Chapter 15

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Devs P.O.V:

2 hours the doctor discharged me from the hospital. I went to reception and gave the nurse a check and Sanjana looked from a distance and shook her head.

I went to my car but Sanjana stopped me, "Why?"

I took Sanjanas hand off my shoulder and sat down in my car. I wasn't allowed to drive as yet because I was still pretty weak and the worst part was that I couldn't work! The driver took me home and I went inside.

"Wow Dev you forget your friend?" Someone said from behind.

I tuned my crutches towards the voice and saw Natasha.

"Natasha! You? Here?"

"Well can I not see my best friend?" Natasha said hugging me.

"Of course you can." I said.

"Dev, you have to walk with crutches?!? Don't worry I'm here to take care of you!!" Natasha announced.

Natasha helped me to my room and said she was going to being tea, she barley knows how to turn the gas on I wonder how this would end.

Sandhyas P.O.V:

We all were at home expect Mahira, who was in a coma.

"You shouldn't have dropped the chargers!" I said to Akira.

"Why not?" Akira asked sipping her coffee.

"Because!! It was his fault!!" I complained.

"Mahira wouldn't have pressed chargers..." Akira said softly.

"Ugh!! Why are you so complicated!!" I whined.

"Sandhya don't be mad at Dev, everybody makes mistakes! Sandhya don't ruin this! We have gotten this far!!" Akira said.

My phone started ringing and it was Sanjana.

"Hey Sandhya!! Dev can't work in the office but can at home so come to our house! He needs your assistant." Sanjana said.

I didn't answer as the phone was on speaker phone, Akira nodded but I really didn't want to go.

"Okay I'm coming." I answered hanging up.

"I have to call the doctor and pay the fee for Mahira." Akira said.

"Should I give you some money? I mean help you?" I asked.

"No I'm fine" Akira said dialing the doctor.

"Hey doc, how should I pay the fee?" Akira asked.

I couldn't hear the doctor but Akiras expression showed something was wrong.

"Give his money back doctor, I'm coming down in the evening and paying myself." Akira said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Dev gave a check to pay Mahiras hospital bill!" Akira said.

"Oh. Then why didn't you accept it?" I asked.

"I do not take money from people!! Any ways go to Devs house and remember don't let me down!" Akira said going out of the house.

After all that has happened Akira still wants me and Dev to be together.

I got ready and left to Devs house.
When I arrived I wasn't surprised that it was a mansion. I went in the house and looked at Sanjana who was watching TV.

"Sandhya!! You are here!!! Dev is in the home office let me take you there!" Sanjana said taking me.

Sanjana left and I walked in Devs office and saw him talking to a girl.

"Sandhya?" Dev said bringing the girls attention to me.

"This is Natasha. Natasha this is Sandhya." Dev introduced me.

"Hi." I said.

"I am going to go now assuming you have to get to work!!" Natasha said to Dev. She kissed his cheek and left.

"Can you close the door?" Dev asked.

I closed the door and stood still not saying anything.

"Are you okay?" Dev asked.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"You sure?" Dev asked.

"No. No I'm not fine Dev. This is awkward!! You know that I love you and it's just awkward!! I don't think I should work here anymore." I said trying to leave but Dev stopped me.

"I know. It is awkward, but it doesn't have to be."

Sanjanas P.O.V:

I came from the kitchen and saw Natasha staring anxiously at Devs closed office.

"I thought you were leaving." I said.

"Do you have a problem with me staying?" Natasha asked.

"Yes I do." I said.

"That's not my problem!" Natasha barked.

I had coffee in my hand and I slowly walked closer to Natasha and "accidentally" spilled coffee on her precious dress.

"You bloody bitch!!!! You did that on purpose!!" Natasha yelled.

"You know what I did do that on purpose!!" I said.

"What's wrong with you?!?" Natasha screamed.

"Next time it will be your face." I warned leaving.

Authors Note:

Ooh kinda of intense!!! This was a little bit boring but oh well.

Do you like Natasha? Do you think Mahira will wake up? Was it right for Akira to reject Devs check?

Was there really history between them? Or some family problem??

Still the number one question, who is the flashback people??

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