Chapter 38

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Sandhyas P.O.V:

The wedding was so close to be finished, my heart was pounding at this conclusion.


I was shocked at seeing the letter, I couldn't believe of what I was reading. This all became so clear now, this is the reason that Akira dumped Dev.

"Sandhya?" Devs mom said.

I wiped my tears and put the letter back in the diary and gave it to Jai. He was really confused of why I was crying about the letter.

"I'm so happy beta (child) that you are finally getting married to Dev!!" She said making Sandhya sit down.

"You know what my mother told me before my wedding? She told me that whatever you do don't get married because you think it's right marry because your heart knows that you are right." Devs mom explained.

I just hugged her and broke down about everything. Devs mom didn't let go and Jai opened the diary to the letter because he was starting to get worried, his eyes showed pain as he read the letter. I explained everything to Devs mom and told her what was in the diary.

She wiped my tears and smiled, "I know...I know why Akira broke up with Dev. I just didn't know that she sent an angel like you to our lives. When she told me why she was breaking up with Dev I didn't have the power to stop that and I regret that every single day, but you can stop this don't make the same mistake as I did."

***flashback ends***

Akiras P.O.V:

Watching Dev and Sandhya get married reminded me of when I first met Dev. It was love at first sight, he was my first love, first boyfriend. I wasn't comfortable dating until I met Dev.


I hated coffee, I think the day I start drinking is coffee is the day that there is surely something wrong with me.

"Anything to drink?" A waitress asked.

" chocolate..." I said in confusion.

She glared at me like I was stupid, "ordering hot chocolate in a coffee café is like ordering milk at a bar..." The waitress laughed emphasizing on coffee café.

I shrugged and left, I wasn't sure if she was getting me my hot chocolate or not.

My eyes went across the room and I saw the cutest guy ever, he was simple looking. Just wearing a shirt and jeans. I noted this in a diary I had, I have always had this diary.

The café was full and I was secretly hoping that the guy would seat by me but dreams are only dreams, he didn't. I saw this old couple standing up and no one was ready to give up their seats. I took this golden chance and let them sit at my seat while I looked at the guy who had an empty seat across from him.

"Is anyone sitting here?"

"Nope. You can sit here." He said with a smile.

***flashback ends***

Only if Dev didn't give me the seat, only if the café wasn't full, than maybe this torture wouldn't be happening. Destiny has played with me a lot I don't know how this can get worse.

Authors P.O.V:

Everyone had smiles on their faces but one was in vain. Behind that one smile there was pain but they couldn't do anything about it expect watch.

Sandhya glanced at Akira who was smiling, in vain. Sandhya knew that Akira was hurt but she couldn't have done anything about it. Sandhya had tears in her eyes just thinking about that letter she had found in Akiras diary but she held them back.

On the other hand, Mahira was walking trying to find Natasha but found Sanjana.

"Mahira? Aren't you Akiras sister?" Sanjana asked.

"Yea I was just trying to find Akira." Mahira lied.

"Wait, she is here?"

"Yep." Mahira smirked.

Sanjana sighed and heard some noises coming from Devs room.

"What is that noise?" Sanjana asked.

"I don't know." Mahira said peaking into Devs room.

Sanjana went near Devs room and the noise got louder, she saw a shadow of someone sitting down. Mahira opened the door and they both saw Dev tied to a chair with his mouth tied with a piece of cloth.

"Oh.My.God." Mahira said.

Sanjana rushed to Dev and untied him with Mahiras help.

"Dev! Who did this!!!" Sanjana panicked.

Mahira gave him some water so he could speak.

"Wait! If you are here than who is getting married?" Mahira said.

Authors Note:

Hey guys!!!! Was this is a long wait for a chapter wait?

I don't know but here it is!! I hope you liked it!! Also I added Akiras part last so that flashback was like a bonus because you guys deserve a kinda of a long chapter. I just wanted you to note that because of a single chair that Dev gave Akira that all this chaos is happening. Fate is a weird thing.

I told you there was going to be a lot of drama ahead hence the shocking cliffhanger😂😂

I love writing this book because I know what's going to happen but you guys don't. Lol. Sorry I love you puppylovers!!!

Question of the day:

What would you do if I ended this story without a conclusion and left it in the middle or just one day out of no where I delete it or even worse delete my account, what would you do?

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