09- Deep talks with Beau

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Sorry for any mistakes ): enjoy...

I sighed and stepped out of the tent. I walked to where the guys were sitting. They were still in silence, looking at each other trying to understand what just happened.

They looked shocked and confused, and I felt really bad. I don't deserve such good friends.

When they noticed my presence, they stared at me, not daring to move.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm really stressed lately, I'm going through a tough time. But that's not an excuse to take it out on you, I'm so sorry" I said looking at them.

"Jai can help you relieve some stress" Luke winked at me.
Jai slapped the back of Luke's head and shyly looked at me.

"Luke...just stop. I hope you're okay, if we can help you, just let us know" Jai finally said, giving me a beautiful smile.

Hearing his deep yet soft, smooth voice, somehow calmed me. It made a good feeling spread all over my body.

"Yeah, I hate seeing you so sad" James pouted at me. I gave him a smile, "Thanks for everything, I love you guys" I said before sitting down next to Beau.

Beau wrapped an arm around me, "Tonight I'm staying so you don't have to sleep with Jai, even though we all know you two won't sleep at all. And we won't sleep either with your screaming" Beau whispered in my ear and I felt my cheeks burning, I slapped his arm.

A pair of eyes burning my skin, someone staring intensely at me. I looked at the boys and they were talking, until my eyes met with a pair of warm, deep browns ones. Jai was staring at me, with that damn spark in his eyes, the one that I cannot describe or understand.

He bit his lips, his eyes still staring into mine.

I looked at his lips, I wanted to kiss him, lick him, bite him, taste him, devour him.

I laid my head on Beau's shoulder, "We're leaving tomorrow early in the morning" Beau told me and I nodded. Feeling too tired to even talk.

Why was I feeling so tired lately?

Was it because of the pregnancy?

I started thinking about my baby and my plans. I was moving with my aunt, so I didn't bothered the Brooks. I would find a job and take online classes, since I couldn't go with my baby to school, obviously.

I have to tell Jai, of course, but I don't know when or how. I'm scared of how he'll react. I honestly wasn't expecting him to be happy about it, but I don't want him to hate this baby...or me. I didn't wanted him to insult us or something.

"Do you wanna go to sleep?" Beau asked me and I nodded while yawning. We stood up, "Good night, faggots" Beau said and I rolled my eyes at him, "Good night, loves" I smiled before disappearing into Beau's tent with him. I laid down and he laid down next to me. He wrapped and arm around me and pulled me closer. He was hugging, cuddling me from behind so we were spooning.

"How are you feeling? About the baby? And Jai? What's on your mind? Talk to me" Beau quietly whispered and I smiled, even though he couldn't see me.

"Honestly, I'm don't know what's going through my mind, one moment I'm the happiest person and the other, I'm about to cry. I'm so excited for this baby, but I'm more scared than anything. I'm scared about people's reaction towards this baby. Jai's reaction. Your mom's reaction. I'm just scared, I'm not ready to be a mom, what if I'm not a good mom? Beau, I love Jai so so much. We barely spend time together, I know that, but just the thought of him makes me smile, he makes me so happy. The way he treats me, the only times we've been so close and spending so much time together, was when we made love. And even that, he was so delicate with me, so careful and patient. It was amazing, he is amazing. I know we're not the closest but this is more that enough for me and I don't want to ever loose it. I'm trying to not think so much, my thoughts scare me" I finished, letting out a sigh.

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