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I spent most of yesterday chatting with Minho, and helping him in the map room. Now I was being woken up by a tired looking Minho.
"C'mon (y/n) it's time to get going. First day of being a runner, you scared?" He helps me up.
"Not at all. And if grievers come after us, I'll kill em." I laugh.
"You're such a shuck face," he smiled playfully "grievers only come out at night."
"I know, but you never know!" I giggle.
We put some fresh clothes on, I wear a blue shirt that kind of looks like Minhos and some comfy black skinny jeans. I pull my hair into a high ponytail.
"You ready? Wanna pack your lunch and stuff?" He asks and leads me to the map room to get ready.
We stand at the maze gates, and they slowly open.
"It's okay to be scared." He takes my hand and squeezes it, then let's go.
"I'm not scared. Your'e scared." I joke.
"Yeah right. Let's go!" And we run into the maze.

We run for at least a few hours and I feel my body about to implode. I feel quite sick and dizzy but Minho keeps telling me to run, which is surprisingly motivating.
We stop for lunch.
"So, who do you like in the glade?" He asks me quite calmly.
"Who do you think is hot?" He takes a bite of his sandwich.
"Nobody." I smile. Though inside, I'm screaming "YOU YA BIG SHUCK!"
"Not me?" He pulls a face, like a little puppy.
"Nah." I joke. He then flexes his muscly arms at me.
"Not even my muscles?" He asks, so cute.
"Hm...I don't know. You seem to be pretty in love with yourself. Why don't you date yourself, Minho?" I giggle.
"Because that's impossible." He finishes his sandwich.
"Well...we're in a maze, surrounded by moving walls and grievers. Strange people we don't know are sending us up here and pretty much everyone is boys. So to be honest, it seems like anything is possible." I laugh, eating the last of my sandwich.
"You're a funny one, (y/n)."
"I know." I smile.
"We should probably get going again." He tells me. "You know there's going to be a bonfire tonight?" He tells me.
"Is there, I didn't know."
"Yep. And there's going to be a new Greenie."
And then we run off.

Sorry if this was a long one. And I'll also try and update more. This is my first x-reader so I'm sorry if it's pretty crap.
Please comment some suggestions on what should happen next, it would really help.
Maia xx

Minho x reader- glade girlWhere stories live. Discover now