14- Gone

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I laughed as Jai tickled me, "Stop! Jai! Please!" I begged laughing, tears from laughing so much streamed down my cheeks.

Jai laughed and kissed my cheeks and stopped before sitting besides me on the couch, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Oh my god, this is so fucking annoying" Beau said rolling his eyes when he walked into the living room and saw us. He turned around and went back upstairs.

I frowned confused and looked at Jai, he had the same look on his face.

Beau has been like this every time he sees us together, he glares at us, makes rude comments, we haven't been together lately, he's been so cold and mean to me.

I stood up and sighed, "I'll go talk to him" I said before walking upstairs, I went into his room and saw his laying on his bed.

When he saw me, he looked away from me, "Beau, what's wrong? Why have you been treating me and Jai so bad? Did I do something wrong?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Yeah! Hooking up with Jai! Now you're pregnant and you guys talk! You never talked, not even a hello, and now you're so close together. What happened with me? Your best friend? The one that has been there since day one...I'm angry and hurt, you stopped talking to me, and it hurts" he said looking at me and I could see the hurt and anger in his beautiful eyes, I then realized what was happening.

Beau was jealous of Jai.

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, a hug he gladly returned.

"Beau....I've been spending time with Jai because for the first time in my life, I can, and now I know he likes me too. All this years I thought he hated me. Imagine that you love someone so much but you feel like that person hates you, and then you realize that you were wrong, that person has been wanting to spend time with you as much as you have. Jai is one of my best friends, and so are the other three fucktards, but you've always been there, and I'll be forever grateful for that, okay? I love you Beau, and I always will. Even if I don't spend so much time with you" I said before kissing his cheek.

He smiled and pulled me closer, "No, I'm sorry. It's just I guess I was jealous that maybe you found a new best 'best' friend... I'm happy that you two hooked up. I know it sounds weird, but now you two are closer and a beautiful baby it's coming soon to form a part of this crazy family" he said and smiled at me. I returned the action and stood up, "What are you doing today?" I asked and he looked down, I swear I saw his cheeks turning a pale pink.

I raised my eyebrows in amusement, "Visiting a friend" he said looking everywhere around the room except at me.

I laughed, "What friend?" I smirked.

He shook his head after a couple of seconds and looked at me, "I'm visiting Juan" he said and I nodded.

Juan's a Spanish friend we have, and his sister Chelsea as well, but they moved here when they were practically babies. Wait! Chelsea! Beau likes Chelsea?! Beau likes Chelsea!

I started laughing and walked out of the room. I walked into the twin's room, expecting to see Jai and Luke there, but I only saw Luke.

I frowned when I saw Luke, he looked sad, almost depressed.

I sat next to him, "Luke... Are you okay?" I quietly asked, but I knew he wasn't.

He looked at me and noticed his eyes were filled with tears. I quietly gasped, it hurts seeing one of my best friends like this. He was always so free and carefree, nothing affected him.

One night stand-Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now