Chapter 37

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Sandhyas P.O.V:

While the priest was reading the mantras I thought back to the first day I met Akira.
It was a cold day in New York and I was in the coffee shop when Akira came up to me and told me I needed a boyfriend. When I met Dev he was an arrogant jerk, he fired someone because they had a stain on his shirt! Now, he is Akiras ex-boyfriend. I've also wondered why the lively Akira would fall in love with such an arrogant jerk but than again I did also. I knew exactly the reason she fell in love with him, I knew exactly why she found Dev different from all the other guys.


I was battling on whether to read the diary or not, I was doing this for about 30 minutes now. I couldn't understand why I couldn't pick up that diary read it, maybe because I don't want to know the answer. I swallowed trying to get a knot out of my throat but the harder I tried the longer it was there. Than I realized if I don't read this diary than I will regret it for the rest of my life.

My hands slowly moved towards the diary and picked it up. There were dates written so I checked the date of when we first met, the date was a few days later.

(Akiras Diary)Sep.28th, 2015:

I met this really awesome girl, Sandhya, and she loves Dev.

That was all that was written on it, nothing else. I checked the other pages that were filled with stuff but this one was only one sentence. I went to the first page in the diary.

(Akiras Diary)April.26th, 2014

People say that the pain goes away soon, but my pain isn't going away. Ever since I broke up with Dev everything has been empty and incomplete. I fear to go out because I'm afraid to face him, and explain to him that I never meant to hurt away and what I did was because of him.

I stopped reading and looked back at the date, Jai said that Akira and Dev started dating in August, 2013 and broke up in March, 2014. That means they dated for about 7 months but Akira didn't start this diary until they broke up, but why? I looked again and saw ripped pages in the diary, Akira had ripped the pages.

I was frustrated at this point so I shuffled through the pages that were recent, and it was no surprise on what I found.

(Akiras Diary) Oct.19th, 2015

Today Sandhya got proposed by Dev, I'm really happy this is what I wanted. I have decided to rip out the pages of when me and Dev were dating, there is no reason I should have those memories anymore.

Tears were in my eyes at reading this, Akira was clearly still in love with Dev. She has always been in love with Dev she never stopped loving him, than why did she set me up with him? Why did they break up?

I shuffled again through the beginning and a piece of paper fell out and the page it fell out from was blank but the date was May 1st, 2014.

"Sandhya? Is that Akiras diary?" Jai asked startling me.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking!!!" I yelled in frustration, I was already tense I didn't have the power to handle Jai.

"Sandhya why are you reading her diary? I thought you didn't want to know." Jai said in displeasure with his arms crossed.

"You are an idiot!! Do you really think I would go through this wedding without knowing why my friend broke up with her lover!!! For gods sake she climbed a skyscraper for me!!" I said crying.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop. Jai hugged me, "did you find anything?"

I looked at the piece of paper on the floor, I got out of the hug and picked up the piece of paper. I read left to right than right to left to make sure what I was reading was real.

Authors Note:

Hey puppylovers!!!!!!! Love you all so much!!! I hoped you liked a glimpse of Akiras diary this is only the beginning there is just more drama from here.

Question of the day;

Samsung or Apple?

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