Chapter 30

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I narrowed my eyes."Did you fight him?"

"He wasn't telling me where you were!" He shouted as if that was a good reason to bruise Niall like that.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean! You can't do that," I pointed to Niall "to him because he didn't answer your question! And I was only downstairs!"

"Your defending him?! He gave me the same amount of bruises I gave him!"

"Really? Who threw the first hit?" I crossed my arms and rose my eyebrows waiting for the answer I knew was coming. Zachary didn't answer but the look in his eye got the answer across fine.

"That's what I thought and I specifically asked him not to tell you,he was free to tell the others."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I left to get free air away from you,your treating me like I'm a fragile glass who needs protecting. I've been perfectly fine taking care of myself."

"If that's true then how did I manage to kidnap you the first time?"

My jaw clenched and I was ready slap him for saying that but Louis came behind me and touched my tense shoulder, "Remember what I said,Ari."

I thought back to the beginning of our walk and sighed,this isn't entirely his fault. My arms dropped to my side and I ran a hand through my hair.

"And what did you two do 'downstairs'?"

I surpressed an eye roll when I looked at him, "Don't and can everyone kindly leave? Except Niall. Please."

No one moved until I said please.

"No. I'm not leaving you with him by yourself."

I looked at him. "Zachary can you please leave,I'm only cleaning his cuts."

"He can do that himself." Niall scoffed and shook his head,Zachary was quick to grab my hand and had a strong grip insinuating that he wasn't going to let go. I looked in his eyes mentally trying to tell him to let go then he shook his head.

"Don't look at me like that,I'm not leaving."

I continued anyway and slowly his touch became a soft one. He sighed, "Fine. But if I see a trace of something on you misplaced I will put a bullet in his mouth."

When Zachary was gone I closed the door and went to the half bathroom already in their room,I looked for one of the white hotel rags and filled the sink up with warm water. I heard Niall walk in and when I turned to the sink I saw him sitting on the rim of the tub. I closed the toilet and sat on the top then I rinsed the water out the cloth and folded it,I started at his lip and wiped the fresh blood rushing out. I then cleaned the dried blood on his chin with an empty mind,I only went over the bruises once before going to to reclean the rag. When I folded it again and went to wipe his brow his hand went from his leg to my wrist in a flash that I didn't even have time to blink. I looked at his hand on my arm then I looked at him.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked me.

"Please don't ask me that specific question. I'm fine. And when Zachary did this you should of just told him." I said motioning to his wounds.

"So you can never trust me after? No way. And he didn't hurt me like you think either,this happened hours ago. And I gave him a fair amount of hits to take out my anger."

Zachary wanted to know where I was and Niall had the answer,so why was he upset? "What were you angry about?"

Niall looked like read was trying to read my eyes before without breaking eye contact he said, "I can't say."

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