Cheesy romance

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I'm finally let out of the med-jacks with a bandage to hide the bruise on my arm. Minho looks really over protective now, he keeps pulling me away from everyone as if they'll attack.
"Minho, it's okay." I clutch his hand.
"I just don't want anything to happen to my baby." He squeezes my hand.
"Your baby?" I blush so much, I feel my cheeks warm up red.
"Yeah. I can call you that if that's alright?" He looks a little embarrassed.
"Of course. My babe." I laugh.
He seems to relax, then puts his arm around my waist.
Then he kisses me straight in the lips, softly. I blush again.
"Sorry. You just look so beautiful." Minho giggled like a five year old.
"Stop it. You're so cheesy." I say.
"I know. I like making you blush. It's cute." He smiles again, his dimples showing.
I suddenly feel a wave of tiredness, It is 10:00 though.
"I'm super tired." I tell him.
"Me too. Shall we go to bed?" Minho asks me.
"Yeah. But I'm too tired to walk over to the homestead." I groan.
Minho then picks me up, bridal style.
"Just say so. I like carrying you." He kisses me on the cheek and then carries me over to the homestead.
He lies me down on the bed and sits next to me.
"Silly, I haven't changed into my pyjamas yet." I giggle.
"Oops yeah sorry." He laughs, he's already somehow got his on.
I tug my shirt off. I can see he's looking at me.
"Look away!" I giggle.
"Oh yeah sorry." He blushes, turning around.
I pull on my pyjamas and then climb into bed next to him. He wraps his arms around my waist.
I turn around to face him. He kisses me unexpectedly.
"Love you. Night night." He smiles.
"Night. I love you too." I grin.
And then I fall asleep.

I'm not very good at romance so?... I think this chapter is cute but I could do with some suggestions for what happens next. I need something dramatic. Any ideas?
Maia xx

Minho x reader- glade girlWhere stories live. Discover now