Chapter 2

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Authors P.O.V:

"You know what you need? A boyfriend."

"Excuse me?" Sandhya said astonished by this girls behavior.

"Oh sorry my name is Akira. Yours?" Akira said extending her hands towards Sandhya.


"So who were you thinking about?" Akira teased.

"No one." Sandhya lied.

"Hey don't lie!! We are friends now!" Akira said.

"I'm sorry but I'm waiting for a client." Sandhya said trying to get Akira away.

"I have a hot friend you would love him!! He is kind of stupid and an idiot but trust me you guys will make the perfect match!!" Akira said making Sandhya more uncomfortable.

"Coming to New York was really a bad thing..." Sandhya mumbled to herself.

"What?!" Akira said indicating that Sandhya speak more clearly.

Sandhya shook her head and wanted to run away because she was panicking.

"Are you okay?" Akira asked worriedly handing water to Sandhya.

"Look I'm really sorry I was just joking!!" Akira said making Sandhya drink the water and calm down.

"It's just that whenever I talk to someone and they are straight forward I start panicking!!" Sandhya said.

"I'm sorry..." Akira said.

"It's fine it's just me. I really like your name!! It's just the cutest!!" Sandhya said.

"You sift gears pretty quickly. Huh?" Akira asked.

"Yea see once I start talking I never stop!!" Sandhya said.

Sandhyas phone started vibrating and she answered it, "What?!? But I've been waiting for an hour!!!" She said aggravated.

Sandhya hung up the phone and got really mad.

"You okay?" Akira asked.

"No ways!! This is just great!! I've been waiting here for an hour and the client decides not to show up!!" Sandhya yelled.

"Calm down Sandhya. This is a café, they will kick you out." Akira warned.

"Now what am I supposed to do?! I'm new to New York City!! I'm staying in the cheapest hotel!!! And I have the rest of the day off!!!" Sandhya complained.

"Why don't you stay with me?" Akira asked.

Akiras P.O.V:

"Why don't you stay with me?" I asked.


"Don't worry I'm not a serial killer!!" I joked.

"I don't know..." Sandhya said looking down on her coffee.

"It will be better than the hotel!!" I said getting up.

Sandhya didn't respond she was thinking too much.

"Sandhya everyone has to make at least one mistake in their life!!" I said pulling her.

"Are you saying this will be a mistake!?" Sandhya asked.

"Maybe or maybe not!!" I yelled pulling her out the café.

Once we got out the café I admired New York City, it was loud and this is where all the funky stuff happens.

"So where is you house?" Sandhya asked.

"It's a 3 bedroom apartment but you'll manage!!" I said pulling Sandhya to a taxi.

"Wait!! What about my stuff at the hotel??" Sandhya asked making Akira stop.

"We will go get it!! Now come on!!" I yelled.

Sandhyas P.O.V:

Akira was suddenly breathing very heavily.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea not really a fit person!!" Akira answered sitting in the cab with me.

"This New York, how can you afford a 3 bedroom apartment?" I asked.

"Oh it was just my death wish." Akira answered.

"What?! You are dying?!?!" I yelled making the cab driver look back at us.

"Aren't we all?" Akira said in seriousness.

"Chill Sandhya!! I'm not gonna die and just leave you!! Everyone has a death wish that they would like to complete!!" Akira said making me realize I never made a death wish.

"What if someone never made a death wish?" I asked.

"You my girl have a lifetime!!" Akira answered smiling at me.

When Akira smiled it made you trust her more there was just something about her that I liked.

Authors Note:

How do you like the geeky Sandhya? With her glasses and all?

What about the care free Akira??

I'm falling in love with both of my characters!!! Next chapter won't be as boring (hopefully) because I'm adding some spice into the next one. But don't get your hopes up I can't promise anything!!

Love you all!! 😘😘
Have a great day!

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