Food fight

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This is kinda a filler chapter, but I promise it's still cute.

Your POV:
Me and Minho walk over to the kitchens where Frpyan is slicing a loaf of bread up.
"Hey, Fry. Need some help? We have the day off." I ask him.
"Sure. I could do with some help." Frypan nodded. "There's some old veg and bread over there, it needs to go over to the pigs. Could ya do that for me?"
"Yeah." I say, picking up the buckets of rotting food. I handed Minho one and we began to walk over to the pigs.
"Hey!" Minho yelled, and then threw a handful of rotting vegetables at me. I yelped in shock as they stained my shirt, it stank like klunk.
"MINHO!" I shouted, and then retaliated with a hand of the food from my bucket. It hit him straight in the gut and left a dirty brown stain on his shirt.
"(Y/n)! Fine, it's on!" He grinned, and chucked some more veg at me, it got caught in my hair. We had started a food fight, and lobbed the stinking food off each other, our clothes smeared in the stuff. As we laughed, Frypan ran over scowling.
"GUYS! What the klunk!? Stop it, man that's for the animals!" He sighed, face palming.
"Minho started it!" I whined.
"Snitch." Minho giggled, wiping the food from his shirt.
"I don't care who started it! Get this back in the buckets, do you want those animals to go hungry?" Frypan folded his arms.
"Sorry Fry." I rolled my eyes and we began to collect up the food. Minho winked at me as we did it.
After getting the rotten leftovers to the pigs, we went to get washed up.
"I need to take a shower." He says to me. "I stink."
"Thank god that I'm not that dirty. I might just need to change my clothes."
"Sure you don't wanna join me in the shower?" He smirks.
"You're just saying that to see me naked. No. You have a shower and I'll go change and meet you here." I say, pecking him on the lips.
I rush over to the homestead to change. I find a pair of black jeans, and a dark blue tank top. I throw them on and run over to the shower room.
Minho is still in the shower when I arrive.
"I'm ready! You gonna be long, babe?" I ask.
"Coming out now." I hear him turn the shower off. He steps out, with just a towel around his waist. He's completely shirtless. I blush, trying not to stare at his abs.
"Aw, is it making you blush, baby girl?" He winks.
Baby girl. I'm mentally screaming, and blushing heavily on the outside. My cheeks feel like they're on fire.
"B-baby girl?" I stutter.
"Yeah. My baby girl. Is it making you blush again?" He laughs.
"Kinda." I say.
"You're the cutest." He giggles. "I'll get changed."

How was this Chapter? I might write a new book, some imagines and preferences. Let me know in the comments who you would like me to include. Thanks.
Maia xx

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