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Me and Minho get ready to enter the maze, we pack our lunch as usual. We're brining Thomas, the newbie with us this time. I haven't really met him yet, he's a little....Distant? He barely speaks to anyone, though he seems curious and keen.
"You ready, shuck face?" Minho asks Thomas as he wraps his arm around my waist, proudly.
"Yeah. I think so." Thomas offers a weak smile. We wait for the walls to open, and then run inside.
"Just follow us!" Minho tells him. Thomas nods.
We run for a while, until we hear a screeching noise.
A griever.
"There's a griever." Minho yanks me into some vines, Thomas follows. "Ssh."
The griever stays right in front of us for an hour. We've already passed lunch time, well our usual one. I'm starving. The griever won't move.
"Is it asleep?" Thomas finally whispers extremely quietly.
"I don't know. Shut up." Minho puts a finger to his lips, nodding towards the silent beast.
Suddenly the griever springs to life and slams a metallic claw into the ground beside us. I let out a high pitched scream.
"RUN!" Minho yells, and we dart out from the vines, he grabs my hand and we're running around the maze frantically for somewhere safe.
"We have to get back to the glade!" I tell him.
"We only have about ten minutes until the walls close!" Minho says. My heart stops. But I keep on running.
I can see the griever running behind us, it's spider like frame, galloping. Slime dripping from its bulbous body, a mouth full of razor like teeth is screeching at us.
"We're not gonna make it." I yell.
"We have to hide, NOW!" Minho screams. "We have to outrun it, just speed up!"
I run as fast and as powerful as I can, Minho does and Thomas is panting like a dog behind us.
We outrun it by about twenty metres, and then Minho pulls us into another patch of thicker ivy.
"Ssh." He says again, breathing heavily. My heart is beating like a drum. I can feel my head throbbing. Minho pulls me into his chest, he puts his a hand on my head.
We spend another ten minutes in the vines before we hear the walls close. A distant rumble. And then the screeches of more grievers.
Minho scratches his head. "We're gonna die."

Thanks for reading. I'm gonna update more often now because I have my iPad back finally.
Maia xx

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