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"You're not very good at anything, are you, greenie?" Newt smirked. We were eating lunch, it was some bread and ham.
"I'm good at running, why can't I be a runner?" I whined.
"Because you're a girl. Girls don't run." He told me, munching on some bread.
"AGAIN! With the sexist comments, how would you know if I'm a good runner or not? I've only just got here, I could be the fastest out of all of you!" Newt was kind, but I don't think he understood that I wasn't a girly little princess.
"You? The fastest? Nah, that's Minho. Nobody is faster than him. He's the keeper of the runners. But I bet if you impressed him, you could have a shot of going out into the maze." Newt had already finished his lunch. I wondered who Minho was.
"Where can I find Minho?" I asked him.
"He's in the maze now, love. He'll be back soon. Though he'll be tired, running all day isn't exactly easy. But if you don't impress him, you'll probably have to become a slopper, not the nicest of jobs, but Chuck's one." Newt informed me.
I needed to find this Minho, if I can impress him with my speed, I'm sure he would let me become a runner.
"What time will he be back?" I asked Newt hopefully.
"I don't know, a few hours maybe. Listen, don't piss him off, he's the sassiest out of all of us." Newt laughed, glancing over at Jeff, the med-jack.
"Oh. Yeah, Minho once broke my nose, he was really ticked off that day." Jeff said.
"Oh..." I sighed. Minho was built up to be this sassy, strong don't take anyone's shit character, but I knew deep down he must be even the littlest bit kind.

The hours seemed to fly by, I ended up helping Jeff over at the med-jacks. Some kid had managed to get stung by some wasps. As I heard the maze gates closing, I knew Minho was already back by now.
"Jeff, I gotta go." I told him.
"What's the big rush? Got someone to see, greenie?" He asked.
"You could say that." I said, darting out of the hut.
I looked around for Newt or Alby. I found Alby first,
"Alby! Where's Minho?" I asked, out of breath.
"Whew, calm down, greenie. What?" He laughed, noticing my cheeks were red.
"Where's Minho? I need to speak to him!" I exclaimed.
"He's probably over at the map room."
"Map room?"
"Yeah, head north of the glade, you'll see it. Minho is probably in there, knock before you go in or wait outside." Alby told me.
"Thanks Alby!" I threw my arms around him and ran off to find Minho.

It took me at least half an hour to find the map room. I knocked on the door and waited. A tall, Asian boy with short black hair answered. He had muscly arms and a tired look on his face.
"What do you want?" He said, sassily. This was Minho, I knew it.
"I'm looking for Minho. Is that you?" I asked him. He hesitated for a moment.
"Yeah," He said as if it were a question. "What?"
"I want to become a runner." I said sternly. He raised his eyebrow, as if to say,
"You, a girl?"
"Yes. I know. Everyone says that I'm not fit for the job. But I'm very fast and strong. I can prove it." I looked up at him, with hope in my eyes.
"Listen, greenie. You're a girl. I don't think that would work, besides, don't they need you for other things?" He asked.
"No, I'm shit at all the other jobs. I really want to become a runner."
"That's weird, nobody WANTS to be a runner. It's really dangerous out there, theres grievers-"
"Grievers?" I asked, I pulled a puzzled look.
"Yeah, well. Nobody has actually seen one, or lived to tell about it. They're monsters, you shouldn't go into the maze. That's why we have to get back before the gates close. Or we'll be trapped for the night, and eaten by the grievers." Minho explained.
"I don't care. I want to be a runner. I really want to be one. Please, I can show you my speed if you want me to."
"Go on then." He folded his big muscly arms and leaned against the post.
I think he's expecting a show. I rolled my sleeves up and then bolted as fast as I could, I think I sprinted for a few seconds, before racing back to him. I was fast, I knew it. He knew it.
"Decent speed, greenie. I'll consider it." He smiled.
"Thank you! Minho!" I hugged him, looking up at his face, he was blushing.
"Um, that's okay, just go now. I have work to do. By the way, what's your name?"
"I don't remember." I told him. And then I ran off.

Minho x reader- glade girlWhere stories live. Discover now