21- Truth to be told

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Jai stood next to me as I laid down on the thing that was like a bed and tightly held my hand.

I quietly gasped when a cold gel made contact with my stomach.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. This might be cold" Dr. Smith chuckled and I lightly laughed and shook my head.

I bit my lip with nervousness as I looked at Jai. He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.

Dr.Smith placed this weird, black thing on my stomach and started moving it around.

A loud heartbeat was loudly echoing around the room, but it was quite...weird.

We all focused on the screen but all I saw were weird shapes and colors moving around.

My eyes filled with water at the sound of the baby's heartbeat.

"Oh well..." The doctor trailed off, distracted.

"What's wrong?" I heard Jai's worried voice.

I turned my head to look at him and saw his eyes filled with worry and a little bit of fear. I gave his hand a squeeze and he slowly relaxed.

He pecked my lips and I smiled at him.

"Wow..." The doctor trailed off once again.

Now I was growing worried.

"Congratulations, they're twins!" The doctor said and I gasped and my hand covered my mouth.

Hot tears streamed down my face and I looked at Jai. His eyes were glassy and a huge smiled appeared on his flawless face.

"Twins?!" He asked excitedly, almost yelling.

The doctor nodded and laughed.

I couldn't say anything right now, I was completely and utterly speechless.

"We-we're having...twins?" I whispered, almost inaudible.

Jai nodded frantically and hugged me tightly.

"We're having twins" he laughed and a couple of happy tears slipped out of his beautiful eyes.

I smiled and kissed him, right in front of the doctor.

I quickly pulled away once I remembered the doctor's presence and looked at him.

He smiled at me, "Amazing, isn't it?" He asked and I nodded giggling.

"Now let me tell you, you're going to grow bigger and you'll be really tired. The pain might be intensified, but it's not for sure. Plus, it's worth it" he told me and I nodded, with the stupid smile still on my face.

"Now let's find out their sex" the doctor said and I nodded, holding Jai's hand tightly.

"This one's a...boy, and the other one is..." He trailed off, trying to look, but the figures, which I could now identity as my babies, moved faster.

"I can't really tell you, it's moving to much and I can only see its behind. It seems like this one's shy" he laughed and we did as well.

One night stand-Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now