Chapter 18

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He reluctantly put his weapon in his pocket. Naomi faced Zachary and said with distaste, "What is he doing here?"

All weapons were put away. "While you were emotionally abusing Aria I had cameras installed around your block,making sure she was okay."

Brandon took his phone from his pocket and handed it to Zach. "No one has gone in or out of the house. Except those who took the bodies."

Aria was watching him look through the phone when she saw Brandon watching her,her eyebrows dented when he smiled.  "It's finally good to see  the real you,Aria. I've only had blurred images from what Zach drools about."

"Brandon." He said warningly.

Brandon rolled his eyes at Zachary and walked closer to Aria,speaking in a tone only she and him can hear. "I also want to say thank you."

She spoke in the same. "About what?"

"Not listening to just about everyone and giving him a chance. Do you ever see how happy you make him?"

Aria thought. "No,he's usually the one staring."

A grin appeared on Brandon's face at that. "He literally did nothing but verbally daydream about waking up beside you. You finally stopped his extreme obsession. And since I had to clean him up everytime I'm thanking you for stopping it."

"I really didn't do anything,he looked for me. He never gave up on me. I had nothing to do with it."

"You did. It all revolved around you. Just by being yourself. Be yourself and your doing just fine."

"Don't change myself?" Aria asked and he nodded and she replied "It's funny you say that."

"Are you done Brandon?" They turned around to Zach looking at them with brows raised.

"Why?," Aria felt Brandon's hand on her hip "There's no need to be jealous. I have my eye on someone else."

He winked at Naomi making her slightly narrow her eyes,then he winked at Penelope making HER roll her eyes.

Zachary took Arias' hand and pulled her towards him when Aria smiled. "Hope you have tattoos Brandon. I recall her telling me she likes her men with ink scattered across their skin."

Penelope gave her the 'you just ratted me out' look before having a faint smirk on her red lips. "You and me both Ari. I believe you said you like to trace the ink with your fingertips."

Aria jaw slightly dropped and she couldn't stop the smile. "I said nothing like that."

She shrugged.

"Is that true?" Aria faced Zachary and his widening smirk.

"No." A small laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head which didn't prevent her from seeing some glisten in his eyes.

"It's okay if it is true Aria,because if I remember correctly he just got one."

"Of course it's true,she also told me--"

"We are not having this conversation right now, can we please go to the house?" Aria asked as she started walking towards the door.

"We have to get together. When this is over you and Zach,me and Penelope have to do something." Brandon said as he put the phone in his pocket.

"Your not talking about a double date right? Because if so the answers no,I don't want to see Pen and you getting all cuddly with each other. And..I don't share my dates."

"No,not a double date. Just friends hanging out,and if you want to kiss Aria then that's fine...same goes for me."

Penelope and him went to their next stop that day while everyone went to the Serrano house. They're standing in the living room pausing.

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