02- Mother, don't you love me?

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The teacher was saying something about algebra, but I wasn't even paying attention.

My mind was on the dream I had. That night repeats on my mind every second of every day. But dreaming about it was something different, it felt like I was re-living that intimate and special night.

That night was honestly the best night of my life, even if I mean nothing to Jai, I wouldn't do that with anybody else but him.


I was eating my lunch sitting with Luke and Alyssa, my girl best friend.
"So, what are you guys doing this weekend?" Luke asked.

"Nothing, going to your house most likely" I instantly said before taking another bite of my burrito.

All of the sudden, I felt everything coming up again. I stood up and ran as quickly as I could to the girl's bathroom. I knelt in front of the toilet and everything came back, emptying my stomach.

I felt a hand holding my hair. After making sure that anything wasn't  coming out anymore, I stood up and went to where the sinks were and cleaned my mouth and hands. I turned around and saw Alyssa looking at me worried, "Are you okay?" She asked giving me a piece of minty gum.

I smiled thankfully at her, "There's something I need to tell you" I said looking down. "Okay, but let's talk somewhere more private" she said before walking out of the bathroom with me following behind her.

We walked out of the school and went to the parking.
"What's wrong?" She asked looking at me and I looked around making sure there was no one that could listen to our conversation.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered looking down. After a couple of second I looked up and saw her shocked expression. "Wait, I think I heard you wrong" she said frowning and when I shook my head, her eyes widened.

"B-but how? Are you sure? You're a virgin" she said and I blushed, hearing her gasp.

"I lost my virginity last month and yesterday I took a test and it was positive" I said looking around, I was scared. What if someone heard us?

" WHAT?! When were you gonna tell me? With who? You don't like any-" she stopped mid-sentence looking behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Jai getting out of a car,  while zipping up his pants. A  tall, light brown haired girl came out afterwards fixing her shirt. She tried to kiss Jai but he pulled away and walked away. He obviously couldn't hear us, he was like five cars away from us.

"To who did you lost your virginity to?" She asked slowly, looking back at me, even tough she already knew the answer.

Right now, I felt like crying.

I knew from the start that he was using me but, seeing him with other girls broke my heart anyways.

"Jai" I mumbled and she sighed shaking her head.

"Does he know?"

I shook my head and she raised an eyebrow. "Are you gonna tell him?" She asked and this time, I was the one who sighed. "I don't know."

"Does anyone else knows about this?" She asked looking around. "I told Beau like a couple of days ago that I thought I was pregnant, he was mad about it, but he bought me a test and he was with me when I took it... So yeah, Beau knows" I said.

"Does Beau knows who's the father?" She asked now raising both eyebrows. I shook my head, "He'll hate me when he finds out" I said trying to hold my tears.

I would like to say that it was the hormones that had me like this but, no. I'm a sensitive person, I'm always crying over stupid things. Even though, losing your best friend wasn't stupid, it was heartbreaking and horrifying.

One night stand-Jai BrooksDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora