Remember Your Name

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I wake up the next morning, and the headache is still there, it's worsened and I don't want to get out of bed. Minho told me that I would be starting tomorrow instead as he had to train up Ben, so he was staying the glade.
I hauled myself up, and had a quick shower and then went for breakfast. Gally, the one with the weird-ass eyebrows wast sitting across from he, staring at me.
"What?" I said sassily. My head throbbed.
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning!" He snapped.
"NO I DIDNT I JUST HAVE A HEADACHE." I yelled a little louder than I wanted, and a few people started laughing and whistling.
"Okay, okay. Jesus, don't get your bra in a twist." He laughed, and so did a few other gladers. I felt my blood boil and my face turn red.
"YOU CAN SHUT UP!" I scream. Winston looks at me sympathetically, as does Frpyan and Zart.
"Oh, can I? You on your period?" Gally jeered. I was actually surprised he knew so much about girls.
That was it, I climbed on top of the table and punched him hard on the face.
His nose started to bleed, he looked horrified. Then again he was probably shocked at the fact I was badass. Then he punched me square in the stomach. My vision went blank. I just felt myself curl into a ball on the table, I had trouble breathing. I heard yells,
And then I felt someone pick me up, bridal-style.
"It's okay, it's okay." I could tell it was Minho. He must have be very strong to carry me like that, then again I remember his big muscly arms. The pain was searing, my gut ached.
"Don't try to talk, it's okay. You'll be okay, just relax." He says soothingly into my hair. He makes me feel all warm and tingly, despite my injury.
I remember being placed on a bed and then I blacked out.

I woke up, in the med-jacks. I looked around, Minho was asleep in a chair next to me, drooling a little bit. He looked so cute.
"M-Minho." I tried to wake him up.
"YOURE AWAKE!" He hugged me, but gently, looking at my injury. My stomach was bandaged up.
"I can remember my name, it's (y/n)!" I beam at him.
"(Y/n), welcome to the glade." He jokes.
"Shut up, shank!" I giggle and he helps me up.
"We should celebrate!" He takes my hand. I blush and he looks at me.
"Sorry, I'll let go, that was a bit daring of me." He blushes, and let's go of my hand.
"No! I like it, it keeps me warm." I grab his hand again. And his cheeks flush pink.
"I'm glad you're not dead, (y/n)."

Minho x reader- glade girlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora