Chapter 12

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Mahiras P.O.V:

"Jai please stop!!!!! I beg of you!!!" I screamed.

Jai only went faster whenever I told him to stop. Tears started coming out of my eyes because I didn't want to die like this. Jai immediately stopped the car when he saw my face. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away.

I got out of the car and started speed walking as I was still crying.

"Mahira!! I'm sorry!! I was trying to teach you a lesson because of your stupid pranks!!!" Jai claimed.

I didn't stop and I could hear Jais steps behind me.

"Mahira please stop!!" Jai said holding my arm.

"I'm sorry that I ever tried to be your won't happen again." I said pushing him away.

"Mahira please stop!! Don't go I'm sorry!! I will do anything!!" Jai said but I didn't listen and went to a taxi.

I got in the taxi and told the driver to go back to Akiras apartment. I couldn't believe that I actually fell in love with that guy.

Sandhyas P.O.V:

"I love you." I said without thinking.

Oh god!! Why did I do that!!! I felt like running into the woods and just staying there forever. I looked at Dev who was speechless, I felt like crying.

"You love me?" Dev asked.

" know people fall in love it's not a big deal!!" I said trying to cover up.

"Sandhya look-"

"No Dev! Don't say anything! I know what you will say 'Sandhya look I thought we were just friends I never thought of you in a way!' Dev it's okay I guess it was just one sided love." I said getting up and leaving.

I walked faster than ever because the truth was I didn't want to hear Devs answer.

I got to the apartment and put my bag down and saw Akira sitting on the couch and waiting for me.

" did it go!???" Akira asked happily.

"It went well..." I said in vain.

"Did he do something?!? You know what I'm going to call him right now!!" Akira said looking for the phone.

"Akira I said I loved him." I said taking a seat in shock.

"What?!?" Akira yelled.


"What did he say?" Akira asked softly.

"Noting. I didn't let him finish." I said banging my head against the desk.

"Oh. Well. Ummm....give it time everything will work out. I promise. Dev will say something." Akira said promisingly.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I just do." Akira said.

"I'm gonna change and think about the terrible decisions I made in life including this one." I said getting up and going to my bedroom.

Akiras P.O.V:

I decided to have ice cream with Sandhya to cheer her up and watch Love Story 2050. Felt like watching something futuristic.

I put some chocolate chip ice cream in bowls and some chocolate syrup on top. I heard a phone ringing so I went in the living room.
It was coming from Sandhyas bag.

I reached in her bag to find her phone and the caller id was Sanjana. I answered it and heard sobbing.

"Sandhya?!? Something terrible happened!! Dev bhai (brother) got into an accident!! Please come to the hospital!!" Sanjana cried.

I stood there frozen and in shock I couldn't move.

"Akira? What happened? Whose on the phone?" Sandhya asked.

She took the phone and when she heard someone sob.

"Whose this?" Sandhya asked.

"Sandhya!! Dev got into an accident!! Please come!!!" Sanjana cried again.

"I'm coming!!" Sandhya said hanging the phone.

"Come on!!" Sandhya said pulling me.

Authors Note:

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine is chocolate chip!!!

A cliffhanger...I'm awesome!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Love you puppylovers!

Who should play Natasha again? If you said it before just say it again so I know who to cast.

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