go play again right afterwards. AJ sat looking beautiful as ever watching Riland and Ace chase around Kai and Maya,so I decided to lay down to get a quick picture of my flawless goddess.

 AJ sat looking beautiful as ever watching Riland and Ace chase around Kai and Maya,so I decided to lay down to get a quick picture of my flawless goddess

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   She slowly looked at me blushing.
Jasmine: Did you just take a picture of me?
Me: Mhm, you just there looking like an Angel. I just had to take a picture to capture your beauty.
    She got up straddling my lap while she wrapped her arms around my neck.
Jasmine: What did I do to deserve you?
Me: You were yourself, never played games with me or my heart. You let me love you when I need somebody to love and for that I'm so grateful.
   She flashed me her killer smile as tears of joy escaped her eyes. She hugged me tightly, snuggling into my lap. Riland came over to us jumping all around interrupting our moment. She let me go wiping away her tears as she pecked my lips softly lingering over them for a little while afterwards.
Me: Way to go Riland.
   He barked at me happily wagging his tail.
Me: Let's go home, so we can chill with Alex an Lisa.
Jasmine: More like just Alex.
Me: Baby be nice, she already scared of you so you don't have to worry.
Jasmine: Fine for you.
Me: I love you.
Jasmine: I love you too baby.
****Omniscient POV****
When they got home Ty texted Alex the address and she said be there around 4 with dinner. Alex's mom Melissa made Enchiladas with Spanish rice and shrimp quesadillas Ty's favorite. Maya and Kai played in the pool then got in the hot tub because it was getting cold. They ended up having a very intense make out session but of course Maya cut it short before it turned into anything else. What Maya didn't know that Ty was helping Kai plan their first date. Kai wanted everything to be special and show Maya that she was in love with her. Ty and Jasmine went in the theater room and watched 50 shades of grey for the first time together. Jasmine was beyond fascinated with the movie and wanted to try some of it. Nothing extreme like them but at least the hand cuffs, the blindfolds with the rough sex. Ty was a little hesitant at first but gave in anyway just to please Jasmine but made her promise to give Lisa a chance since Alex is like her sister. She agreed only because she really wanted to try it. When Alex and Lisa showed up, everybody hung out in the kitchen laughing and talking as Ty's music played in the background. Jasmine pulled Lisa to living room so that they could talk.
****Jasmine's POV****
I could tell Lisa was nervous when I asked her to talk but she was going to have to get over it.
Me: Ok so I wanted to talk to you because I want us to at least be cool for the sake of Alex and Ty.
Lisa: I guess so, but look I don't want Ty in that way anymore. Alex is beyond amazing and she treats me right. Yea we did get off on a bad foot and I'm sorry about that. I can't lie Ty is incredibly beautiful but I wouldn't come in between the two of y'all. Like frfr y'all are goals, girl look at this house.
I chuckled.
Me: No I want to apologize, I just was in a bad place when we first met my sister was in the hospital and you trying to talk to Ty set me off. I should have did that so I'm sorry.
Lisa: I forgive you, maybe over time we can really be friends since well be seeing each other a lot.
Me: Yea if like that, I'm still watching you though.
Lisa: That's fair, hug?
Me: Sure what the hell.
We both laughed as we sealed our apologies in a hug. We met back up with everybody having a great time. There was no more tension in the room everything was just perfect. It was getting late so Ty insisted that they stayed over and all of us go check things out at Playhouse. We ended up all sleeping in the theater room. It was a great end to our night.

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