The box

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- I wake up. It's so dark, I sit bolt upright, I'm in a box, it's like a cage, metal mesh that I can only just see through. There's red lights and alarms and the box is going up and up, like a lift.
"HELP! HELP! JESUS CHRIST. HELP ME!" I scream but nobody answers, looking around there is piles of crates and boxes, the letters 'WCKD' are imprinted on them in red. I'm yelling, it's extremely dark and I have no clue where I am, what happened and who I was.
Suddenly the box halts, I look up to see a piercing white light, it penetrates my eyes, I squint to see at least 30 figures of what look like people staring down at me. Someone jumps down into the box beside me. It's a boy, he looks in his late teens, possibly 17, with shaggy blonde hair.
"It's a girl. It's a bloody girl, quick help get her out." He says, he has a strong British accent.
I'm pulled out of the box by a few teenage boys. I'm look around, I'm surrounded by a large open field of grass and trees. There are some wooden huts and shelters, and goats and pigs are grazing.
"Welcome to the glade, greenie. Or should I call you greeness? You're the only girl to ever be in the glade." A low voice comes from behind me, I spin around, a tall dark skinned male is talking to me. "I'm Alby, can you remember your name?"
"N-no. I don't think so," I say, trembling. I can't remember anything.
"That's okay, it's happened to all of us, you'll remember it in a day or two." He smiles. "Newt, show her around. NOW, EVERYBODY BACK TO WORK!" He yells, everyone proceeds to mumble, and then slowly scatter and carry on with whatever they were doing before I got here. I'm breathing heavily now, my heart is pounding.
"You okay, love? Bit of a shock?" The blonde haired British boy laughs.
"MORE THAN A BIT. Where the fuck am I?"
"Calm down, love. You're in the glade." He smirks.
"What? What's the glade?"
"Don't you worry, now. Can you remember anything at all?"
"Ahh...Okay. That's fine, I guess you're like me." Newt giggled, he then proceeded to show me around. He showed me the homestead, it looked very uncomfortable, all those cloth hammocks, dirty and stained. I couldn't imagine how anyone could live like this...
I was then showed around places such as the blood house, garden and slammer where anyone who is caught breaking the rules will be sent.
Newt finished giving me the tour and then he told me that tomorrow I would begin testing my skills to see what job I would have. I hoped to be a runner.

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