13- Unexpected things

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Hours later the boys came home. I was currently with Jai on the living room, we were talking, about everything and anything.

"We're here, bitches!" Beau yelled opening the front door and walking in, Luke, James, and Skip following him.

"Oh" Beau frowned when he looked at us, I was sitting in between Jai's leg as he played with my fingers.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, "What?" I asked confused and Beau shook his head before walking upstairs. What was going on? Beau has never been this cold with me. He always hugs me, or kisses me on the cheek.

I looked at the boys and they shrugged.

"So, I see you two are getting pretty close" James smirked, "Almost too close" Skip laughed, I felt my face burning so I looked down trying to hide it, I was glad Jai couldn't see me right now.

In my opinion, I could never be too close with Jai.

"Please tell me you guys didn't fucked in my bed?" Luke asked and I chocked in my own spit. Jai rubbed my shoulders and I looked at him, his cheeks were bright red. He looked so cute!

"No, we didn't even do anything while you guys were gone" I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Honestly, I don't think they'll have a baby, they will have triplets from having so much sex" James laughed and I tried to hold back my laughter but I couldn't help myself.

"Enough about our sex life...I know you guys are jealous because you don't have one, but you know..." Jai trailed off and I burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha, you're so funny Jai" Skip sarcastically said.

"I know I say this most of the times, but I love your accents" I randomly said. It was completely true and I wanted to change the topic.

"Thank you" Jai whispered in my ear and I felt shivers going down my spine.

"I love your accent" Luke smiled and I returned the favor.

"I know my accent's pretty sexy... The ladies love it" James smirked and I laughed.

"Yeah, I like my accent too" Skip said and I playfully rolled my eyes, chuckling.

"Has the baby moved?" Luke asked sitting besides me and Jai and placing his hands on my stomach. I laughed and shook my head, "Luke, I'm only six weeks pregnant" I smiled and he seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

He suddenly widened his eyes and he looked at me and Jai. "Our birthday party?" He whispered so only we could hear him.

I instantly knew what he was talking about, I looked at Jai and he looked at me. Our faces were flushed, we looked at Luke and nodded.

He laughed loudly and I slightly jumped, errr okay? I'm lost, what's so funny?

"What?" I asked Luke looking at him weirdly. He shook his head and stood up, "Life is amazing" was all he said before disappearing upstairs. I looked at Jai and he was looking down.

Someone cleared their throats and I looked up, James and Skip were looking at us, I smiled cheekily at them.

They laughed and went upstairs, suddenly I wanted ice cream.

"Jai, do you have ice cream?" I asked and he shook his head. "Luke finished it yesterday" he said and I sighed. He stood up and held out his hand for me to take it. I placed my hand in his, feeling the familiar electricity running up my arm, and he helped me up. "Go wait for me upstairs" He said before kissing my cheek.

"Where are you going?" I asked confused and he smiled at me, "I'll be right back" he said before walking out the door and closing it.

I sighed and went upstairs, I saw the door of the twin's room opened and saw Luke laying on his back as he stared at the ceiling.

I walked inside his room and sat down next to him, "Are you okay?" I asked concerned and he stared at me for a couple of seconds before nodding.

"Hey, why did you laugh when I said yes to the thing that you asked?" I asked, not wanting to say, 'Why did you laugh when I practically admitted that I had sex with your brother on your birthday party?'

He chuckled, "When our birthday party was over, I walked upstairs to go to my room but the door was locked, I knocked on the door but there was no answer, I was drunk and pretty angry. I had to sleep with Beau. The next morning, when I woke up, I went to my room and saw the door unlocked so I walked in. Jai was laying naked in bed, nothing new, but there was something different this time. I had noticed a lot of scratches on his back, something weird. And when he woke up he was so happy, I instantly knew something happened the night before. He told me what happened, he had lost his virginity, I was shocked. I mean, Jai is extremely shy, he has been head over heels for this girls since they met and suddenly he's not virgin anymore. I asked him to who he lost it to, but he wouldn't say. He kept talking about how amazing it was, how special. He described the girl, not in a nasty way, it was like...saying how soft her skin was, how she sounded, and felt. By the way his eyes were shining and the way he talked I knew it was something really special for him...now I know who that girl is" Luke said smiling at me.

I blushed, but then gasped as realization smacked me in the face.
"Jai lost his virginity to me?" I asked surprise, I thought I was just another girl on the list, when in reality I was the first one, why would Jai give me something so precious? I mean, I did the same thing, but I gave my virginity to him because I love him.

Luke nodded, "And you have yours to him" he said in a matter of
fact-ly tone. I snapped my head up to looks at him, how did he knew that?

He chuckled, "Jai told me that the girl was virgin too" he said and I nodded, understanding.

"Great...you told her" someone groaned and I looked in the direction the voice was coming from. Jai was standing by the door with a medium sized cup. He walked towards me and handed it to me, I took it and he gave me a plastic spoon as well.

I smiled when I realized what it was, ice cream. Not only that, but it was my favorite flavor, dulce de leche.

I smiled and kissed Jai, it was a short but amazing kiss, "Thank you, love" I said and he nodded and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"How you two didn't even talked a couple of days ago and now you're fucking, having a baby, and kissing like it's nothing?" Luke asked raising both of his eyebrows.

I thought about it, were we going to fast? Taking everything to fast? I didn't know the answer but I knew I was having the best time of my life being this close with Jai, and I didn't wanted to change that.

"Life can change in amazing ways"
Jai whispered and pecked my lips.

I know this ones short, I'm sorry :( I promise it's the only chapter so short, I hope you still enjoy it.
I'm so sorry for any mistakes, I'm just trying to update every day or at least every week :) please vote and comment, it would mean the world to me!
Andddd it inspires me to keep writing! :D

PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY! Its called "Different Love" it's Jai fanfic. It's something different and I'm hoping that when people read it, (if someone reads it), they don't get confused or be weirded out. I'm still gonna write it anyways, but yeah... Please check it out :)

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