He killed a griever

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Minho's POV:
I grab (y/n)'s hand, and we run. Finding Thomas wasn't hard, we could hear his screams, his yells.
We turn the corner and find the shank running towards us, the griever pursuing closely behind.
"You crazy son of a bitch!" I say, yanking him towards us and running.
"Come on!" (Y/n) pants. We manage to find a closing section.
"Quick." I grab (y/n)'s waist, and push her through the closing section, she runs to the other side. "Come on, Thomas!" He doesn't move though, he stands there staring at the griever, as if in some sort of trance. "Let's go!"
"No. You go." He says sternly.
"Are you off your-"
"GO!" Thomas yells, I don't argue and sprint after (y/n).
"What the shuck is he doing?" She asks, clutching onto my shirt.
We could see the griever now, just a few metres away from Thomas.
"COME ON!" Thomas screams at the creature, it gallops towards him, and he sprints away, squeezing the through the wall. Me and (y/n) scream for him to hurry up, but I then realise what he was doing.
He was going to squash the griever.
"RUN!" I yell and yank him by the shirt.
We look down the closing section, and hear the griever's terrifying screeches as its crushed in the wall like a little bug.
"Let's get out of here." (Y/n) says softly. "I don't want to meet his friends."
"Me neither," I say.
"What the hell were you thinking?" (Y/n) asks Thomas as we try our best to jog back to the glade and avoid grievers.
"I thought that if I killed one it might hold a clue or something."
"You're a shank, y'know. You could have gotten yourself killed." I say sternly.
"Yeah I know." He just says, smirking.

We finally make it back to the glade, though the walls aren't open yet. We still have another two hours until they open.
"Two more hours." I tell them.
"What if a griever comes?" (Y/n) asked.
"Then we'll run." I say, kissing her on the nose.
"You two are cute together, you know?" Thomas comments. He has a smile on his face, which is unusual.
"Thanks." (Y/n) blushes. She looks so pretty standing next to me in the pale moonlight, her long (or short hair) beautiful hair swaying in the breeze.
She was like an angel. I'm so lucky to have her.
I've been shucked and gone to heaven.

How was this chapter? Sorry if it was a little cheesy towards the ending, but I wanted it to be a little cuter and added Minho's opinion. Ah well. Keep reading!
Maia xx

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