22- "Are we really doing this?"

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WARNING: this chapter contains a scene of heavy, really graphic sex. It's really graphic so if you're under 14 or don't like that stuff, please don't read. I've warned you...it's really sexual.


"I love you" he breathlessly whispered and I froze when I heard his words.

Had I heard him correctly? Is this really happening or is it just a dream?

I felt happiness taking over my whole body and emotions. This is all I ever wanted, for him to love me.

"Please say something" he quietly whispered, fear and panic reflected in his voice.

I snapped out of my trance and smiled widely at him, "I love you too" I said, feeling my heart skip a beat.

He returned the smile but this time it was brighter, bigger.

"I've waited to hear those words for so long, I'd say too long" he chuckled at the end before softly pressing his warm lips against mine.

I returned the kiss as I felt like I was floating. I swear, this boys makes me feel a way nobody ever has, and sometimes it's so good that it's scary.

I suddenly had an idea, maybe it was mean, but not only did it had to do with me, but she was threatening Jai as well.

I pulled away from Jai and he looked at me confused.

"Do you wanna get rid of Ariana?" I asked devilishly and he raised both eyebrows before nodding.

"Of course" he replied, I nodded and pecked his lips.

"Can I see your phone?" I asked and he nodded, taking his phone out and handing it to me.

I searched through his contacts and saw Ariana's name and number. I pressed the call button and it instantly started ringing.

In the second ring, she answered.

"Hello, baby. Already missing me? You never call me, I guess you finally realized she wasn't worth it and was a waste of time" she practically moaned through the phone.

She sounded so pathetic that it was hilarious.

"Hi, Ariana" I simply said. I didn't sounded angry or anything, just normal.

The other line went silent and all I could hear was her breathing.

"Kristal?" She asked, her voice normal now, not all whiny like she sounded a couple of seconds ago.

"Yup, how are you?" I asked and looked at Jai, who was just staring at me with a smile.

"Um...I-I'm good, what about you?" She asked, still not believing I was the one talking to her.

"I'm really good, I'm pregnant, Jai's the father and he just told me he loved me. I've never been happier. It feels good that we're really honest with each other" I said and I heard her gasp.

"You're pregnant?! Jai never said anything" she said and I could tell she was lying.

"Bitch, you better stop playing around, cause he already told me about the party, about the plan. Which of course, didn't worked as I didn't had a sip of what you gave me. You're really stupid and pathetic for threatening him. Why can't you understand that he doesn't wants you? He doesn't likes you one bit, and it's all because of your threatening and intentions. I used to like you before all of this, you're really pretty, you seemed nice and cool, but sadly, it turns out that you're pathetic and annoying" I said and I know I was being harsh, and I hated it.

One night stand-Jai BrooksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant