Chapter 6

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Media created by the lovely dancelover_7564
who should totally watch Kis Desh Mein Hai Mera Dil whenever she gets the chance because trust me once you watch it you won't forget it, but then again I'm a maniac when it comes to Hindi tv shows.

Sandhyas P.O.V:

I was sitting in the waiting room looking at my watch and tapping my feet against the floor. The receptionist had her feet on the table and was working on her nails. A minute later she looked at me and put her feet down and motioned me to come to her. I slowly stood up and walked to her.

"Are you Devs new assistant?" She asked.

"Yea. I'm waiting for him to get out of the meeting." I answered.

"Nice. I'm Sanjana, her sister." She said.

"Sanjana has my assistant come yet?" Dev asked walking towards us.

I started to panic I couldn't believe he was actually a foot away from him. I stared stupidly and I just wanted to look into his eyes for forever.

"Yea bhai (brother) she is right here." Sanjana said pointing at me.

"Hi..." I said.

Dev looked at me from head to toe and handed me a file.

"Let's go rookie I don't have all day!!" He yelled.

He started to walk and I followed him in my uncomfortable heels. He didn't say word didn't even ask me my name. I kept following him until I reached his office. 

"Give the file."

I handed him the file and stood by him like a bodyguard. He loosened his tie and began working on something. I really thought this would be more interesting but boy was I wrong. This was extremely boring I mean I didn't know what to do!! Devs office smelled like a doctors exam room, unpleasant.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Oh yea you are new...take this list and read it...nothing should ever be late." Dev said handing me a list.

I could really see he didn't interact with his assistants.
I unfolded the list and saw the errands and the exact times they should be done. Who drinks coffee at 5:45am!?! I kept reading and it wasn't getting any better I checked my watch and saw it was 1:30pm which on the list it says it's Devs medicine time.
I got a glass of water and his medicine and placed it in his desk.

"Here is your 1:30pm medicine." I said.

He glanced at the medicine and then at me, I wasn't really paying attention but I think he mumbled something.

Akiras P.O.V:

This was living the life, spying on your friend while hanging 200ft of the ground. I was in a harness wearing a mask but dressing like a painter so if anyone saw me outside their window they would think I was painting. I wasn't really scared of heights and in this case I could easily say we all have to die someday don't we?

I looked and Sandhya and Dev who were being the most boring people ever. I couldn't believe that people could be actually this boring. I needed to do something. I looked in my pockets to try to find something but all I found was a rock. I have always thought myself to not think as much so I threw the rock inside Devs office making the glass shatter and making the loudest noise ever. I quickly made the harness go down to make my escape.

Devs P.O.V:

I was just eating my medicine when I heard glass shatter. I rock hit my desk and I quickly took action. I got my assistant down and shielded her from the glass. I was on top her still trying to protect her once it all stopped I looked into her beautiful eyes. She looked so innocent and frightened.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea, but you aren't." She said pointing to my hand which had a deep cut from the glass.

Authors Note:

I know I haven't updated in a while I'm sorry I was really sick still am!! I haven't been to school and have a temperature in the 100 degrees. It's horrible!!! So I just wanted to update because I love you!! I'm really sorry that this wasn't as interesting but I have s writers block and also being sick with that doesn't help either so it's really hard. My mom has forbidden me to even stay on my phone any longer because I have a headache too but I'm just sneaking in the night for you guys!!!

Did you guys like the window breaking thing? I think to show more of Akira i wanted to have her hanging on a skyscraper. I would've been more descriptive but I just wanted to update!! Enough rambling. Love you guys and I hope none of you guys get sick!!

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