She was doing exactly what I told her to do, which was talking about how she felt. Honestly will always be the best policy.
Roman was about to speak again, but Kara beat him to it. "I shouldn't have reacted that way, you didn't know I would be there. But I didn't know what to do, so I ran." She said calmly, searching his face for clues.
He didn't do anything for a while, just stood there staring. Blank faced. Although I knew that look, it was in his eyes.
One of pure admiration.
All of a sudden he rushed forward and pulled Kara into a bear hug. Holding her tight in his arms and lifting her off the ground.
"Kitten, what's your name?" He asked softly. I think he almost purred when she wrapped her arms back around him.
"Kara." I almost missed her soft response that was meant for his ears only.
He pulled back, before he picked her up. Wrapping her legs around him, he supported her whole body with his arms. "Well, Kara, I'm Roman, and you're mine. Forever."
He pressed his lips against her plump ones. They're soft kiss quickly turned into something more.
At that point, I had decided I'd seen to much already. So I got up and left. I didn't want to see where that went. Please don't do it on the wall!
Later on I was sitting in my dads office, just catching up. Finding out what had happened since I was gone. Apparently the pack Warriors were healing and all in good health. We had on a few casualties, the other pack was strong.
Dad then moved on to asking me about the boys. His opening line was, "have they hurt you?"
Of course, I burst out laughing. Only he would say that sort of thing. He looked expectant as I calmed myself down. I can't help if he's ridiculous!
"Daddy, of course not. Mates don't hurt each other. You know that." I was still laughing as I spoke.
He walked around the desk, sitting on the edge, he held my small hands in his big ones. "Of course I know that, I'm just worried about you. Any father would be, with two alpha mates. One can only worry." He sighed, and I only just noticed the bags under his eyes.
The worry shone clearly in his caring eyes. The least I could do was jump up and hug him. So I did. I showed him I cared too, and I missed him. All in that one hug.
"I love you, dad. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here, if I couldn't always rely on you the be there for me." I spoke into his shoulder.
"I'll always be with you, in presence or spirt. You'll never be alone, you'll always be looked after." He promised me, and sealed with a kiss on my cheek.
We let each other go, and sat back down. He finally addressed the question that had been dangling in the room since I walked in.
"So you guys are like, getting..." I groaned at how horrible is sounded out loud.
"Married?" He finished off for me, but looked past my awkwardness. "Yes, princess. I'm marrying Sharon. Although I'll always love your mother, I also love her. So I decided to take the next step."
I groaned again. "But she's a witch!" My voice goes up a notch.
"She may be, but we're in love. Can't you be happy for me Haven? Can't you let me move on?" He was starting to be angry.
I know I'm being a selfish brat, but she's the worst. She's only with him because he's alpha. She doesn't love him unconditionally, she just wants status.
"I need to go." I say quietly, before exiting the room.
I need space.
I walk down some corridors, almost in a trance. It's weird he's marrying a witch, and Roman is a witches son, but he's also part werewolf. I think Sharon is too, but only a little.
Roman's father was an alpha, or Sharon says, which means he is more like three quarters werewolf, and only a quarter witch.
That would explain how he can shift.
I wonder what they're doing now, I hope they moved to a bathroom. I really hope they didn't do anything on a couch.
Those poor couches.
I wonder how many people have actually done it on those couches.
Oh, those poor, poor things.
How- I was in mind thought when I bumped into a hard wall, or rather it wasn't a wall. It was a man.
I look up and realise it's Titan, and he had a huge smile on his face.
I squeal and jump up to wrap myself around him in a hug. He wraps his arms around me too, laughing at my actions.
"It's good to see you, Ven." He laughs and puts me down.
"Oh my god! Titan! I'm so glad you're okay! Did you get hurt in the attack?" I go from squealing to worried and checking him for injuries in a matter of seconds.
He laughs again and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I'm fine, Ven. Just a few scratches, you know I was taught well, the ones I fought didn't come out as well."
I looked up, into his eyes. He was still smiling. He had the most hypnotising eyes, the grey which looked almost blue, but was definitely grey. They just caught your attention, and it was really hard to detach from it.
I took a few steps back, to observe the rest of him. His black hair seemed to shine a little, and his eyes had a twinkle in them.
It brought me back to the day I met him. I was running in the woods, before I smelt something unfamiliar. I decided to approach it, whatever it was.
I finally found Titan in wolf form. He was a steel grey wolf, with a sliver of pure white on his back leg. He was lying just on the edge of our boarder, and didn't look well, as he was very underweight.
At first I walked around him, contemplating whether I leave him alone or wake him. I wasn't sure how he would react, but I hoped for the best.
I gently nudged him with my snout, sniffing him in the process. At first he didn't respond, and I started to worry. The next nudge wasn't as gentle. I wanted him to respond, and I hoped he wasn't dying.
He started to awaken as I jumped around, yapping at him. He finally opened his eyes, and saw me. Once that he saw me, he leapt to his into a fighting stance, growling.
I bark back, and stand up my full height. Not being showing I wanted to fight, but saying I'm an alpha, and I will if I have to.
As soon as he realised I wasn't going to hurt him, he shrank back a little. Obviously he wasn't meant to be a rouge. He was meant for something else.
I barked at him, before I walked back onto my territory. Hiding behind a tree, I shift back. I throw a shirt that was in one of the trees on.
I grab a pair of shorts, and walk back out. Throwing the shorts at him, I tell him to shift.
He goes behind a tree as well, and comes back out with the shorts on. I look at the big man in front of me, he didn't have defined muscles, and his ribs stuck out.
"How did this happen to you?" I demand to know.
"I don't fight for my food, so I don't get much. Others deserve it more than I do." He grumbled. "I was waiting to die, why'd you wake me?"
For a moment, I was speechless. He was waiting to die? He isn't much older than me, but yet he wants to die.
"Because you seem like you needed help, and I'm going to give it to you." I smile at him, but he doesn't smile back. His expression doesn't change from a scowl.
"Why can't you nosey pack wolves just mind your own business?" He said angrily.
Well that wasn't the response I was expecting.
-hello, yes I decided to update today. I started with 200 words and finished with 1300. You're welcome. It's only 9pm. Anyway. Hope you enjoyed, comment what you think.

Double the Trouble, and Maybe the Fun
WerewolfHaven was an alphas daughter. Although she thought she was just an ordinary girl, her father always told her she was destined for greatness. When news of a great pack invading reached her, Haven couldn't believe her ears. She quickly left her pack...