04- him

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When Gina, Beau, and I got home, it was already dark. I took out my phone and checked the time. 8:15 pm. I was holding a bag with some vitamins and other things to help me through my pregnancy.

I had already went to the doctor. I'm five weeks pregnant and my baby seems to be okay.

Gina unlocked the door and we walked inside the house.

There was a huge smile on my face and nothing could make it go away.

Except Jai making out with another girl. As soon as he heard us, he pulled away from the girl and looked at us. He looked at me. I frowned and looked at the girl. She was short with caramel hair, deep green eyes, and skinny. She was beautiful. She was the opposite of what I was.

Before Jai and I hooked up, he barely talked to any girls, let alone show public affection with them.

I looked back at Jai who was looking at the floor. Beau cleared his throat and I heard Gina's voice asking, "Jai, who is this lovely girl?"

Gina always being so sweet and polite.

"Umm...she's uh...a friend?" He said but it sounded more like a question. I looked at Beau and he rolled his eyes at Jai. I turned my gaze back at the pretty girl and she was glaring at me. What the hell is her problem? I don't even know her.

"I err, I was just leaving" the girl said rudely, bumping her shoulder with mine pretty hard when she walked past me. "Bitch" I heard her mutter.

I quickly turned around and looked at her raising an eyebrow. "What did you just say? If you have something to say, say it to my face, loud and clear" I said feeling myself getting angrier and angrier by the second.

I saw her eyes widen a little bit, but she stepped closer to me, "I repeat, you are a bitch, a bitchy whore" she said smirking and I swear I was about to slap it off her face, when Beau wrapped an arm around my stomach from behind and pulled me back. "Leave! So disrespectful! This is not even your house and you're closest thing to a bitchy whore in this house! Leave!"  Gina raised her voice, almost yelled which surprised me, she's always so calm. It made me feel amazing knowing she had my back and was defending me.

"Brenda, what the fuck? Leave now! And don't you dare look for me ever again!" Jai said raising his voice as well.

I tried getting away from Beau's grip but I couldn't.

I watch her leave and slam the front door.

"Oi, Kristal! Stop it!" Beau said holding me tightly. I calmed down and inhaled sharply.

I was so ashamed of myself. How could I behave like that in front of Gina?

"I'm sorry" I said and Gina gave me a smile. "It's okay, you shouldn't stress. Its not healthy" she said and I understood what she meant. I mentally thanked God she didn't mentioned the baby, since the father was in the same room as me.

"Kristal, I'm so sorry for that" I heard Jai's angelic voice. A voice that I never thought that I would hear saying my name ever again. The way he said my name, was so qkdsteilokw. It made so many flashbacks of that night come to me.

"It's fine, Jai" I said and looked at Beau. He had a concerned look on his face. I heard someone running down the stairs and a sleepy Luke made his appearance. Aww, sleepy Luke is so cute.

I smiled at him, "What's going on? I heard yelling..." He trailed off looking at me, then at Jai.

"It was nothing..." I said and he nodded. "Oh, we have to call James and Skip" Luke said and Jai pulled his phone out of his back pocket and handed it to Luke.

One night stand-Jai BrooksDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora