Dead griever

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The next day arrives and it's time for me and Minho to return to being runners. Back in the maze. Great.
He wakes me up in the morning with a smile, kisses me on the forehead then helps me out of bed. I pull on some clean clothes, tie my hair up and go get breakfast with him. We scoff down some toast and bacon and then go pack our runner gear.
"So. You know how squashed a griever." I say.
"Well...we could go looking for its body today."
"Why?" He cocks his head to the side like a puppy.
"Well. It might hold a clue or something. I don't know, Minho. We have never had a dead griever before, there must be a point in checking it out." I sigh, pulling on my backpack.
"Yeah, I guess so. But we'll need a few more guys with us if we wanna do this." He nods.
"I don't know, I'll go ask and see if anyone's up to it. But don't tell Newt. Or Alby. Don't tell anyone. They won't allow it."
"Sure." I smile. While I pack our bags, Minho goes looking for others willing to come and help us. He returns with Thomas, Winston, Frypan and Zart.
"This'll be enough." He says taking my hand.
All six of us run into he maze, dodging the looks of any suspicious gladers.
"Follow me, I think I can remember where Thomas squashed that thing." Minho says, leading us around the maze like a tour guide.
It feels strange being back in the maze, for some reason. I'm not as scared of it as I was.
We finally find the griever. It's sandwiched between the walls, guts spilling over the floor, pools of blue and red liquid. It smells worse than I could have imagined. Rotting organs and blood.
"What's that in there?" Thomas points to a red flashing light, coming from the inside of the grievers body.
Minho steps forward.
"What are you doing?" Winston asks.
Minho doesn't reply, he sticks his hand inside the griever with a squelch, we all grimace as he pulls at the creatures flesh trying to find the light.
Suddenly, the griever's leg pushes out, as if it were alive again. We all hope it was just a reflex.
Minho then pulls out a metal cylinder with words and buttons on it. Covered in a thick, sticky, yellow liquid.
"Eurgh." Zart cringes.
"We need to get back now." Minho looks at me.

Sorry for not updating in like a week. It's nearly Christmas so I was busy. Anyway! I'm back
Maia xx

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