Dramatic response

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I run and run and run, my eyes shut. As if I'm trying to run away from my life. I don't know why, I shouldn't be this upset. I just want to cry. I can't take this place anymore.
I can hear someone running behind me, I expect it to be Minho or Newt or someone, but it's Gally.
"(Y/N) COME BACK! WAIT!" He yells.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream.
I feel a hand on my arm, that quickly turns into a grip. I'm pulled closer to him. "GET OFF ME!"
"NO! I'm sorry! JUST LET ME-"
"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I yell at the top of my lungs and seconds later I hear shouts. And footsteps, people are running towards me.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Gally squeezes my arm extremely tightly. It stings and hurts, and I know it will bruise.
"OW! GET OFF ME! MY ARM!" I try and pull away from him.
As I do so I'm pulled away from him and Gally is punched straight in the jaw. It's Minho.
"YOU DARE GO NEAR HER OR TOUCH HER AGAIN AND YOU'RE DEAD! YOU HEAR ME? DONT YOU DARE GO NEAR HER!" Minho yells. Gally is now on the ground, clutching his face in pain.
Minho bends down and scoops me up.
"Are you okay (y/n) are you hurt?" He asks, looking genuinely worried.
"I think. My arm is really bad." I point to my swollen arm.
"Oh my god. We have to get you to the med-jacks." He picks me up bridal style as if my legs are hurt, a tad over dramatic.
He then rushes me over to the med-jacks and informs Jeff about the incident.
"Geez. Don't worry so much, Minho. She'll be fine. Just a bruise." Jeff laughs.
Minho looks relieved.
"Hear that (y/n) you're going to be fine." He kisses me.
"Haha Minho, I'm not six. I know." I grin.
"I know. I just love you so much."
"I know. I love you too."

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Maia xx

Minho x reader- glade girlWhere stories live. Discover now